April 19th, 2009

[info]hapanqueen in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to the Hyperion

Jacen is not to be allowed coffee.

For a week. Should any of you see him attempting to find some or if he tries to enlist your aid I would ask that you tell me immediately.

Yes I am that cruel.

[info]galacticsaviour in [info]paragraffiti

Just to warn you, I have been challenged by my Queen to not have any coffee for a week. Apparently I drink too much of the stuff. So I may be pretty cranky by the end of it.

[private to Ben Skywalker]

I know you're here. You know I'm here. There's no point in us pretending otherwise.

We should talk.

[Filtered to f!Claire and Tenel Ka]

Claire, Tenel Ka and I were wondering if we could talk to you about some of your creative skills.

How are you at making signs?

[info]static_shower in [info]paragraffiti

Hey, how many of you guys have slogans, or catch phrases? You know, like when you show up to kick some guy's ass, you say, "Hey y'all, this is who I am, and I'm gonna kick yo'ass " or something? Cept, you know, not in those words.

When I first started out, I used to be all like, "Yo I'm Static, I put a shock to your system," but then people started knowing who I was and every time I showed up, they'd be all, "Oh no, it's Static!" So I didn't get a chance to say it, and if I did it'd be redundant because they already knew. Then I started thinking, and I realized that not a whole lotta people outside Dakota know who I am, so maybe I should start telling people again, but my old slogan's kinda lame now. I need something new. Fresh.

EDIT: The bradbury building is starting to look tight. It might actually be fit for humans now.
I'm thinking house party.
[ooc: as Static]

[info]chosenforthis in [info]paragraffiti

Part of me can't help but wonder if this is the world without shrimp that Anya used to talk about... If there's anyone who could help me figure out how to deal with suddenly being a totally alienating person, it's probably her. Ugh. I feel so lost.

Sorry in advance to anyone I accidentally offend by not recognizing them. Maybe I'll make flash cards.


And I'm still way sorry about verbally attacking you and not being all trusty.

[info]nopoweroverme in [info]paragraffiti

filtered against baddies;

I've been here an entire year as of today.

Funny how so much of my life has changed. For the better, even, though most don't believe that's possible when they first arrive here.

[info]faithinthedark in [info]paragraffiti

Screw this. I want this over with.

Hey Fire bitch. You want me, come get me.

Or are you too scared to face me without your vampire buddies?

January 2010



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