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Jul. 11th, 2008


By show of hands, who here is a geek. Don't be shy, step up to the plate.

Jul. 10th, 2008


It is time.

Jul. 8th, 2008


This is Mohinder Suresh.

Does anyone know anything about...randomly appearing in Los Angeles? And, if so, why? From what I can tell about this city, I don't think that should even be too odd of a question. Unfortunately.

Thank you in advance.

Actually, while I'm at it, does anyone know anything about the whereabouts of a girl named Molly Walker?

Jul. 3rd, 2008


I would like to expand my training on the sword. Is there anyone who will help me?

Jun. 24th, 2008


images. )

Jun. 17th, 2008


I didn't mean to run's just that I wanted everyone to know about my powers. I wanted to help others like me to not feel like they're alone. I was sick of pretending and hiding, I was sick of suppressing what makes me me. I was done pushing people away. I miss my family. And I wish they could miss everything too, that they didn't have their memories erased.

I want to call you Dad, but I don't know how. I want to say I love you, and I do, but I'm scared to voice it. I'm scared of rejection. When everyone else goes running to their person, I wanted it to be you or Peter. But now your other family is here. The kids who grew up calling you their father and weren't abandoned. Sometimes, I hate that Noah and Nathan both start with the letter "N."

I started to fall for someone that I never should have. It's taboo and gross and so, so, wrong, but we didn't know and things just...clicked. We never talked about it, but I'm pretty sure he knows. Maybe you even felt the same way at one point.

I think having a future self hanging around is weird. It's not fun and I don't think we're gonna be friends any time soon.

I don't want to be alone and I hate that I have to admit that.

Jun. 16th, 2008


I betrayed Takezo Kensei.


I knew he wouldn't call but it still hurt. Just reminded me how alone I am. No one ever sticks around. Everyone leaves, dies, or just vanishes.

I miss my mom and this truth thing sucks.

Jun. 17th, 2008


I will kill, with my bare hands, every man who has propositioned or hit on or looked at or offered anything to my wife.

EDITED: Except for the cripple. I'm just gonna drop him for real this time. From as high up as I can get in the air.

Jun. 15th, 2008


I recently found that Wolfram and Hart can be very understanding of one’s situation when you offer them your services and undying loyalty. Now, I am not the type to turn myself over to somebody else, but what I asked for and received in return was well worth forgetting the usual and choosing to do something new.

This would be the perfect moment for you to come pay me a visit, Potter. We could have tea and then I could kill you. What do you say? I’ll let you bring your girlfriend along and she can watch while I rip out your internal organs and shove them down your throat, without the use of my hands! Or my wand! That sounds fun, does it not?

I’m too excited to sit her much longer. I need to go out and do something with my time. I feel like assassinating somebody important… Potter is on the top of my list, but until we run into each other, I’ll be happy to murder people in his name. Children, perhaps… Little, pathetic muggle children.

Jun. 14th, 2008


What year is this?

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