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Dec. 31st, 2008


Happy New Year's, L.A.

I hope you all have a great year and that you get to do everything you wish for.

Dec. 30th, 2008



If I ever get my hands on the person who did that, I swear I'm dropping you on one of the moons of Mars. And that isn't the least bit sarcastic. Not funny.

I thought I could go home. I thought I had a family waiting for me.

Dec. 28th, 2008


[Filtered to those dealing with the Amnesia Age-Reduction Candy Calamity Victims]

Welcome to my world.

Dec. 27th, 2008


We need to get to the bottom of this...thing.

Dec. 28th, 2008


Don-El if this is your idea of a joke it is SO NOT FUNNY. Mother's going to kill you if she finds out you sent me to Earth!

OH WOW! I can put my hand through the wall!

Nobody told me the yellow sun made things THIS AWESOME. I bet I can bench press a building! I so have to try that. I have to go find the biggest one.

[Italics are in Kryptonian. She now thinks she's about nine years old, and her memories last shortly before she had to leave Krypton

Dec. 26th, 2008


There are a lot of people out there who could use food, shelter, and clothing.

I was wondering if anyone out there wanted to help contribute? Even if it comes down to clothes that you don't wear anymore or a few cans of food that you think you can spare. Every last bit can and most certainly will help.

If so, feel free to drop by our site. My friend Clark is collecting everything over at the Daily Press [address]. He'll gladly take any donations you have to offer. They'll be given to people who could really use some help right now. I'm sure they'd appreciate it.

[ooc: Posted as Superman, not Clark. Yay for secret identities?]


This place is slowly starting to feel like home again.

There are strange robberies going on; the Press is trying to dig into the story, but the police have no leads. I know that a lot of you that hang around these boards hear all kinds of things, so I was wondering if maybe you've heard anything? They're calling them the 'Ghost Robberies' on account of someone being capable of slipping in and out of the places they've hit without leaving any sign of entry. It's mostly been clothing;'s, what, theft by the rabid shopaholic? I'm not sure.

Any information on the matter would be greatly appreciated. So far, I'm empty handed. And clueless, for that matter.

Dec. 19th, 2008


So are we expecting more from these plagues that have been going on? Because I don't think I want to have to clean anymore frogs out from my balcony. And stepping on them never ends well.

Dec. 18th, 2008


I've decided that I'm tired of moping around my apartment. It's not doing me any good.

Does anyone want to do something?

Dec. 16th, 2008


filtered to the NOT-Lois.


Dec. 13th, 2008


Christmas is coming up.

I'm a little upset that I won't be able to visit my family this year. Smallville isn't anyplace close to here.

Dec. 12th, 2008




Hey Justice League people? I’m coming to stay with you guys because there’s no one else here and I don’t want to be a homeless orphan who has to live in an alley and sleep on benches in the park next to the pigeon lady. I did that before and it was NOT fun. We should have a slumber party! I have peanut butter ice cream but we need pie because you can’t have ice cream without pie. I want pumpkin but any kind will do, just as long as it’s pie. Maybe cherry instead of pumpkin because I had pumpkin last night and I probably shouldn’t have the same kind two times in a row. Right?

And oh hey? I’m also lost. I’m currently standing between a garbage can and a statue that looks like a scary clown who would try to murder me if it magically came to life. And I just stepped in gum. Gross.

Dec. 7th, 2008


Another day at work and this is the most that I've accomplished.

Slow news day, I guess.

Filtered to Lana. )

Another survey. )


This is my first Christmas in this century. Any suggestions?


Filtered to Clark Kent (older)

It's her, Clark. It's Lois, I'm sure of it. I know there are sometimes face doubles that show up. I mean, obviously, because there's a blonde girl named Chloe where I come from who looks like her. But it's her, it's too much of a coincidence to be just that. She even has a job at The Daily Press. As a secretary, but still.

I tried to call her on it, but she just denied it. I'm afraid if I keep pushing, she'll start ignoring me, so I'm trying to play along. It's frustrating. I don't know what to do but keep her talking and hope maybe she'll stop this.

Dec. 6th, 2008


I need somewhere to stay, and it looks like most of the apartments in this town are taken. Any suggestions?

Dec. 5th, 2008


I don't know what the guy in 2B's problem is but he sounds like he's possessed or something, screaming at all hours of the night in what sounds like really broken latin. This girl either needs to get some sleep or a caffeine IV. I need to get to finding some work in this town if I really am stuck here.

I used to work in a coffee shop type place called Java the Hut and I worked for my dad who is a Private Investigator, I have some computer skills and receptionist experience as well, but I'm not sure what to really look for here, besides who takes a teenage PI seriously unless she's a cartoon?

Dec. 4th, 2008


I just don't know what to do with myself anymore.

It seems like a lot of people post things like that on here, don't they? I guess I'm not the only one out there with problems. We all have them. And we all have to deal with them.

I guess it's just the dealing that makes it all so difficult.

Dec. 3rd, 2008


The lack of respect people have for each other around here is disgusting.

Now go ahead, tell me I'm childish, and that I couldn't possibly understand. Prove my point.

Dec. 2nd, 2008


Filtered to the League [including both Clarks & Raya]

Tomorrow, a memorial to Kira Ford will be held at [address]. Some of you may not have known her very well, but she was a good friend and a fellow hero.

I think it would show great respect for her and the other Rangers, if we attend. Even if you didn't know Kira, it would mean a lot to me and her teammates if you made an appearance. They're going to need support and I know that we can give them that.

Dec. 1st, 2008


Has anyone else heard about the rabid dogs that have been running loose? Apparently they've been attacking people.

Nov. 29th, 2008



Anyone see or hear from him lately?

Nov. 28th, 2008


Filtered against Lois Lane.

If someone betrayed you, would you forgive them?

Given that they were truly sorry.

Nov. 26th, 2008


Nothing like being covered in blood and guts to make you wish for a vacation from what really should be a vacation. I'm stuck in Los Angeles, there is no way I should have this much to complain about.

[Filtered to Trance]
Be careful walking around in the front hallway. I think I lost control of the telekensis... stuff started exploding when I walked through the door and there was some glass mixed in there. I cleaned it up, but knowing me, there's probably still some left. I don't want you to hurt yourself.

Sorry I haven't been around the apartment much. I think I really do need a break.


Filtered to Clark (comic) you um..
this is so st

...have any free time? if not I totally get it I just was hoping to talk or get coffee or something. Or you know, whatevers good for you. that sounds so lame


i never know what to type on this. i feel lonesome, i guess.

Nov. 25th, 2008


I read in the news paper today that a woman in New York murdered the two women her husband was cheating on her with. Then she went on to say that it wasn't because she was jealous, she just wanted to prove she was better.

The more I try to understand humans, the more they confuse me. I'm starting to think I'm never going to get it. They get mad when something is destroyed by accident while trying to save lives, like a car getting smashed. But then when I heard comments on the article, some people were saying that the husband shouldn't have been cheating, and that he almost had it coming.


I was stupid. I thought it would work, but it didn't.

It didn't work. Not that it would have really mattered if it did work.

Is it selfish to want to be loved?


He's gone.


You saw the message. Happy?


I'm sorry.

Nov. 24th, 2008


What do people do around here for fun?

Nov. 23rd, 2008


Filtered to Lois Lane.

You and I both know that I can't ignore you forever.

Nov. 21st, 2008


I'm beginning to think that I need to interact with more people here. I've been so busy with I don't know many of you and I'm certain that many of you don't know me. In a city like this one, I think that it would be wise for those of us who are capable of being friendly and polite to interact with one another, don't you? Stay away from the bad things and instead focus on the good. I certainly can't sit around and claim that I am the good that you need in your life, but at the very least, I hope that I can become a friend.

I thought about telling you all a few things about myself, but I decided to do something different instead. There were a few surveys floating around the office today (I was applying for work) and I decided to fill one out, just to entertain myself a little. Feel free to do the same. It may be a good way for us to start talking!

Survey. )


Ugh. I feel like I'm dying. From the inside out. I haven't been to work in two days, haven't eaten in one, and haven't really been out of bed since this morning. This isn't exactly good, is it? *curls up and contemplates writing out her last will and testament*

I miss him so much, I think I've made myself sick.

[ooc: Strike can be hackable by friends.]

Nov. 20th, 2008


Filtered against baddies

Is it wrong that I long for death? Does it make me a coward?

Nov. 16th, 2008


I don't like being so angry.

It's not right for me.

Nov. 15th, 2008


They're already setting up for Christmas in the stores! I love this!

[Private to Lindsey]

If I said I was going to quit working at Wolfram and Hart, and pretend when I say this you actually care about me, consider me a friend or whatever - would you agree or tell me to stay?

Nov. 8th, 2008


May contain spoilers for season three of Heroes )


I told them I didn’t want to play Candyland with them. Look at the age range you morons! It’s 3-6. I’m not 3 and I’m not 6 so why the hell should I sit down and play this stupid, boring game with you? I told them that and they just ignored me and eventually tried to bribe me with chocolate and promises of fun and knowledge of some kind of a secret strategy.

Now look at me. I’m back in this dump and God only knows what will happen to my fish back home. He’ll probably marry it. I’ll go back and he’ll be married to Lola. There will be little mutant fish babies and they’ll be playing Candyland.

I hate this place. Raya's not here. I miss her and I don't care if it's only been three hours.

Nov. 7th, 2008



This doesn't look like Angel Grove. O..kay. What's going on? this time

Nov. 6th, 2008


I think this city may even be more chaos ridden than Metropolis. And that? It's saying something.

Nov. 3rd, 2008


Why the hell do I ALWAYS have to crave Starbucks in the middle of the night? Why can't it be during the day? I can't exactly go out at night. I've forbade myself from it, after what happened the last two times I tried it.

Damn vampires.

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