May 30th, 2008

[info]selfpropelled in [info]paragraffiti

filtered to Peter Petrelli (future)

I've put this off too long. Do you think Claire - the older one, I mean - would talk to me if I, I don't know, messaged her? Knocked on her door? Asked her to go get coffee?

This shouldn't be so hard I don't want to upset her if she's happier here without seeing me.

[info]princesstobe in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to Hyperion Residents

I think we should have a ball. It could be a lot of fun, and we have a gorgeous ball room that no one uses. It might be good to lighten things up around here, there can be music and dancing and of course people can dress up.

I would love to organize one.

[info]selfpropelled in [info]paragraffiti

filtered to Claire Bennet (future)

Claire )

[info]ex_spideysen651 in [info]paragraffiti

Hyperion Residents.

I've been staying with you all for a while, but I haven't really spent a lot of time making friends because I've been busy swinging around on webs because I've been a little distracted. I'd like to start doing that. So! Coming out of hiding here, I'm Peter Parker. I'm big on science, photography, wearing tights and chinese food.

[info]oracleinpink in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to Hyperion Residents

If you hear alarms going off in the middle of the day, ignore them. Well, ignore the one that goes, "BREE BREE BREE". If the one that goes, "SCREEOO SCREEOO SCREEOO" goes off, then you're still going to want to run. Or do whatever it is you do here.

Man, my onomatopoeia skills rock, don't they? But, really, if you listen, that's the noise they make. But the point is, if you hear the 'BREE' one go off during the day, ignore it because it means I've just tripped over something (on the computer, not on the ground). But it'll go off about a minute later, because I should be able to shut it off.

Um, yeah, my name is Max. I'm the girl with the pink hair at the front desk, and I'll be recoding your security system for the next three weeks (well, I hope it's only three weeks...). Don't worry, you're all safe. I'm just... fixing it. Kind of. I mean, for the early twenty-first century, it's really not bad. It just needs some upgrading.

Anyway, I just wanted to warn everyone before I scare the hell out of someone.

[info]missrose in [info]paragraffiti

I think I need to get out a bit more. I feel like I haven't done anything or seen anybody in way too long.

Anybody up for some drinks or something?

[info]tigereyes in [info]paragraffiti

.. What the hell. How did I end up in the United States?

If fucking Naoe had something to do with this, I'm gonna kill him. Swear to freaking God.

January 2010



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