July 3rd, 2009

[info]batman2point0 in [info]paragraffiti

filtered to Bruce

I don't see a way out.

[info]cantsavemyself in [info]paragraffiti

I decided I should do a less insane hello.

I'm Lauren, I'm a ...I know Mitchell and Annie and George, and I'm a vampire. One officially on the blood drinking wagon.

Sorry if I freaked anyone out when I showed up first. Didn't mean to.

So, what is there to do in this city besides fight a war I don't understand

[info]red_on_target in [info]paragraffiti

Good-guy filter

Apparently my plan to take my daughter to the zoo has turned into a field trip. Might as well open it up to a group outing. Especially if there are any ladies who would like to attend.

If this goes well, there could be a trip to Disneyland in the future. Not that I expect it to go well. Things never run smoothly. Ever.

[info]pryde_in_shadow in [info]paragraffiti

AI filter + Kurt

So, a younger version of one of my best friends from back home. Think we could arrange a meeting to clear him for room mate status? When/where would be best to meet up?

[AI filter only, hidden from Kurt]

I'd normally say to get him his own room... this version's only about sixteen or so. Which is utterly weird, because he was always like a big brother to me, and now he's... well. Not. But he's a good guy, and as a heads up: in his non-disguised state, he is blue and fuzzy and kind of demonish-looking, though it's just a physical mutation.

January 2010



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