August 27th, 2009

[info]faithinthedark in [info]paragraffiti

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[Filtered to the Angel Investigations Staff and Buffy Summers only]

So, I kinda fractured my wrist. It's not bad or anything, but I'm not exactly going to be at my best for the next week. We can't delay hitting the Scourge base until then. So, my suggestion is, since Buffy knows the base layout the best, that the Offensive Team follow her on this. If you're up for it B?

[Filtered to Sam Winchester]

I'm currently kicking myself. Fractured my damn wrist. It'll be fine in about a week, but damn it's annoying.

[info]goingtowin in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered against baddies

I need a roll call on who usually takes part in the getting rid of bad guys in the city deal. Or at least, anyone who's in against the Scourge. I don't know many of you, so I need to know who you are and what you can do. There's two places the Scourge are located, so I need to know the numbers and skills we have to work with. I understand the Justice League is in, but that doesn't really mean much to me, other than powerful people, so I'd like a roll call from you guys too.

I've heard talk of disguises, ideally it would be awesome if we could have people on the inside. But I don't know if we have time for something like that, so probably not, unless someone people are really just that good.

If anyones good with bows, crossbows, attacking from a distance, let me know that as well.

I need you on this. If you're up for it.

January 2010



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