February 12th, 2009

[info]ex_demonbloo908 in [info]paragraffiti

filtered against baddies;

I kind of needed a distraction because hanging around the house and watching over everyone in case that demon tries to come after anyone is boring, so I was just sort of flipping through channels on TV. And I came across this show that, as I'm Googling it, came out in 2005. About some chick. Who "finds excitement and romance at a horse ranch."

Gee, Ruby. I didn't know that you had a thing for horses.

[info]haloed1 in [info]paragraffiti


[info]princessazula in [info]paragraffiti

You know whats so different from home?

So few here have manners. Or any kind of civillity. Still we all must adapt.

[info]wecanbeheroes in [info]paragraffiti

filtered against baddies;

Do people really have to get on the computer when they're drunk?

[info]alwaysamask in [info]paragraffiti

Okay, I'm not from Los Angeles. I've never seen a vampire, demons are a little outside my sphere of belief, I won't even get started on magic, and all the talk about God being here makes me want to gag. Thanks to staying at the LA Welcoming Center, I've been given the breakdown on just what exactly is going on here, and quite frankly, I'm still trying to decide if this isn't one big mass hallucination. Though that building-turned-tentacle...thing kind of...

I have a point. I may be nobody. Shit, from what I've seen around here, I want to stay nobody. But people are dying, and getting hurt, and I don't want to be one of them. I'm learning, and I'm seeing names that I recognize. Superman. Batman. Luke Skywalker. These are heroes. Then there are other names, ones that I don't know. Slayers. Champions. I see Petrelli get thrown around a lot. Cathy seems to know that one. (Or is it those ones?)

I see places. Wayne Industries, I know. The JLA, I've heard of. But Torchwood, Angel Investigations, Wolfram & Hart, the Weir? I don't know those ones. The gossip chain says heroes at Angel Investigations. The Hyperion Hotel. But they seem pretty busy. Busy saving people.

I'm a doctor. And I know there's a lot of people to save. I have to deal with anywhere between fifteen and thirty a shift before I started working for House anyway. I know you have to pick your battles.

But I don't want to die. I haven't A lot of people don't want to die. So... can we just... try and stop the ones that want to kill us all? Please? There's too many threats out the door right now, and I'm living. I'm staying inside and I'm living. But I'd like to go out and live.

[info]robinindahood in [info]paragraffiti

At least being inside hasn't been entirely unproductive. Nothing to do so went back to the studying. Written tests complete 100% passed. Flying colors. Go me. I can imagine what Sky would have snark to say here. Onto the physical part. Physical endurance tests are up first, and then a psychological test between..safe to say this is the most studying I've ever done in my life. I feel like a walking police rulebook right now. Hey, now I know what it's like to be Sky.

Oh god I know what it's like being Sky. Somebody distract me please.
[Sam and Co.]
Are we safe to go out yet?

[info]bedstuyslayer in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to Faith

You're the one they told me I'm supposed to meet. Can't go out on patrol until I've talked to you or some other guy and since I'm new here I'm trying to be nice, but I'm itching to dust something.

My name's Nikki, by the way.

[info]frostandsnow in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered from Baddies/Kids

So, Faith mocked some of us about our fictional selves and the actors who play them. There was a fair amount of smugness in the mocking. Gloating even.

Faith should know better than that.

Its probobly proof that I'm far too easily amused.

So...okay looking at it its not Faith. But damn if she doesn't bear a freaky resemblance. Enough of one so we can mock.

Cheerleader with ATTITUDE!!! )

Bikinis! )

And Ruby's pick of the bunch )

So Faith, What did we learn?

[info]raheta in [info]paragraffiti

filtered to friends/family;

We heard the baby's heartbeat.

[info]alwaysamask in [info]paragraffiti

Kübler-Ross Model

Here's something to think on.

Originally developed to follow the emotional stages of patients diagnosed with terminal illness, the Kübler-Ross Model has been shown to be applicable to most forms of personal loss. Though I seriously doubt Elisabeth Kübler-Ross ever considered the removal of one from their own reality to being deposited in another, I think it's more than reasonable to consider this progression for our own circumstances.

Keep in mind that these steps do not necessarily come in the order noted above, nor are all steps experienced by all patients, though a person will always experience at least two.

The stages are:

1. Denial: Example - "I feel fine."; "This can't be happening, not to me!"
2. Anger: Example - "Why me? It's not fair!" "How can this happen, I hate this world!"
3. Bargaining: Example - "Just let me live to see my children graduate."; "I'll do anything, can't you stretch it out? A few more years." I will give my life savings if..."'
4. Depression: Example - "I'm so sad, why bother with anything?"; "I'm going to die . . . What's the point?"
5. Acceptance: Example - "It's going to be okay."; "I can't fight it, I may as well prepare for it."

So. Where are you?

[info]kneelbeforezod in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered from baddies

Never have I imagined that things would be so clear. They definitely are now. It's amazing how a lifetime of obsession can be dissolved by one dunk into those unusual Pits. But it can be done. It has been done, from what I can see. I know that this city is at war. Of course the average primitives do not see this in their daily life, but there is a war going on. As a general, war is a subject of which I know very well. Lives have been lost here, and there will likely be more casualties before it is over. Will it be over? I think not. Such is the way of things.

There will be no kneeling. I am not demanding this. Though it is a good compliment, I'd smile if Perhaps a bow of the head, or a tipping of the hat as it is done in some Earth customs, or even a wave will do just fine. I wish to thank Elaine for that advice. Also.. to those I have insulted. Kara, Raya, the younger Kal-El, Superman, Bart... you see, I was.. well, even super-powered alien despots have issues. I was plotting to kill you all, was going to enjoy snapping Bart's speedy neck I was also working on a fanfic of myself and Jesus, but that is on hold for now. I regret my rash and impure remarks. However, it is true Lara was indeed beautiful and gifted. I will resist any further descriptions and leave it at that. She was already "taken", as Earth people say. And besides, I was a bit obsessive and too demanding for her to have had the same feeling, anyway

And I have hurt my own son. Something a father should never do. But he was... well, he infuriated me. A general is never questioned by his soldiers, obedience is paramount to victory. Unfortunately, I was a leader with my family as well, instead of a father. And I wanted him to follow my examples. To be just like me. And when he did not.. I was angry and resorted to violence. And when that happens, there is danger to everyone involved. I could be a bit.. zealous.. about my intentions and desires. He was a fighter, though. And strong-willed. He could not be shaken, deterred, or led astray from his views, and I made the mistake of pressing otherwise and causing him pain. That, at least, gives me pride. If I saw him, then I would tell him this. But at least now he is free to make his own decisions.

I do not say that I was completely wrong in my other thoughts, however. This place is not as advanced as other worlds, or even as my own was. It is barbaric, and humans will destroy each other if they do not get control of their primal natures. There have been other worlds slightly superior to this one that are not around anymore. And this city? Well, it is a miracle that it has not been wiped off the map before now. There have been a few close calls. One or several wrong moves can result in destruction. Best for everyone to stay alert.

But there are some spots in the city that could be better guarded. Someone could poison the water, or destroy some more buildings.. although one came to life and that caused a great blow to the life of lesser advanced innocent civilians. I am giving some thought into taking action myself. I have killed vampires. Of course that was for their defiance, but they deserved it anyway. Perhaps I shall be more aggressive if that is even possible for me. Conflict and warfare is in my blood. It's what I do best. And I intend to turn that experience upon the unholy blood-drinkers and their nests.. with or without an army.

[info]demonvanguard in [info]paragraffiti

This isn't working. None of it is. Nothing is changing, nothing is improving. Further proof that father is right? I've prayed for that not to be true, but if it is then I know the creed.

Ashes to ashes. Dust to dust.

[info]its_the_hate_ in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered against baddies

Anyone here know a Jack Harkness?

[info]boy_scout in [info]paragraffiti


I'm not sure what to think of Zod's post. I guess the pits really do change people. It's a little confusing. But.. I have a question about something else. Are you okay? Are you normal? No urge to.. rob ATMs, drink beer, buy a million music CDs, drive a Harley or wear all black? I think there's something wrong with Kara and the older Clark. I have a hunch about it, and if I'm right.. well.. it's not good. I'm not sure they're acting like themselves.


Congrats on bringing Terry back. Let's hope he stays put now I was wondering, could we meet? Any time is fine, if you aren't busy. I have a couple theories about Kara and the other me. And.. would you happen to have any green kryptonite?


Should we be worried about the person in charge of those pits? Seems that things aren't going according to her intentions where they are concerned. Makes me wonder what the alternative is that might be going down. And I got a feeling it doesn't involve hugs, pie, and kittens.

[info]intheclock in [info]paragraffiti

I hate teenagers.

Normally I swear by meditation, but right now? Even that's failing me. I'm angry. I'm angry and I never get this angry over little things.

I actually want to throw something.

[posted as Barbara]

[info]lovemesomepie in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to Sarah

Still got an opening in your school for Ben?

[info]faithinthedark in [info]paragraffiti

[Filtered to friends]

After the battle of Sunnydale, I remember I said something to Buffy. How she wasn't the one and only Chosen any more, just gotta live like a person. And I asked her how it felt. 1800 Slayers activated. Either of us could have walked away if we wanted, left this never ending fighting behind us.

But neither of us did. Hell, that decision cost me my first real relationship with a guy before it even began. He knew what it meant to be a Slayer and he couldn't take that so we split.

There are times, more than I'd care to admit really, when I would give anything for a normal life. Marriage to a guy who loves me, kids, the security of knowing I might even live to 30. I see others having that and I admit, I'm jealous.

Now I have no powers. I could live like a normal person if I wanted. Go to sleep at night and never slay another vampire again.

But I can't walk away from the mission. So I've realized something. The speed, the strength, the instincts, they weren't what made me the Slayer. I'll keep at the fight even without those. I'll keep fighting so others can have all those things. Because I guess in a way I'm luckier than most. Most never know what they were meant to do with their lives, but I do. The mission is what I'm meant to do. Regardless of any strengths or powers. And even though that means making sacrifices, and being jealous of those who don't have to make those sacrifices, it's still my purpose in life. So that's what I'm going to do.

Also, have a few drinks and think about getting me one of those catsuits.

[info]time_fiend in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to Torchwood

Alright Torchwood boys and girls we going to save Jack? Maybe form a plan? Or do I have to it myself?

January 2010



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