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Oct. 9th, 2008


Gonna go sleep for a few million head hurts something fierce. Everything's just off balance. I thought I was getting better. I don't feel as feverish..just dizzy and so drained. But I can't just lay around all the time, it doesn't feel right I should be out there somehow.... I want to help somehow I just can't think straight. Anything I can do?

Sorry...I thought I was ready for patrolling again. It hurt to morph. I don't know whats wrong, maybe I'll let Kat run a few tests on me. See if she can't fix this.

Oct. 7th, 2008


In case anybody was wondering, I'm still alive here. I've been busy patrolling and helping with things at Isis. I still check every day, I'm just too tired to comment most of the time. Speaking of which, I'm hitting the pillow.

Oct. 6th, 2008


Filtered against baddies

We lost a Ranger. Casey Rhodes, Jungle Fury Red Ranger, is dead. No matter how many times any of us ever told him to take it easy after he got sick, he still went out there and tried his best to make this city a safer place. If even half of us can have the heart and passion he had, we can end this.

Tonight the Rangers will patrol as one unit, and anyone else is welcome to join us. We're meeting at [Kat's Address].

[Kira Ford and Charlie Marquez]
Kira, Charlie, I'm sure I don't have to say anything to you two, but just so we're clear: if I have any problems with either of you I will kick you off the team, no questions asked.


I can't..believe this. Rangers aren't supposed to die. This is really happening isn't it? The apocalypse. I just..I don't know. What can I do? My powers are acting up. I can't ..solid walls, it's so strange. Theirs got to be a way to stop it. Isn't there?

Sep. 30th, 2008


Is everyone okay?

Sep. 29th, 2008


Filtered to all Power Rangers

[ooc: This filter includes Charlie Marquez, cause Mack is nice like that.]

Rangers, check in. I want to be sure all of you are safe and sound. I'm sure all of you have already found out about the water. The Apocalypse is here and we need to get organized. It's not going to be easy, given the number of team leaders here, but it has to be done. We'll patrol together, either in one big group or split in two, depending on how many are sick. I want you all to nominate two people as leaders, based on trust and your confidence in their abilities, not color. No nominating yourself.

Here is a list of all known Rangers in LA. The sick are in italics.
Kira - (3)
Mack (myself) - (6)
RJ - (2)
Tori - (3)

I'm nominating Kira and Tori. I've worked with them before and would trust them with my life.

[ooc: Mack at his truest: taking initiative and being a leader, even if he doesn't realize it.]

Sep. 27th, 2008


Filtered to the Hyperion

I know Jack Landors used to work with all of you before I arrived. Are there any of you who are still willing to put up with him long enough to help me out?

Edit: Maybe I should be more specific. I need someone who knows him, who has a good connection with him, who already knows what's going on.

Sep. 24th, 2008


You would think that if I could program a zord, create delta base crawler, and process several contained criminals in one week that I could make a decent cup of coffee..sadly all my attempts are lacking. The machine is really out to get keeps making scary noises I don't think are normal, even for a coffee machine from ancient technology. This is getting a little frustrating, but I suppose it is nearly time for me to get out of the lab anyways. Is anyone up for some caffeine and company? Z? Kira?..anyone really, I just need someone to talk too other than computers and machines before I lose my mind.

Sep. 21st, 2008


Getting caught in the heat of the moment is NOT a valid excuse to cheat on one's girlfriend.


I don't know who out there knows what happened, but leave Jack alone. No, it shouldn't have happened, it was wrong, but this isn't helping. I can't speak for Charlie or Kira, so I won't, but Jack knows he screwed up and and he's not proud of himself. Let them deal with this and mind your own business. I don't care how much you think it's your business, it's not.

Just know that if you come by Jack and Kira's apartment, I'll be outside to meet you, and you do not want to tick me off.

Sep. 18th, 2008


filtered from kira

Okay, so I'm trying to think of some place to take Kira before the concert. Suggestions? I'm...really kinda bad at this whole dating thing and that's saying something considering I've never even been on one to start with. I've had a girlfriend before but Ally was different. We just..we didn't really "go out" we stayed in and worked at the shelter, but I don't think putting your date to work is usually a good idea? I want it to be something she'll always remember, but at the same time being a ranger doesn't really pay much. So the clueless?


This is probably the funniest thing I've ever seen. I was looking for episodes of Supernatural but then I just felt like too much of a pervert. I hope I have a kid like this someday.

He was injured. )

Sep. 17th, 2008


I don't know where I am. Someone needs to come get me before he comes back!



All of you, absolutely pathetic.

She is still safe from your corruption.


Hello, everyone!

Sep. 16th, 2008


I may have a job again!

It's nice to be needed. Now if I can just figure out how to use the phone..This is quite strange. Has..anyone spoken with a Neil McHale before? I'd like to know what to expect before I go in. I'm trying to reach him and oh these phones are just so out dated.


I feel kind of strange for asking this, but, is there anyone else who likes to sit on a rooftop, or outside at night. In an uncrowded location, and just stare at the moon, or at least try to?

I probably sound insane, but I've always felt drawn to it somehow. Like, I could just stare at it all night, and be content.

Rather insane, huh?

[Filtered to Heather]

You still have my player?

Sep. 15th, 2008


Filtered to Jack Landors

Is there a reason you didn't tell me you're dating Kira Ford?


What's wrong with being a Power Ranger? We protect the planet from evil!

[ooc: This was brought on by Spike. The Overdrive team never seemed concerned about hiding their identities, so I'm assuming Mack wouldn't have a problem sharing. Oh, and yes, he is so totally punctureable.]


Monica? Did you get lost too?

This isn't good, this isn't good
I lost dad, I lost mom, I can't lose you to
This isn't New Orlea


Ladybug, ladybug, fly away home,
Your house is on fire and your children are gone,
All except one and that's little Anne,
For she crept under the frying pan.

Watch for it.

All the little children will die.

You wait and see.

All the filthy little children. Only Anne will be allowed to go back to her dollies, for she knows how to behave .

Ha! Ha!


I don't understand mortals.

Why do you all get so embarrassed at the idea of an orgasm friend? Orgasms have been shown to be very beneficial to one's health and really, you're mortal, you should all be doing everything you can to sustain a long and healthy life, by your standards at least.

And what I really don't understand is the people who have the perfect potential orgasm friend available to them and insist on being coy about it. You lot only live about 80 years each, you don't have time to waste!

Everyone should have an orgasm friend.

I need a new one since Xander doesn't remember me. Which is a shame.


Kairi was attacked by those creatures known as vampires. I prevented them from harming her, and now she is someplace safe. Do not worry about her.

[ooc: Image is the Seal of Metatron, and is Pyramid Head's way of hiding his identity. Also, the message is for the first time typed, and not sent via telepathic broadcast.]


I guess it's time for an introduction.

I'm Z Delgado. Those of you who know Jack Landors have probably heard about me. Or you should have heard about me. Bad things are in store for him if you haven't.

So what's the closest thing to SPD around here? You know, like a local military. I need a job.

Sep. 14th, 2008


I wish I had ten billion dollars.

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