December 14th, 2009

[info]imp_ulsive in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to the JLA and any other superhero type in the city!

If we ever happen to come across any of these people, is it okay if I make fun of them in some way?

Because really.

And again.

[info]morallydamaged in [info]paragraffiti

I thought I knew torture. Then I went Christmas shopping. Even if it had its moments...


So. You still pissed off at me? With the Mind Fuck 101, I lost track.

[info]cowgirl_ed in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered Against Villians

I'm working on the forms to make my tech business all nice and legit and hit a snag, I'll need ID since the college is closed for vacation.

Anyone to see?? I've still got my ID circa 2077 if that helps anyone (and would Ein need tags?).

Sorry for all the questions!

:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

[info]callsignathena in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to Lindsey McDonald

I'm looking for a lawyer, and I hear you're one. We've never met, my name is Sharon and I'm a friend of Sam Anders, from the Lux. I'm new to the city, and I was told that if I needed help fabricating some documents to prove that I'm supposed to exist here, I should speak to you.

[info]lovemesomepie in [info]paragraffiti

After Faith's party

So let's take a poll:

Who thinks the whole separate beds/not seeing the bride before your wedding is a joke?

Especially if you've already seen e--

For perspective, we do already more or less live together in two different houses.

Pick one
a) It's a stupid stupid tradition
b) Dean's right. End of story
c) Wedding traditions are for dorks
d) Claire might maybe possibly have a point

Added 30 minutes later
Damned evil technology. Just write one in, I don't know how to make the little poll bubbles. Where is my genius brother when you need him?

[info]souledvamp in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to Spike, Faith, Fred and Nathan

I could try the whole speech thing but I'm actually just gonna say it.

The Powers called me and Spike to them for tests, they say the city needs a Champion and they've named us...both.

I can only figure cause of the mistakes I made with Wolfram and Hart last time and the fact that Spike's an idiot, saved the world with a necklace not had his soul long

This will take some getting used to and we're not planning to stomp all over what you've done with AI. But thats the situation as it stands and we decided you three should to be the first to know.

January 2010



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