December 13th, 2009

[info]frostandsnow in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to Morgana

How're you settling in? Anything you need? Are you aware of your...

Has anyone talked to you about the city yet?
Tags: ,

[info]ex_demonbloo908 in [info]paragraffiti

The average person will spend two weeks of their lifetime waiting for a traffic light to change.

[Filtered to Jacen and Tenel Ka]

Hey, could I ask the two of you something?

[Filtered to the people attending/involved with Faith's party - except for Faith!]
Spike is loaning us The Factory for the party. He's allowing me to rent the place out son of a bitch is a pain and I swear I'll for the night, so we're in the clear for a private area. It'll be there, Thursday, at eight-thirty.

Kennedy, I'll need you to keep Faith busy until nine. Think you can manage?

[info]ex_queentobe411 in [info]paragraffiti

I need to find work. Though it is difficult when they ask about 'previous employment' and they laugh at your response.

[info]secretmagic in [info]paragraffiti

[Filtered against evil lawyers]

Hey.. so, this is how we introduce each other. I might be starting to get the hang of it now. Not really, but I'm trying So hello, people. My name is Merlin. I'm just a servant boy born in the village Ealdor, serving Prince Arthur Pendragon of Camelot. And now here I am in this extremely bizarre city. It takes a lot of getting used to, I guess.

[Filtered to Angel Investigations+allies]
I heard that you have people that practice sorcery there? Good thing that Uther isn't here or heads would roll. Literally. But anyway.. I'm also a wizard. I'm curious to what type of magic is here. Like, the nature of it, how it's done. And is it really true that practicing magic isn't a capital offense? Everyone says that it's okay. But I just want to make sure. This is also the first time I heard that those who practice law are evil. I know some are always corrupt... but never thought it would be so many.

[info]future_seer in [info]paragraffiti

I suppose I should also start looking for occupation. However, unlike Gwen, I do not have any skills that would be deemed useful in this time period. I don't suppose they pay one to sit around and read all day.

I will take a page from Merlin's book and introduce myself. My name is Morgana and is a pleasure to make all of your acquaintance. Take that, Arthur Pendragon


Are you free at the moment? I would like to talk with you, in person, if you have the time.

[/End Filter]

[info]frostandsnow in [info]paragraffiti

This has officially been the most surreal few days of my life. Not saying everything is perfect, but its the first time in months I've felt...vaugely like myself.

I just wish he'd...

Feels kinda strange.

Anyway, how're the new people settling in, I know its a change, I know how much of a change it must seem. But you'll adapt/



I'm teaching Morgana LeFay about her magic. Thats okay right?

She's not yet what history calls her, and she doesn't have to be. Its gonna be okay and I'm not hiding anything. Not anything


How are you?


So historically Morgana LeFay, I know how it looks but...
Its not like...
You're not....
...forget it

[info]ex_queentobe411 in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to Sarah Petrelli

I hope I am doing this...message just to one person thing right.

I do not wish to bother you, but I was told by Ruby that I should speak with you about helping with the day to day running of a place called the Hyperion?

January 2010



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