September 28th, 2009

[info]regenerating in [info]paragraffiti

filtered against baddies;

Is someone making some very organized chart of all the possible timelines we've found out about, what's gone on in them and when?

Mainly, I'm now lost in future overload and I'm seeing a lot more I don't like than things I do like and actual facts would be so much better than vague hearsay.

Tell me. I keep seeing you talk about being dead and I need to know what you know and why you didn't get back up after.

Please say I'm not the only one looking at all this death talk and thinking they sent us back in these timelines.

[info]imp_ulsive in [info]paragraffiti

This is all retarded. I want to move to Alaska.

[info]hold_the_globe in [info]paragraffiti

[Filtered against baddies]

This.. well now. A surprise, and it takes a lot to surprise Superman. I'd say it's unusual, but I learned long ago that when it comes to a city like this, nothing is unusual anymore. And yet I am here in the past. There must be a reason for it.

[info]sonofajackal in [info]paragraffiti

I feel something, I sense something in the city. What.. is it? WHO is it?

I got a headache. Which is weird, since I don't get those. This is a very big change. Especially for this place. I was planning to announce that I just got a dog and am open to suggestions about names. Or I'd talk about a library book I read about the Civil War, and how gratifying and right it felt for the slaves when they were freed by Lincoln. Freedom is a good thing.

But all that seems trivial now, compared to what's going on. I wonder what my future is right, but maybe it's better I don't know.. fuck, I don't know what I want I know it's a shock. It's a surprise. People from the future. It's happening, we know that. But what I am wondering now is.. if anyone knows why. There must be a reason, a purpose. Nothing is random here. Far as I know

[info]future_shocked in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to Alesta

Doin' okay kiddo?

[added filter to the future kids]
How you guys holding up so far, anyone need a place to stay?

[info]nopoweroverme in [info]paragraffiti

filtered to family/friends (including future ones she knows of);

[ooc: early hours of the 28th]

We've got another future arrival, one of the younger ones.

His name is Gabriel. Gabriel Petrelli.

I don't even This isn't possible someone tell me this isn't some W&H trick to kill us all in our sleep

[info]babywinchester in [info]paragraffiti

filtered against baddies (later on);

I'm bored and this place smells weird and there was a bug on the window as big as my hand and this isn't any fun anymore.

I wanna go home, right now!

January 2010



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