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Oct. 11th, 2009


Filtered Against the Baddies

So I adopted this little motion-activated Frankenstein today at the store. When you walk past him, his eyes light up and he moves his arms and makes 'unnnnnh!' sounds. I think he needs to be hung up somewhere because he's pretty adorable.

I also have a pound of candy corn. I kinda like Halloween.


filtered against baddies;

It's a year exactly since Elaine brought them all back
It's probably not any kind of celebratory thing for most people, but it's proof miracles can happen

It's still weird to be able to talk about time spent in L.A. in years. Even weirder to see how much has changed over all that time.

[ second filter - family/friends/friendly acquaintances; ]
Remember that time I used a :( at Nathan and he bought Rio, our spotted not-pony horse, for the whole family and, by extension, pretty much anyone at the Hyperion?

Still funny a year later.

[ copy of the exchange ]

Oct. 7th, 2009



[ first filter - filtered against baddies; ]
So how is ev
Halloween is coming up, anyone want to help dec
Nice weather today
It's normal, Bennet, not rocket sci

Anymore more future people popped up lately, or were the arrivals just confined to those few days?
[ second filter - filtered to A.I. + allies; ]
So where are we on the Twilight future futures that are coming soon? I want to stop all the terrible ones, but I'm willing to do whatever needs done now to get ahead of the ones coming soon, no matter what it is.
[ filtered to Ailyn; ]
I was wondering if you'd maybe help me with something, if it isn't too weird.
[ filtered to Lavender; ]
Things have been so busy here, but I'm sorry I didn't do this sooner. Anyhow, I wanted to thank you for sending the Firewhiskey. I really appreciate it.

Oct. 5th, 2009


Filtered from Bad Guys and Kids under sixteen

As much as all this has brought a lot of us a great deal of joy, there are warnings to be planned for too. So as such I want to clarify.

We have a future overrun by vampires lead by a powerful master Vampire Leader
One where an entity known as Twilight has killed many of us and those who are not dead are hiding, in this future a second hellmouth has opened?
One, Allana's where the Cylons and the Yuuzhan Vong have joined together under the leadership of Cavil and Nom Anor to wage war on the city.
One where children were being taken by...was it Wolfram and Hart?, I believe it was Ben Winchester discussing this. This was specificly to interfere in timelines? Prevent a good future?
One involving a Demon I believe that Faith's child discussed?

Are these all of the things we need to plan for. Am I missing anything?.

It needs to be noted for the future I believe.

Oct. 3rd, 2009


I was walking to the magic store yesterday, just to help with inventory, and just...thinking about what time I'd left home and I realised. Its the first time this place has felt like that. Really felt like where I'm supposed to be.

Maybe thats stupid and probably no one cares, but there it is

And you'll think its a threat or mocking or something but its true, why am I even trying to talk to... you people raise some incredible kids


You all need to leave this city while you still can.

Don't make me tell you again.

[Filtered to baddies.]
Who do I talk to about taking down a couple Slayers? Even some of their stronger friends?

I don't want them dead. Only out long enough for me to transport them outta here.

I think you'll find it to be an appealing thing on all your parts. Good guys out of your hair, an inside man willing to make it work. You can keep L.A. The city is gonna burn anyway It's quite the opportunity.

Oct. 1st, 2009


filtered to A.I./Hyperion + all allies + family/friends;

I don't know how secure this is, so anyone not comfortable with the chance that this filter could be hacked is free to assemble in the Hyperion lobby.

In the interest of full disclosure, here is what we are up against because of the arrival of Sylar, who is not the Gabriel any of you knew:

[paraphrase of the information shared with Buffy, not a direct replication of the exchange]

And here is my conversation with him, which is all the information I have, other than specifics about what he's done in the past, which can be laid out if someone needs that information.

[replication of the entire exchange (which is still going)]

He's dangerous and from what I've been told, Sylar is an expert liar. No matter how genuine he seems, you can't assume anything no matter how much you want to.

[ second filter - close family/friends; ]
I don't know how to tell Peter. I don't want to lie, but if he comes back now

[ third filter - Claire (ABC); ]
I don't know if what he said is true, but we'll research and talk to people and find out.

Sep. 30th, 2009


Some "Facts" About My Future

We once stopped a bad guy with huge catapults of ice cream. We were all sick for days later from eating all the rest before it melted. )

Most of these are outright lies. You people keep asking about the future, I'm going to keep on making more shit up. However, there might be things on this list that are partially or one hundred percent true. No, I'm not fucking telling what they are, and if anyone else tells, you guys know what I'll do to you, so I suggest you start making the bigger shit up too if you're not telling things to stop these fucking crappy futures or you're not keeping it to little things people could pretty much already guess, because I want to go home to my own goddamned timeline and not some timeline where we traded in cars for unicorns that shoot rainbows out their asses.

Okay! There's people and facts left to share, so who wants to know about themselves in the future? I've got time to kill.

[ooc: HAHAHA, JUST SO WE'RE CLEAR. This is all IC. Only Ben is obsessed with breaking the future. Me, I'm loving you guys and all the stuff you're doing.]


Wow, when some of you told me things could get really crazy around here - you really did mean it.

[ooc: Future people, you can know Trish if you want. I don't mind :)]

Sep. 28th, 2009


[Filtered against baddies]

This.. well now. A surprise, and it takes a lot to surprise Superman. I'd say it's unusual, but I learned long ago that when it comes to a city like this, nothing is unusual anymore. And yet I am here in the past. There must be a reason for it.


filtered against baddies;

Is someone making some very organized chart of all the possible timelines we've found out about, what's gone on in them and when?

Mainly, I'm now lost in future overload and I'm seeing a lot more I don't like than things I do like and actual facts would be so much better than vague hearsay.

Tell me. I keep seeing you talk about being dead and I need to know what you know and why you didn't get back up after.

Please say I'm not the only one looking at all this death talk and thinking they sent us back in these timelines.

Sep. 27th, 2009


Filtered against baddies.

Are these boards stable? Are they safe?


[Filtered against baddies]

Well this is interesting. I did use to wonder what it would be like to do the time warp. Does not being alive yet give me the clear to take full advantage of this situation? WWMD. Although WWDD might be more fun.

So 2006 means no squad. But AI should be here, right?

Sep. 24th, 2009


I have a guilty pleasure. Once in a while I like to read romance novels. Those kinds where the covers are these muscular guys are posing with barely dressed women as highlanders, cowboys, or pirates? They're mindless and sometimes that's all right when you do a lot of researching because the brain needs to rest from time to time.

Then I realized that if the Powers That Be or the Senior Partners ever brought one of those guys here? He'd either be eaten within an hour or turn and run with his kilt flapping in the breeze. They make them out in the summaries on the back to be these big he-men but there is nothing in the book that ever gives evidence in support of that. In fact, I bet the so-called "damsels in distress" are better equipped to save their butts than they are to save the ladies.

I bet they take longer in front of the mirror longer than I do too.


[ooc: Shortly after recovering from this.]

All right, which one of you was it? Didn't we learn from the fangirl wedding incident?!

Sep. 23rd, 2009


[Filtered to Cathy McDonald]

Hi. You don't know me, but I'm new and was told by a few people to contact you, Mitchell and Faith. I would have done so earlier, but I needed some time to sort some stuff out after arriving.

But I'm going to try and be more of a people person now...maybe then I can forget what...happened... I think I got most of that covered now. So...hi?

[Filtered to Fred Burkle]

Hi. You don't know me, but I was told by Faith to contact you. My name is Trish Wellington and I'm new here.

I used to work at a museum and I've studied in Paris and London, and dealt with art and several different artifacts. Faith suggested I might be able to help with research? If there is anything I can do please let me know, I'd love to be able to help in any way I can.

[Filtered to the Winchesters]

I don't know which one of you I talked to, but I know one of you said you wanted me to drink some Holy Water to prove who I am.

I've thought about it, and I'll do it. I'll drink the Holy Water to prove I really am Trish Wellington and not Ruby, or Emily or whoever you think I am.

And if you do poison me well...I guess I might thank you?

And then, I think you owe me some answers.

Sep. 21st, 2009


So I can never resist these things.


Sep. 17th, 2009


filtered to family/friends/friendly acquaintances;

It's fun to introduce little brothers to the really good cartoons - the 'classics' I guess you could call them. Lady and the Tramp was one of my favorite Disney cartoon movies when I was little, but I haven't watched it in forever, so that's the one I picked for our Sunday afternoon cartoon.

After seeing the whole thing again as an adult, which was fun because things can seem so different to you as an adult than they do as a kid, I'm pretty sure of one thing.

My fiancé is Tramp.

Sep. 15th, 2009


Custom Filters

[Filtered to the Justice League]

Noticed a couple of new players in town, seemed like your area of expertise, Crane and Harley? The human nutjobs tend to be your thing, but you know if you ever need the help of me and my team you only gotta ask.

[end filter]

[Filtered to Angel Investigations]

New vamp in town, or really a returning old one. Calls himself Harth Fray. He's pretty badass and basically seems to be half Slayer. So be careful with him, do not treat him like a regular vampire and anyone who brings me his dusted remains gets a cookie. I promise I won't even make it myself but get you a decent one, flavor of your choice.

All jokes aside, we don't know exactly what we're dealing with with him yet and quite which parts of the Slayer package he has. I don't want to lose anyone to him, so not afraid to emphasize the being careful here. I'm adding another training session a week for those on my Offensive Team, where you all get the fun of attacking me, getting used to the Slayer instincts and all in case he has them.

[end filter]

[Filtered against bad guys]

Another day, another bad guy or several. And here I was wanting a trip to Disneyland. Ah well, Goofy would probably have turned out to be a demon anyway.

Sep. 14th, 2009


Not that I don't love a good round of vague creepiness or appreciate how funny it is when Eve gets shut down (and sweetie, have you noticed? It happens a lot), but I'm tired of staring at these boards. Who's up for dinner?

You. Did you know there's another you walking around?

How ya holdin' up, Big Guy?

Sep. 13th, 2009


[Filtered against Bad guys]

You know what I really fancy? A party. Not for any particular reason, but just because we could all use a night off to relax. Because so much happens in this city, some good and some bad and I think every now and then we should just all take some time to appreciate what we do have.

And I don't just mean one of the groups here, I mean all of us who aren't evil. Together. For group harmony and all of that.

Opinions? Comments?

Sep. 7th, 2009


Filtered from Bad Guys

The Wedding is going to be today. Small ceremony, just the bridal party, but then you're all welcome to join us to celebrate. I've booked a hall at [Address], Nothing fancy, I've had enough of that.

...Its been too long coming.

Sep. 5th, 2009


Jacen gets a party?

Do I get a party?

I get shopping don't I?. Can there be shopping?



Do you want to explain Xander?

Sep. 4th, 2009


[Filtered against Bad guys]

Why does this all have to be so damn confusing? I'm dealing, I am. Therapy. Fuck. This is so not going to go well.

Is it too much to ask for something to not be confusing?

I know some people are conflicted over Angel being here. I'm one of them Can we just all be putting away of the stakes though? Please?

Sep. 3rd, 2009


So you've gone through four Buffy's, Faith's dating a crazy guy, Spike's with Harmony again and Lindsey's married?

This version is definitely screwy.

For those not in the know, I'm Angel and I gather my last version here didn't go out on the best of terms so let me clarify, Not evil. Anymore.

And not dead. Besides, y'know. The being dead.


We need to talk I think. And soon.

Aug. 27th, 2009


Custom Filter

[ooc: post this]
[Filtered to the Angel Investigations Staff and Buffy Summers only]

So, I kinda fractured my wrist. It's not bad or anything, but I'm not exactly going to be at my best for the next week. We can't delay hitting the Scourge base until then. So, my suggestion is, since Buffy knows the base layout the best, that the Offensive Team follow her on this. If you're up for it B?

[Filtered to Sam Winchester]

I'm currently kicking myself. Fractured my damn wrist. It'll be fine in about a week, but damn it's annoying.

Aug. 23rd, 2009


[Filtered against Bad guys]

I quit. I resign. I'm done. Someone else be leader.

Fuck, Angel, I miss you so much.

Spies. The Scourge have spies, members of the group they consider not strong enough to be soldiers. That's how they decide when and where to hit. That's their weak link.


[Filtered against the Baddies]

I'm just research girl, not a leader, and I've been staying out of this but I have to say something now.

I know there's bad feelings. I'm sorry for that, I really am, and I promise I'm not about to get all speechy. But we got a big, purifying, goose stepping problem and we need everyone together on this so we a.) don't lose anymore people because that'd be very sad and b.) can get rid of this problem. AI and the Justice League and Team Rock Salt and all the allies near and far. I know we don't agree. There's a lot of different schools of thought here thanks to the mixture of people from all the times and places and dimensions and experiences that we got. Disagreements are natural and expected and hurt feelings are unfortunately going to happen. But there's gotta be a common ground we can meet on, right? Then after, people can sit down and talk or give cold shoulders or yell or move on or send people to sit in the corner for time out all they want. That was a lot more than I meant to say and kind of rambley. Sorry.

Also? I like y'all a lot but I got a big 15th century demon compendium and I'm not afraid to use it.

Aug. 21st, 2009


Next person who 'ports me somewhere with out asking, or at least warning me is getting punched, a disapproving frown, and a serious lecture. By Willow while she still fol, about the misuse of magic. Just a heads up.

At least I didn't make with the returning of my lunch.

Now, who brought me back to the US of A in the middle of important things? Hello, LA, you're actually looking a better than I thought you would be. 'Port me back.

Aug. 20th, 2009


Well, well, well...just when I was getting used to being non-fiction again.

Never thought I'd say this (and I bet none of you thought you'd hear this) but it's good to be home. And by home I do mean here.

Lavender Brown, is back! Someone fill me in on what I missed?


Has anyone seen or heard from Wesley? Please.


filtered against baddies;

It's 7 a.m. and I still can't sleep.

I'm engaged. Me.

I have something I want to ask you.

I have something I want to ask you.

[Sam W.]
I don't know if you'll see this before or after you get the video message, but I have a confession to make. I completely and totally misunderstood you on the boards yesterday, about Dean. I mean, to an embarrassingly awful degree.

You were right, and it only took us a week of being ridiculous screw-ups for me to figure it out!

Aug. 19th, 2009


filtered against baddies;

Despite the fact that nearly everybody I know seems to be a dog owner (there are what, four dogs now at the Hyperion?), there is no way anyone can resist these faces.

image )
These kittens, and MORE, of every color imaginable, are FREE TO A GOOD HOME.
Not to be used for snacks, currency, gaming purposes or other dangerous activities.

[Sam A.]
Did you get the information?

Aug. 2nd, 2009


Many peanut butter cookies and an X-Files mini-marathon before bed makes for really strange dreams.

Jul. 31st, 2009


Today was hard, so I
I think it'd be
No, I'm not.

The earliest recorded case of a man giving up smoking was on April 5, 1679, when Johan Katsu, Sheriff of Turku, Finland, wrote in his diary "I quit smoking tobacco." He died one month later.

How's it going?

Jul. 20th, 2009


I got a job today. Tech support.

One of my soon-to-be coworkers has an action figure of one of my best friends on his desk. Is it weird that I kind of want to play with it? Not going to make the joke about it being life sized. Logan gets enough short jokes as it is.


filtered against baddies;

Huh. According to my message board account, I've been here over a year. Weird how that's the longest I've stayed anywhere in years.

Yay, L.A., I guess?


[edited in after she mulls it over]

Jul. 18th, 2009


filtered against baddies.

Uhhh. Guys.

I found a...thing. With a vampire. And...uh.

Anyone know how to change diapers?

Jul. 6th, 2009


Filtered away from the under-10 set

What's the average tooth go for these days? Lian's got her first loose one, and I want to know how much she'll be expecting from the Tooth Fairy.

I'm just hoping she doesn't try building a trap again, lest we have a repeat of the infamous Easter '08 Incident. I've made it through supervillain lairs without getting caught, but I wasn't expecting to be caught by a web of string, bells and bubble wrap in my own living room.

Jul. 5th, 2009


Well, isn't this shiny and new?

Hello, 2006. You're...kinda a let down, not gonna lie.

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