May 29th, 2009

[info]batman2point0 in [info]paragraffiti

[filtered to Bruce, Oracle, and those associated with the JLA+ Zinda]

That..was a nightmare.I had this dream about going back to my Gotham. And just..the boss...the look on his face when I told him about the plane, and the suit. You know, maybe being stuck in the past isn't so bad. I'm out of strangling reach. But I kind of miss him in a weird way

..Downside, I can't sleep. I haven't been able to for a few days now. It's been kinda quiet. Think I can have a few nights off patrol? maybe actually go on a date or somet

Am I done being "grounded" yet?

[info]harmonybites in [info]paragraffiti

My producers think we should have a werewolf debate on the show? Faith, do you want to speak for them and Mr tall dark and broodier than even Angel on a bad day can be all ranty about how they're bad?

Me, I mostly just think they're gross. They smell, especially when it rains, ew wet dog.

[info]temptresseve in [info]paragraffiti

Oh my, a  moralistic debate. How new and different for you people?

Do we really even need to do anything?

[info]dontyoujustwish in [info]paragraffiti


I know technically I am one these days, but come on. Were you always this stupid as a species or is this another side effect of the dragging whammy?

No killing werewolves. Or me. Not afraid to bring out the magic if anyone tries either. If anyone has a problem with that I'll get out the whiteboard and draw them a diagram to show how stupid they are. Welcome to LA. Get some sunglasses to protect you against the shades of gray here.


[info]littlepimp in [info]paragraffiti

Wonder if being Amish is cool.

Why do you guys all have to start sucking again?

[info]faithinthedark in [info]paragraffiti

[Filtered against Bad Guys]

[ooc: yes, this filter now includes Ruby!]

Some days I just wanna quit.

[info]robinindahood in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered from baddies.

So I got shot at again today. Not only is this city infested with creatures of the night with sharp pointy gnashing teeth, but it's also apparently got one of the worst crime rates in the history of ever. Almost every day since I've been active something has gone down and ends in gunfire. Funny thing is...I take out vampires on a nightly basis usually without much trouble, and I get shot in the shoulder by some street kid. What the hell?I must be off my game. If I'd moved he would have shot someone on the street behind me. He and his buddies were trying to rob a store down on 1st street. His little friends left him behind. He panicked and pulled a gun. I should have been able to disarm him..never had that problem bef It all just happened so fast.

Better I take it then someone else. Thing is the bullet should have done more than just pierce my skin. Doc said where it hit it should have shattered a bone, I guess my powers just kicked in and phased the bullet straight through. But...I'm not anxious to try that again. Hurts like a bitch. At least with the painkillers and a few days off maybe I'll finally get some sleep.

January 2010



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