December 7th, 2009

[info]queenofironfist in [info]paragraffiti

Heihachi Mishima

What have you done? If you think this will be enough to stop Jin, you are painfully mistaken. He will defeat Azazel, and you old man.

Jin? When you see this, contact me immediately. We must arrange my transport back to the tournament.

[info]cross_the_light in [info]paragraffiti

I understand that this is the means used for newcomers here. Very well. I am Catherine Weaver. President, CEO, and co-founder of ZeiraCorp. This was not my intended destination. This is not the future ravaged by Skynet and it's blind machines I am not yet aware of the method used to bring me here, nor who has that capability. Needless to say, this is an inconvenience. Please explain.

[info]onthefringes in [info]paragraffiti

[Filtered to Claire Bennet]

I'm sorry.
You'll never forgive me.
You shouldn't ever forgive me.
Are you okay?
Of course you're not okay.
You're the most beautiful woman I've ever known


How are you?

[info]not_to_be in [info]paragraffiti

Some lady wished me a 'Merry Christmas' and then handed me a pamphlet on Jesus and God and salvation. Then she went on about how good God is, sending Jesus down to earth.

Really? Cause I'm still convinced if God exists he is an asshole, or he just has a very, sadistic sense of humor. Makes me wonder if he lets us suffer because he is simply bored.


Are you still up for teaching me how to knife fight?


You offered to teach me how to use a gun earlier? Are you still up for that? I'd understand if it was weird for you.


Are there still going to be lessons at the Hyperion in fighting?

January 2010



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