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Dec. 21st, 2008


[Filtered to Peter Petrelli]

Miss me yet sweetie?

[Filtered to Bela Tablot]

How goes the assignment?

[Filtered to Uriel]

You confuse me. You claim to be an angel, yet want to kill off half of the humans it seems. Care to fill me in on the deal here?

[Filtered to the bad guys]

Got a job for one of you, pay is damn good if any of you survive.

There's an annoyance in my life I'd like removed. Name of Faith Lehane. If one of you manages to kill the bitch, the rewards will be substantial.

Dec. 19th, 2008


filtered to the Petrellis, the Bennets, Claude Rains, Elle Bishop, Hiro Nakamura, Niki Sanders, & Gabriel Gray )


Oh bloody hell.

Dec. 18th, 2008


I can't be the only one finding this amusing.


[ooc: backdated to noon yesterday, before this]

Claire? Are you still at the store? How about future-you? Okay, look. Present Claire, I thought you'd be back by now.. unless you saw some deals and you got a load of goodies to bring back. Future Claire, I was hoping to talk to you. About.. umm, stuff. Maybe hang out. Or learn about what the future holds in our world back home.

Maybe I'm just paranoid. I know girls take longer than guys with some things. Like shopping, picking movies, or getting ready in the bathroom. Maybe they're both a little occupied and forgot to come back right away. Maybe they're having fun. Then again, this city is crazy, lots of weird stuff. I shouldn't really worry, they're indestructible.. but I can't help it.

I don't know. I guess I can try calling they're phones again. Or maybe I'll just go back in the lobby and wait for my sister(s) until she comes back in the doors. But if anyone sees her out there, could you do her normal brother a favor and let me know? Please? Thank you. Much appreciated. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go back to my PS2 magazines. Gotta do something while I wait, after all

Dec. 15th, 2008


Filtered to AI, friends, and associates

I'm back. I'm home.

Thank you, everyone. I know a lot of you were looking for me. I truly appreciate it.

I'm... taking some time. I need some time. But I have some plans. Ideas. I know we're not always on the same team, but I like to think we're on the same side. We need a way to work together. We can make some great things happen when we're all on the same page, and I'd like to keep that communication going strong.

Some kind of network, where we can keep one another updated on any new threats to the city, on any current plans, or any potential hazards. A way to coordinate our efforts without any one group dominating the line. We all have our specializations. I think we could use that to have one united front. Better than fighting for a place in line.

Or worse, sitting back and waiting for someone else to step up.

Just thoughts at the moment. The will to act is regrouping. I want to aim it in the right direction.

[Hyperion] )

[Heather Mason & Sam Winchester] )

[Niki Sanders] )

Dec. 4th, 2008


I'm engaged. I'm engaged. I'm engaged. I'm engaged. I'm engaged. I'm engaged. I'm engaged. I'm engaged. I'm engaged. I'm engaged. I'm engaged. I'm engaged. I'm engaged.



Filtered to Peter and Sarah

Sooooo????. Excited?, terrified? all of the above?!

Enjoy it. Every single second of it and I'll see you both later :D

Nov. 29th, 2008


Filtered to Peter Petrelli.

What would you say if I told you that I wanted to leave for awhile?

Nov. 28th, 2008


Where the hell...

I know theres weirdass things in the world but come on. It looks like I'm in LA but that makes absolutely no sense? All I found out so far is that its far too easy to get attacked in this city and that this board seems to be the go to place for confusion

My name is Claire Bennet. Now can someone please tell me just what the hell is going on?

Nov. 26th, 2008


Filtered to Peter & Faith.

Great job being convincing, you two. I thought for a minute it was real.

How did the reactions go? Are they buying into it? Any updates?


filtered against minors;

Oh my God! Peter, what is wrong with you today?!

For that matter, what is wrong with the both of you?

[ooc: LULZ.]


What the hell is up with you tw-

On second thought, none of my business.

[Filtered away from anyone under twelve]

What's a better method of getting an annoying child to shut up? Duct tape or telling him Santa doesn't exist?


multiple filters

Caleb )

Glory )

Hyperion )


Filtered to Peter Petrelli.

Are you a fucking moron, Petrelli?! Did having that letter opener shoved into the back of your head damage your brain? What the hell do you think you're doing kicking Faith out? Are you looking to piss off enough people that they gang up on you and chop your head off?

[FILTERS REMOVED after Peter's reply to let everyone (except minors) see]


["Filtered" to Faith]

[ooc: the post is set as a filter, but it appears as though the filter was not set properly - the post can be read by anyone, but can only be replied to by Faith and Peter. At the time this is posted, no one is aware of the Plan but Buffy, Faith, and Peter to allow for genuine reactions (they have to SELL it, people!)]

Damnit, Faith, we had an agreement! You're still on probation from that last stunt you pulled. You are not to go out unsupervised again! Where am I going to find you next time? Laying in a gutter? The city morgue?

Nov. 25th, 2008


Ah, nurses.


Filtered to Hyperion.

[ooc: Monica has just awoken from a dream where she found out something about her Niki she didn't want to, aka what happened when she (being Monica) decided to use her powers to be a "hero." Insert fear, regret, and 'OMG I AM NEVER GONNA USE MY POWERS AGAIN!' Also Hiro and Peter, she hates you two right now. And could care less what either of you have to say about anything.]

Oh God.



It's all my...



Oh God. Oh God.

What have I done?!

For the record. I am never using my powers again!


Filtered to Nathan & Peter Petrelli.

Keep your mother the hell away from my room. I don't know what she wants from me, but I'm not in the mood for vague cryptic bullshit. I don't care if she thinks she's helping or not.

Nov. 24th, 2008


filtered to Peter;

Advice time, when you have a free few minutes.

Nov. 23rd, 2008


Filtered to Buffy and Faith

So what's the deal with Caleb, anyway? Why does he want you two so badly?


Filtered to Peter Petrelli.

I wanna make you an offer. A little...negotiation, if you will.

Nov. 22nd, 2008


Filtered to Peter Petrelli

Mr Petrelli,

I was wondering would be alright if I...if you might allow me...

I need to see Faith you see, rather urgantly and she is not answering her cellphone.

Can I come to the hotel?.

Might I come there now?

I can't let him near Jacen or the other Jedi.
I think he might kill them to get to m
I can't believe I'm asking this
At least there its defended
I still think you. did help Amelia

{ooc: feel free to have him pick up the strikeouts with the technopathy}

Nov. 21st, 2008


Filtered to the Hyperion.

Has anyone seen the younger Claire? She isn't in her room, and I haven't been able to find her in any of the communal rooms of the hotel.


[Filtered against the bad guys]

I don't know about the rest of you, but I need a distraction. There's too much insanity going on around here.

So I'm putting together a Pyramid game. Frak it, if I could build a court of Caprica after the genocide, I can build one here. I've even found a space and it'll be done by tomorrow morning. If you want to come down and join in I'll be grateful forever. [ADDRESS]

Here's the basic Rules


Filtered to Peter Petrelli

You have a problem grave enough that I am contacting you. This seems to be happening more than I'd like.

...Its Miss Chase.

She has, inadvertantly found herself manipulated into an....into some kind of involvement with Darth Caedus. Now I don't know how much you know of him, or of who he was before his fall.

Its a tale I don't particularly wish to recount again.

Either way I can tell you that I know him. I know what he is capable of and I suspect Miss Chase has decided to confront him over his deception herself. He destests betrayal and he may well consider it as such. Even if he doesn't he will continue to twist things, lie and manipulate her into looking the other way, overlooking things.

So I have no choice but to betray him again warn you.

Stop her.

Nov. 19th, 2008


Filtered against Baddies

Sarah and Peter got engaged after my parents, and they've already got the invitations out.

Mom, Dad, you're slacking. Don't make me break out my not impressed voice. I will start organizing this thing myself if I have to.

[Filtered to Nathan Petrelli]
Hi, sorry, I don't mean to bother you, but I was sort of hoping you could help me?

I was supposed to start at either Yale or Cornell very soon in my world, but that's not going to work here, obviously.

I have all my transcripts, and applications done and stuff, but they're not for this world. I was thinking maybe I could take some courses at UCLA...I just need to make transcripts look legit. for this world. Are you able to help me? I swear the grades are real.

Nov. 17th, 2008


filtered posts


We have a serious problem.

[Nathan, Heidi, Sarah, Hiro, Claire and Claire, Niki, Monica, Micah, Molly, Angela, Charlie, Claude, and Bennet]

Don't go out alone. Any of you. For those of you living at the Hyperion, that is a direct order. Those of you elsewhere, trust me. Do not go out alone.

[Nathan, Hiro, Niki, Claude, Bennet]

I found a body. Head sliced open, brain removed. At least two days dead.


Need to ask you something. Where were you staying, when you weren't here?

Nov. 14th, 2008


Do you know what's worse than a demon or a vampire that runs around killing people?

A person who does it. It's sick.

People who murder other people don't deserve to live.

Nov. 13th, 2008


filtered to Peter; against baddies; Elaine & Peter;

[filtered to Peter]
You're not very attached to the idea of a Catholic wedding, are you?

[ooc: consider their initial exchange private to them, I wasn't going to double post. :D]

[ETA filter: against baddies]
We are getting married in three weeks. THREE WEEKS EXACTLY. So long sleep.

Mary Jane, Heidi, Cathy, Charlie, older Claire - planning party ASAP, say tomorrow?

Nathan - you owe me fifty bucks.

[ETA filter: Elaine & Peter]
Peter and I would like to come see you to discuss something.

Nov. 8th, 2008


filtered to the Hyperion

I may be away this weekend. There's something I need to do.

I'll have my phone, if there's an emergency.

{filtered to Cordelia and Peter}
I'm going to take Aang away from the city for a little training. I think these Dementor things are starting to affect him.

Call me if you need me.

{filtered to Aang}
I think we need to spend some time training. Azula is here, and it's only a matter of time before she attacks again.

Besides, it'll do Appa some good to get out of the city for a little while.


For all of the complaints I may have about this place, at least the weather stays nice for the most part. Unless there's some outside force changing it, of course.

{Peter Petrelli}
I think I may b-

I need some hel

I know you're busy but, can we talk?

{Darth Caedus}
I need to stop doing this. It's wrong.

I'm going to be patrolling near the Santa Monica Pier tonight, if you have the time wanted to meet up.

Nov. 7th, 2008


[filtered to the Hyperion]

Gabriel's gone. There's a note at the front desk I just found.

[Peter, Nathan, Sarah]
There's one addressed to you guys too.

[Peter - mental link]
[ooc: not spamming graffiti and comms]
Okay, Gabriel's gone, what is going on.

[a flicker of the letter as she looks down to read]

"After what happened, I can't stay and run the chance of doing it to one of you that can't come back."



filtered AGAINST Hyperion/Wolfram & Hart

Some universe.

So. What do you do when your mortal enemy turns out to be one of your best friends, and one of your best friends turns out to be your mortal enemy?


{Filtered to Friends}

Lindsey and I are moving in together.

Nov. 6th, 2008


Filtered to Peter & Nathan Petrelli.

So. Is someone going to tell me, or am I supposed to guess?

Nov. 5th, 2008


Two days and counting. Still unsmote.

Nov. 3rd, 2008


To Whom it May Concern:

I, Lindsey McDonald, rabid attack dog Champion of the Senior Partners and corporate puppet CEO of Wolfram and Hart, officially resign my position on this day, the 3rd of November, 2005.

There's probably an eloquent way of explaining my reasons but I don't have the patience or the goodwill to make it sound like it's been a great ride. I'm tired of every move I make watched, every decision second guessed, the people I associate with scrutinized for their "influence" on me. I posess morals, as damaged as they are, an independent mind, and a morally grey stance. And I'm done playing by someone else's rules for an agenda I don't believe in.

If you have some kind of a problem with that? Bring it.

Lindsey McDonald, ex-CEO
Wolfram and Hart

P.S.: I'm keeping the car since the title, registration, and insurance are all in my name.

P.S.S.: Amazing what you can do with phones nowadays. Posting to message boards from anywhere.

Nov. 2nd, 2008


I need a drink.

{Filtered to The World. Not everyone in it, but the planet itself}
Leave me the hell alone.

{Filtered to Sarah and Peter}

I really hate to ask for favors...but I kind of need one.

Oct. 28th, 2008


I'm naming my kitty Matt!

[OOC: Totally prentending this is after Nathan takes Molly to the Hyperion, since the thread is almost complete.]

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