November 1st, 2009

[info]galacticsaviour in [info]paragraffiti

Can someone please explain to me why I was just attacked by a 17 inch Darth Vader doll?

He actually tried to Mind Trick me. It tickled.

[info]faithinthedark in [info]paragraffiti

[Filtered against bad guys]

SAM! The teddy bear you got me for Valentines Day just tried to maul me!

[info]goingtowin in [info]paragraffiti

I have no toys or stuffed animals to jump at me. Thankfully apparently there are more toys here than I knew about to make up for that fact.

But I was watching Practical Magic and have a sudden craving for Midnight Margaritas.

[info]angelblood in [info]paragraffiti

Aspirin does not cure all.

[Filtered; Lindsey McDonald]
[An well detailed and coloured sketch of a man in his early thirties. He has shoulder length brown hair tied back into a pony-tale at the base of his neck, with a few gray hairs. His eyes are a pale, watery blue, with thick black eyebrows and frame-less rectangle glasses. His skin is tanned, and like he spends too much time in the sun. Square jaw set on a long face. There is a distinguished scar that runs along his left cheek.]

This is the guy.

[info]frostandsnow in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered from Bad Guys

Cathy's missing.

Swung by the LAWC to meet with her but found signs of a fight, a struggle, Clary was unconcious and yes she's fine, but no sign of Cathy.

Clary knows the details but it was demons and a human and they must have taken her with them. Beyond that I don't know yet. Tried a real quick basic fire and a map of the City locator but the whole thing burned which means either not here or somewhere that blocks me.

Someone thats...y'know, leadery and better than me at this. Ideas?, Plans?

[info]faithinthedark in [info]paragraffiti

[Filtered to friends]

Before this kicks off, I want to make sure we're all clear.

What is about to be said between myself and Ruby is being made up. It is. It really, honestly, is. Not old wounds getting opened at all.

She could be our best shot at getting an in with Lilah, we need Lilah to find out what's happened to Cathy.

So don't freak out, okay?

[info]robinindahood in [info]paragraffiti

I tried ghosting through my computer. In short, now I need a new one, at least a new screen. That wasn't the smartest thing I did today, I cracked the monitor. but the list of today's stupid is to long to bother wI did some research on molecular electromagnetic repulsion, or phasing. Theoretically I should have been able to phase through and scramble it's circuits. I only gave myself a headache instead ghosting through something that complex and wirey filled. Maybe I just need more practice or concentration or something..I haven't been able to focus on a damn thing today, that probably didn't help.

[private to Faith]
If you need me, you know I'm there. But I need off a few patrols. It's been a year since Kira..I might..
I don't know what I might do yet, but Sam thinks I should put together some kind of tribute. I'm not really sure how these things are supposed to work..

[info]frostandsnow in [info]paragraffiti

You know this, the toys, the silly little games.

How long is it gonna be before you AI people let loose what you really can and end this. Or are you getting too used to living the lie around here? I know some of you are really good at that whole living a lie thing but just cause they're in charge doesn't mean you all have to follow like sheep.

The power you people have and you still let this happen?

[info]pyramidcylon in [info]paragraffiti

[ooc: BACKDATED! To yesterday, 31st October!]

Just to let everyone know that Ailyn Gev-Anders was born yesterday. Both she and Mirta are doing great.

I, on the other hand, have a tiny version of Mirta's grandfather pointing a gun at me and demanding to know when I'm going to be a real man and marry her. I can't deny it, I'm hiding.

[info]goingtowin in [info]paragraffiti

[Filtered; Lindsey, Sarah]

I realize you have a lot of things going right now. You're probably working on a plan that doesn't involve an online bitch fight and trying to get to the top of W&H. Or maybe that's your plan too. I don't know. I'm staying out of your way, but if you need a Slayer, I'm here. If not, good luck, and bring her back home.

January 2010



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