November 14th, 2009

[info]mirtagev in [info]paragraffiti

The holonet is boring, how come we don't have stuff like This back home. Kept me amused for ages while Ailyn was napping just asking it things and flipping it for answers.

I probably shoulda got a real coin but this had variaties of other Earth places.

[info]hench_wench in [info]paragraffiti

Hey, so...if I wanted to help with the goody goody thing and like, catch bad guys or whatever, how would I go about it.

No catch or nothin I'm just bored.

Would I have to change my outfit. Cause really I like it. Its very me. And Mister J would be awful upset with me if I went and did a dumb thing like that.
Also could I still sometimes steal stuff if its really pretty.

I'd make more cookies if ya let me help Bats? I make gooood cookies don't I?

[info]childofearth in [info]paragraffiti

I guess I should have expected this considering where I'm at being all up in L.A. and not exactly the city of Motocross, but I tried to find a new bike today. Mine got left back in Blue Bay. My poor baby..I tried six different shops in the city and none of them even knew the difference between BMX and Motocross. Harsh. Man..without motocross what's a guy supposed to do for fun around here anyway?

..maybe I should open my own store.

[info]notjustageek in [info]paragraffiti

In one week, I will have officially been here a year. Not in a new arrival kind of way because I've been in Los Angeles a couple of years, aside from being in Pylea, but in the 'I hopped a year ahead and made some new friends' kind of way. It's gone scary quick even though it feels like I've known some of you forever now, which is meant in the best way possible.

It's been pretty cool.

January 2010



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