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Dec. 14th, 2008


Alessa? You are dead. No one hurts what is mine. I may be an ex demon, but don't think for a second that makes me any less creative when it comes to the vengeance.

Dec. 9th, 2008


filtered to Hyperion + allies + friends;

[ooc: this was posted after the other posts started early this morning, leaving time for an off-scene pow-pow first. My brain is still stuffy, so if I've forgotten some part of this post that should be here, please yell.]

Some time last night/early this morning, Peter failed to check in as normal. As of right now, we're officially declaring him missing, likely kidnapped and somewhere within this city. For those of you who weren't here back then, this isn't the first time he's been a target, so if you've seen or heard talk of a vampire named Darla, now's the time to speak up. Other than that, we could be dealing with anyone or anything at this point, so what we need is information.

Cordelia's already gone to check with the same people we dealt with last time drugs were used to kidnap him, so I'm posting what was just discussed. Finding Peter is priority for this team, because the longer he's out there, the longer we're all vulnerable. However, it's not the only thing we're doing, but patrols are being rerouted to compensate for our people working elsewhere and we're hoping our allies will lend a hand right now with our response time this slow.

This also means no one is to be off provoking or chasing any of the bad guys, including those who aren't bad all the time, just temporarily, because if you do, you can deal with Cordelia. We can't afford to lose people or to spread ourselves thinner right now.

Comb the streets and see what the talk is out there. Word will spread and even rumor has weight right now. We also need people on the hunt for whatever magic and technology can suppress telepathic, empathic and other abilities and connections from inside it as well as outside it, as well as ways to get around those thing. Fred, Anya, Dawn, Xander – any or all of you, you know this world best, we're hoping you can help narrow down what we could be dealing with here on that end.

[Gabriel] )
[Hiro] )
[Charlie] )
[Buffy] )
[Faith & Niki] )
[Lavender] )
[Lindsey McDonald] )
[Angela, Bennet, Claude] )
[Text to SBC!Claire and ABC!Claire] )

Nov. 29th, 2008


[Filtered against the bad guys]

Right. So I'm mortal. Again. And on the one hand that's a good thing. But on the other, I have no powers. No teleporting, no ability to bend reality, nothing.

So I have decided that this time around I am not going to be helpless.

In my very first life, over a thousand years ago, I was actually a pretty darn powerful Witch. Not Willow level, but those only come about around once every millenia or so. But I was at about the level of say, Amy Madison, or Tara maybe.

And I am going to be again. I am going to work on developing my magical ability again. I mean, over a thousand years as a demon must have had some affect. And I want to be useful, beyond my incredible knowledge of demons and demon dimensions.

So, does anyone want to help me?

Nov. 27th, 2008


[a little backdated]

Happy remembrance of the past conquering of other nations.

Enjoy your ritual sacrifice. With pie.

Nov. 24th, 2008


[Filtered against the bad guys]

Hi. Back now.

Please can no one stab me in the chest any time soon.


Nov. 13th, 2008


[Filtered to the Hyperion + Spike]

I'm back.

I know what I have to do.

I need Buffy now.

Nov. 7th, 2008


[Filtered to the Hyperion]

I need to go away for a couple of days. I may have some sources who can fix this mess I made. But I need to go alone. And before anyone asks if this is some stupid self sacrificing thing, it's not. You just have to be a demon to enter some of the demon realms I have to visit.

I'll be back I just...

I need to fix this.

[Filtered to Xander]

I promise I'll fix this.


[Filtered against the bad guys]

I have noticed something lately. And it has perturbed me. Now we are currently a Slayer down (and yes I know I played a part in that) so I feel a little pop quiz is in order.

If you're a native of this world, you're disqualified.

And looking up the answers is cheating. If you're in a fight you won't have the time to look up the answers in books, so don't do it now.

Question 1. Give me three ways to kill a vampire.

Question 2. What kills a Fyral demon?

Question 3. If you shoot a Strom demon in the face will you kill it or make it angry?

Question 4. Stabbing a Vengeance demon in the heart has what effect?

Question 5. What is the primary risk in facing an Ethros demon?

Question 6. What is the Polgara demon's primary defense?

Question 7. Why should you be wary around a Nurbatch demon?

And Question 8.

If you failed to answer any of the previous questions and yet happen to run into these creatures, what is the correct course of action?

ETA: to avoid cheating, filter your initial answers.

Nov. 3rd, 2008


[Hyperion + allies/friends, minus Buffy ]
Well this is fun in a way that actually isn't. Buffy ever feel quite like this in the past? Or are we dealing with Alternate Reality Swap: Buffy Edition?

ETA: It was Caleb. Buffy is now a 'villain', one 'like' Caleb and others Buffy's objected to in the past. Can we work with this? Does it maybe make her less evil than being changed to evil? Villain's a pretty broad term, after all.

Before a hundred plus people jump down your throat because this isn't the first person to go evil/be swapped with evil them, and previously, there were wishes involved, can I ask - did you grant a wish for or concerning Buffy recently? Because I know I didn't grant any wishes and I'm pretty sure I didn't do this. I know you can't help it if you did, you had to do it and I believed you when you explained all of that to me, and I'm definitely not blaming you, but I am curious.

Oct. 18th, 2008


[filtered to Xander]

That Caleb guy keeps talking to me.

He said he was scorned. I think he wants me to grant a wish. If he makes one I can't say no.

Oct. 17th, 2008


Filtered to Anya.

I got a surprise for you.

Oct. 3rd, 2008


[Filtered to the Hyperion]

I need to be let in to see Xander. Now. Let me in, Please. I promise, I won't go all vengeancey on anyone. I just need to see him.


seein thing
not here, no there
oh god
b uff
som one?

Oct. 1st, 2008


Alrighty. Now I'm usually the last person in the world to go all out with the motivational speeches here (I am so beating you to the punch, Buff), but I'm kinda sick and the only thing I can get on TV is Judge Judy (and while she's entertaining, I can only stand her voice for so long), so I'm laying here, in bed, typing up this little speech for all of you people out there who are having a hard time accepting that, yes, we're definitely in the middle of what appears to be a very chaotic apocalypse. So read it and appreciate it, people, because Alexander Lavelle Harris does not go out of his way to get all speechy for just anyone.

We lost someone the other day. She wasn't my best friend in the entire world, but she was someone that I had a certain level of respect for. She died doing what she did best. Fighting. Protecting you. All of you, because she knew that it was the right thing to do. It has nothing to do with destiny or competition or anything else. She died for you. Faith is gone because she wanted to see a better world out there. And I think that's something that we all need to acknowledge and respect.

I know that a lot of you are hurting and scared and all of that other stuff. But if there's someone out there willing to die for you, then don't you think that there should be some level of hope that we hadn't seen before? I mean, yeah. Faith died. That doesn't exactly scream "oh well we've got the upper hand now" because obviously we don't. But I knew Faith. And if she thought that by going out there and doing what she did best was going to make a difference, then it obviously did. There are a lot of people out there working on this. People that I know, people that I trust, and people that I care about. I have every single bit of faith in them and I'm not worried. They're gonna save us, guys. It's what they do.

So sit back. Hang in there. Give or take, this thing'll blow over in good time.

...I may sound a little delusional right now. But you'll have to let it slide on account of me being all sick and stuff.


filtered to all of the Sunnydale 'Scooby Gang'

Alright. Clearly, things are bad right now. Bad being an understatement. And most of you know that I'm more likely to gnaw off my own arm than actually admit I was once a proud member of your little group from back home.

However. Faith is gone. Others are dying as we speak. Granted most of us are a part of Angel Investigations, but let's face it. It just isn't the same as it once was. Us, those of us reading this post, we're the ones who stop the end of the world. It's what we do. It's what we all chose to do - Buffy aside, of course - and it's something we're damn good at doing.

With that being said... I'm calling a Scooby meeting. Xander, I know you were on Heidi's sick list. If you can't make it, we're bringing it to you. Otherwise, I say we do this like old times and meet up in the library. Not the one on the second floor of the Hyperion, but the one on the third. Yes, the floor is technically closed off, but nobody will bug us there. And hey, I own the building, so it's not like anyone can object.

So that's it. If anyone else wants to join me, I'm going to be there, at three o'clock this afternoon. It's time we figured this problem out and, even if we can't manage that for some reason, at least give us all a second to re-group and figure out how to deal.

Also - for anyone who isn't in the Hyperion and is a part of this filter - just let me know and I'll get you clearance. No one else even needs to know you're in the building. If you want to be there for the meeting, of course.


Before anyone asks.

No I cannot wish people back from the dead. As much as I would like to right now. Because having both Slayers back would be really useful right now rather than having one dead and the other not so much with the coping.

So don't ask.


filtered against baddies.

Faith. She... Something happened. Something went wrong. Sam killed her. She's d gone.

Sep. 29th, 2008


The water is making everyone sick...
...I've been drinking it and I feel just fine.
Nothing different from the usual.
I wonder why...

[Filtered to Anya]
I heard a rumor...
I know this is selfish but I need the closure.
If. If this even works.
I wish-

I wish I had my daughter Cheryl back, even just for a little while.

What's your price?

Sep. 28th, 2008


Is anyone else feeling re

it's spinning?

Sep. 23rd, 2008


Toto, I don't think we're in Kansas anymore.

Sep. 15th, 2008


[filtered to the people who know and fear Bellatrix Black]

Oh god, I'm sorry, I couldn't not...

She wished and,,,

Bellatrix Black.

She wished to be strong enough to stand against you all....

I couldn't not do it, I'm so sorry.

I saw what she intends to do, the killing, the torture.

I'm sorry.


I don't understand mortals.

Why do you all get so embarrassed at the idea of an orgasm friend? Orgasms have been shown to be very beneficial to one's health and really, you're mortal, you should all be doing everything you can to sustain a long and healthy life, by your standards at least.

And what I really don't understand is the people who have the perfect potential orgasm friend available to them and insist on being coy about it. You lot only live about 80 years each, you don't have time to waste!

Everyone should have an orgasm friend.

I need a new one since Xander doesn't remember me. Which is a shame.

Sep. 14th, 2008


I wish I had ten billion dollars.




[ooc: day after this. Sam really hates you, Anya.]

I'm really confused today.

Sep. 13th, 2008


Just to be clear on this, why am i being threatened over this situation? It wasn't my fault, I just grant the wishes!


Filtered to Anya.

When he's gone, you're next.

Sep. 8th, 2008


Well this is weird.

I mean really very weird. I was here for a scientific conference, which happened fine, it was all very lovely even if the hotel was dreadful, but I get to LAX and I'm told my flights of them. I tried busses, trains, even a bloody boat. But nothing,

There some kind of protest against travel no one told me about.

Its like something doesn't want me to leave here.

Anyway till I figure this out I was told this was the best place to ask so, hello. Names Fred Smith, Winifred if we're being particular since its whats on my passport. I'm a Bio Chemist based out of London.

Sep. 3rd, 2008


So mainly I wanted to say thank you to Cordelia for telling it how it is about Vengeance Demons...

And so we are all clear...

Yes I am a Vengeance Demon. Yes, I grant wishes. I specialize in scorned women, but I wield the power of the Wish and am not limited in that regard.

I do not choose the Wish. I am merely the instrument through which the wish manifests itself. I do not care if the Wish brings chaos or fluffy puppies.

Yes I granted Kira's wish regarding Sam Winchester. Yes the two versions are switched. To the best of my knowledge the original one is still alive. If i had full use of of teleporting powers I would go and check, but I can't.

I cannot simply reverse a wish of this scale. That is not to say it is impossible to do full stop, but I alone do not have the power to do it. So stop asking me to.


There will be an immediate expulsion for all students involved in these shenanigans.

Sep. 2nd, 2008


I think it's time for a little confession.

Don't you?


Filtered to Anyanka

Please tell me it's possible to reverse that wish! This isn't what I meant or wanted. The Sam you brought here is a murderer. I'm sure he's probably killed at least one person by now and I know they'll be more. I mean...I know you're a demon but you don't seem all that evil to me. Do you really want innocent people to die?

Sep. 1st, 2008


No more wishing. Everyone got that? No more wishing.

If you have a wish, keep it in your head where it belongs.

This place isn't insane enough, now we have to worry about accidentally screwing with people.

Aug. 31st, 2008


So hello Los Angeles.

It would appear I am stuck here with you lot. This is very annoying. I have much better things to do with my time, not to mention a demon for a boss who gets very cranky when targets are not met.

Wait, I'm supposed to try this manners thing

I am Anya. It is nice to meet you.

Feb. 27th, 2008


I am getting so tired of this never-ending slumber party! I want my sun back! Do you know how many vampires have attacked me in the past TWO days?! This is going beyond the usual Sunnydale horrorfest.

Home is looking so good right now.

Feb. 9th, 2008


Willow! Xander is broken! He doesn't remember me. I demand that you do some lesbian magic thing and fix him. Expect without flaying or world domination or making him into a girl. And if you can't, I demand somebody fix him.

There is not time for an apocalypse when people are broken. People should remember orgasms, you know. It doesn't seem fair if they don't. When are you guys going to stop this creep no sun thing anyway? Somebody has to fix it, too.

Feb. 3rd, 2008


001 // Money

I need money. The Magic Box isn't going to re-open itself, you know. Angel. Cordelia. Whatever good-deeds you do that bring you money, I need money. I am more than willing to exchange goods or services for it.

Los Angeles is kinda gay, like the Willow kinda gay, not as an expression. Although maybe it is that too, I haven't seen much outside the hotel.

Jan. 19th, 2008


When I heard that L.A. was in some dire straights, this wasn't exactly what I had in mind. What in the name of the Goddess herself happened to this place? It looks almost as bad as Sunnydale, except it isn't a giant crater in the ground. Which, I guess, is kinda good since people are still living here and it'd be really not so good if they were all dead because the place imploded.

Had an earthquake. That's what I meant. Because that is so what happened to Sunnydale. Big, giant, honking earthquake. Complete with the aftershocks and everything.

Oh! Introduction! Right. I'm Willow Rosenberg. And, I guess I'm new here. Well, not new new, on account of me having been to L.A. before a few times, but I'm new enough to make an introduction and, well, I guess that's it. It's nice to meet you all! In a completely computer sort of way, of course.

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