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Feb. 4th, 2009


[Fred Burkle]
See if you can find anything out about these new assholes 'guests' to Los Angeles, okay? Abilities, weaknesses, anything you can find.

Keep me updated on what's going on with your groups and patrols. If those bastards sho--

WHERE THE HELL IS CLAIRE? I swear to Elaine, if anyone's hur

Does anyone know where Claire is? I heard felt sensed her. Fear, pain-- she was cut off. Dean, talk to me.

Something happened to Claire. The older one. Does anyone know where she was today?

EDIT TO ADD: [Anti-baddies]

Looking for Claire Bennet and Mary Winchester. ANYONE with information, don't hold back.

Feb. 3rd, 2009


filtered against baddies/heather.

So what do you do after you finish comforting someone when you're actually not very comfortable about the thing you comforted said person about?

I mean. I meant a lot of the stuff that I said. But I don't want to add my worry to Heather's, so I'm just trying to play the optimistic guy. She needs me to be that person, right?

Jan. 31st, 2009


[Filtered to the Hyperion plus allies and friends]

So, insane vampires. In LA. wanting to kill us

Don't know about you guys but I pretty much want them dead. Anyone else in?

I'm thinking finding out what those tricks of theirs are might be a plan. Anyone ever come across the name Saga Vasuki? I know Sam's looking into it, but this is a all the help we can get sort of thing. Especially as I actually like being alive.

Jan. 30th, 2009


I would like to make one thing perfectly clear. There is a very short list of people who truly understand what Hell is. That list consists of the Angels, a couple of the demons, a pair of lawyers and two others.

If anyone feels that they are lacking the appropriate understanding about Hell, believe me I would be more than happy to send them down there for a quick vacation, lets say only an hour Earth time? I believe that would only be days of what feels like eternal suffering and torment.

We're fighting a war here people. On multiple fronts. Try to act like it every once in a while would you.

Jan. 28th, 2009


filtered against baddies;

Definitely feeling good today. Except for the big bruise on the side of my fa

[ooc: future-dated to tomorrow afternoon, as I'm sure he'll be sane by then.]

Jan. 29th, 2009


[Filtered to Gabriel and Oracle]

So you two are the smartest computer people I know and if anyone can get a message out it's you guys.

I urgently need to get some news to some friends of mine, Rupert Giles [DETAILS], Robin Wood [DETAILS] and Andrew Wells [DETAILS].

Please tell them that the vampire gang is on the move and wherever they are they need to get out, now. Get the girls out. The vamps are making their way from Tokyo, probably because they've heard exactly how the PTB give their Champion his power.

Tell them they need to get the word spread. Every squad between Tokyo and LA needs to be told, hell every contact our people have. The vamps have probably figured the Champion is the only chance of stopping them so that's probably why they want to come here personally.

Jan. 26th, 2009


Greeks. Gifts. Timeless philosophy.

Where do you get decent pizza around here? The kind where the crust isn't hard enough to kill someone with it.


It fixes anything...

That pit thing....anything


Filtered against baddies/Ron

Why does it take so long for men to realise the hints you've been giving them!


In the Gospel of Luke 16:19–31, Jesus tells the story of Lazarus, a beggar who lay outside the gate of a rich man who dressed in fine clothing and dined sumptuously every day, but gave nothing to Lazarus. Both men died, and the beggar received his reward in the Hereafter, at the everlasting banquet, while the rich man craved a drop of water from Lazarus' finger to cool his tongue as he was tormented with fire.

In the Gospel of John, Lazarus was a man who lived in the town of Bethany. His sisters, Mary and Martha, sent word to Jesus that he was ill. Jesus delayed, and when he finally arrived it was found that Lazarus had been in the tomb for four days. Martha reproached him, and when Jesus assured her that Lazarus would rise she thought he was referring to resurrection on Judgment Day. To this Jesus replied, "I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die". In the presence of a crowd of mourners Jesus had the stone rolled away from the tomb and bade Lazarus to come out. This he did, still wrapped in his grave-cloths.

There is a Lazarus pit, I saw it on the news. Has anyone been?

filtered; hal )

Jan. 25th, 2009


What will you muggles think up next? )


Filtered to the Hyperion.

For anyone interested, there's cheesecake in the fridge, cookies cooling on the counter, and a pot of tea brewing on the stove.

[Filtered to Sarah & Peter]
Going to pop out for awhile. I promise I'll keep you updated, but I won't be gone long. Just somewhere I have to go for a bit.


I'm feeling better, A good night's....relaxation. does wonders for ones mind. Orders things.

I think thats what the city lacks. Proper honest to goodness order. Its developing factions, squabbling and fighting and its going to make things worse.

Just needs a push in the right direction is all.

And that woman that has everyone so concerned? Logic would indicate if she is a threat? Kill her. For now,at very least find somewhere to keep her out of harms way. Its not that difficult to comprehend.

Jan. 23rd, 2009


what the hell did I take last ni
Los Angeles? How the
if I miss another differential, House is going to

Alright. I don't know what the hell is wrong with the website for Continental, but why can't I book a flight for Newark? The dates keep saying it's 2006.

Jan. 22nd, 2009


What the hell.

[Filtered to Faith]
Put your friend on a leash. Preferably a short one. That's all I'm gonna say.

Jan. 23rd, 2009


I have a question for people. If you once had power of some kind, could you ever go back to being weak ordinary?

Jan. 21st, 2009


filtered away from hermione / mum / ginny.



Jan. 22nd, 2009


The human race is so flawed.

Jan. 21st, 2009


filtered to Peter, Nathan, & Sarah Petrelli.

I have something that I want to talk to you guys about. Would it be all right if we met in the kitchens for awhile? It's not really something I want to say over the boards.

And Peter, since I already promised, it's not talk of leaving. Cross my heart.

Jan. 20th, 2009


Filtered to Sam Anders.

Anytime this week that you're free, you can come by. I didn't tell him what was going on. I figured that was your place, not mine.

Jan. 19th, 2009


Filtered to Peter Petrelli.

Conscious and able to talk?

Jan. 17th, 2009


filtered away from heather/baddies;

I can't do it.

I can't talk to her, I can't look at myself in the mirror without getting angry, and I can't take care of a damn kid. But I'm not gonna give it away, because what if it's like me? Who's gonna want it? And abortion is out of the question. I was against it before all of this happened. It'd be fucked up if I started to support it now.

I know what everyone is thinking too. If I'm not giving it away and I'm not killing it off, then I don't really have a choice so I should just shut up and deal. I know. I have to deal. I have to support Heather and take care of her and this kid.

I just don't know how. I don't think I'm strong enough.


I hate people.
I hate stupid people.
People are stupid.
I hate stupid people who do stupid things all the stupid time.
Calm down, Sam. Calm down.
If one angle of a triangle is 90 degrees and one of the other angles is known, the third is thereby fixed, because the three angles of any triangle add up to 180 degrees. The two acute angles therefore add up to 90 degrees: they are complementary angles. The shape of a right triangle is completely determined, up to similarity, by the

Someone wake me up when the world stops sucking.

Jan. 18th, 2009


What am I? If I'm a machine why do I sleep? Why do I keep dreaming of that song, over and over in my head? What does it mean to be one of the final five? Why are there no more copies of my model? Am I the last? Where the rest Boxed? If I die would I download to a new copy?

What's my number? If Cavil is One, Leoben is Two, D'Anna is Three, Simon is Four, Doral is Five, Caprica is Six, Sharon is Eight, then what am I? Seven? Or are we numbers Nine through Twelve?

My life is a lie, my parents, my history. Is anything I feel even real?

Is it my destiny to destroy humanity? I've come back, thousands of years, is it all to watch the cycle repeat itself? Watch them all die?

Or to destroy them myself. Is that what I'm supposed to do, supposed to be?

Frak it

You know I think I've listened to every version of "All along the Watchtower" there is and I have to say, Dillon was overrated. Hendrix did the best version.

Jan. 16th, 2009


Sensitivity training is a joke. Two four hour classes that attempt to get you in touch with your softer side so that you meet the societal standard of empathy to work with the public. Goddamn bias against former Wolfram and Hart employees.

There's a sharing stick.

Quick. Someone have an emergency so I can get out of here and appear sensitive at the same time so they'll pass me.

Jan. 14th, 2009


HeY, lOs AnGeLes! LeTS PlaY A lIttlE gAMe. yoU kNOw hoW iT GOeS!

|  O
|  |

H I C K O R Y   D I C K O R Y   D O C K

T H E   M O U S E   R A N   U P   T H E   C L O C K

T H E   C L O C K   S T R U C K   O N E

A N D   I S I S   E X P L O D E D

Of course, the stick figure I'll be drawing is just a representation of Frank here. Frank will be our hanged man tonight. I tried to find Jason but, well gee, I already killed him, didn't I? Anyone seen my crowbar?

[edited after game]

So, how much can you believe what you read?

Jan. 11th, 2009


filtered against baddies;

I never post this much to these damned boards.

Has anyone seen this girl? Because this is getting ridiculous.

[second filter; Hyperion + friends]
Molly's missing (Hayes, to be more specific). I can't get the cameras to show me the shot I want, she's on one frame and then not in the next.

Jan. 8th, 2009


You know when you get that feeling where you just want to throw a sharp and painful object at someone's head because they're so bloody well annoying?

Right. Well, after doing so, is it unusual for one to feel a little badly about it after walking off and leaving them about to bleed on the street?

Jan. 9th, 2009


Some Lost Boy's reject tried to bite me when I refused to give him my wallet. My, my LA your gang requirments have really gone downhill. Now if someone could tell me why the hell I can't leave, I would be much obliged.

On the brighter side, I wonder if being stuck in some third rate version of Escape from LA is excuse enough for missing the first week of class.

Jan. 8th, 2009


Hmm. Well. Well, well, well. Isn't this... quaint.

Let's liven up the place.

Jan. 7th, 2009


filtered to Adam Monroe.

St. Victor Catholic Church on Holloway Drive. Tomorrow morning at 9. Whatever answers you can give me, I want them.

Jan. 6th, 2009


Filtered to Adults, but from Jacen

Does love mean unconditional forgiveness?

I mean...if you love someone, truly love them, would you forgive anything?

Jan. 5th, 2009


Sometimes, when I find myself growing frustrated, I wonder to myself... what do you all really want?


Filtered to the Petrellis & the Bennets sans future!Claire.

I'm sorry.


filtered against baddies;

[ooc: Posted in the wee hours after Sam's covert op.]


I know how to use it to figure out who did. Fess up or it'll be that much worse when I find you out.

Jan. 4th, 2009


filtered against children and harry mason;

Poll #2954 A Guy Thing or a Sam Thing?
Open to: All, results viewable to: All

There was a recent discussion in which I, Sam Winchester, stated that I would not mind seeing Heather naked during our wedding. Now while it might be awkward for her to be without clothing in front of other people, the fact that she mentioned nudity in any manner of course sparked an agreeable reaction out of me all the same. In any males case, where their partner or someone that they're attracted to talks about themselves in the nude, is it really all that unlikely that they would respond in an agreeable manner or is it just because I'm weird? Because Heather seems to think that it's just me, in which case I believe that it's a perfectly normal reaction for any male in general. What do you think?

View Answers

All men would love to see their woman in the nude after being tempted.
4 (44.4%)

No, Sam, no one wants to see a woman naked after she talks about herself in such a way.
1 (11.1%)

Sam wins. The end.
4 (44.4%)

Heather is wrong.
1 (11.1%)

Heather is very wrong.
2 (22.2%)

Dec. 28th, 2008



[ooc: because I had to do it to the 400 year old immortal!]

Dec. 27th, 2008


I hope you all had a merry Christmas.

I'm afraid I'm in rather a difficult situation, I've just had a look at my financial situation and it's dismal at best.

I don't suppose any of you could help a chap with a place to stay could you?

Dec. 19th, 2008


See what happens when you defy God?

And She was being nice.

[Filtered against Ruby and her allies]
Do you want to know why you're being plagued? It's because of the demon. The filthy whore running around with one of our fallen. I can promise you all that the plagues are going to keep coming. God is very displeased with this demon and wishes to do nothing more than punish the wicked.

Find her. Bring her to us. The plagues will cease.


filtered to the Hyperion;

All right, where is Charlie?

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January 2010




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