February 9th, 2009

[info]hates_clowns in [info]paragraffiti

...The last time I checked dead bodies weren't supposed to move. I'm starting to get the feeling this isn't going to be the Sunset Strip vacation that I asked for.

[info]mslane in [info]paragraffiti

[filtered against baddies]

I've fallen so far, and strayed so much. Sometimes I wonder if I'll ever find myself again. I wonder if I'll ever find my way back to him who I used to be.

[ooc: emo!Lois has been thinking too much. Hack the strike at will.]

[info]half_slayer in [info]paragraffiti

How many do we have? A whole lot and then more, right? Wrong. I see the blonde one who has a knack for sleeping with dead things and the dark one who doesn’t follow the rules. And then there’s the little itty bitty one who loves the witch with the flaming hair. So, where are all your friends? Hmm? Three is nothing. I wanted to be impressed. I really did.

Someone should go out and drag them back here. I want autographs to take home with me. My friends would all be so impressed. And I kinda want to decorate my sister’s room with heads now that I think about it. Pretty girl heads on sticks.

[info]ex_sonofkryp215 in [info]paragraffiti

I am so SICK of all the whining!

How's about we swap that bullshit out for some fun, huh? Come on!

[info]raheta in [info]paragraffiti

filtered to the Winchester house;

I made myself a sandwich and it got me thinking I could throw something else together if anyone wants. I know it's late, but you could save it for later, too. I'm just in the mood to keep busy to be in the kitchen, and I figure some of you might be too busy to make something yourself. Let me know.

[filtered to Lindsey]
I need some recommendations. For a...psychologist, I guess. One that wouldn't freak out about the supernatural stuff.

[filtered to Peter]
Would it be okay to do the exam tomorrow?

[info]bedstuyslayer in [info]paragraffiti

Fuck typing. It takes too long.

They ain't never told me in Sunday School that Heaven looks like this. I'm looking for someone named Bernard Crowley. He's old, white and British, probably toting around a kid named Robin about ten shades too dark to be his. Or he is if he knows what's good for him. Then someone needs to give me low down on why the hell I'm in Los Fucking Angeles, dig?

[info]ex_girlsuper149 in [info]paragraffiti

You people are just so touchy and sensitive. And he was right, you whine. If you don't want the harsh truth, stop posting pathetic messages about how your life is falling apart. Nobody cares.

I think I've just wasted that last few years of my life putting up with this bullshit. My mother is right. I'll take my own advice.

Time for something more interesting.

[info]_cullen in [info]paragraffiti

filtered; alice
Do you see her anywhere?

filtered; james
If you have my daughter I will tear Victoria apart in front of your eyes.

ooc: and edward jumps to conclusions, lol

[info]thethirdsnake in [info]paragraffiti

Where the hell am I?

This is ludicrous. The papers say this is L.A., and that it's 2006. But that's not possible.

One minute I was in the core of Arsenal Gear, ready to confront an enemy agent. Now I'm here, and I haven't the faintest indication of how I got here.

Thank God my equipment came with me. At least I'm not totally defenseless in this place.

Somehow, the Patriots must be responsible for this...

[info]saltypineapple in [info]paragraffiti

I woke up to go to work this morning like always for first shift, and theirs one little problem. Either I'm still dreaming or it doesn't exist anymore. Please tell me I'm dreaming?

[info]skilledwithabow in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to JLA + Friends (minus older!Clark and Kara)

Clearly, there's something wrong with Kara and Clark. The question is, how do we fix it? Any ideas?

[info]bellsm in [info]paragraffiti

I've had my complete fill of vampires who fit the bill of the kind I use to read about online. Why must they all be insane, or want to 'rule.' They're all nuts. Jake would be in heaven here.

Heads on sticks. Original.

I can't find her. She's gone. Nessie. She'd just gone to get us another book, and she never came back. She went to her room, and then she just vanished.

[info]no_savior in [info]paragraffiti


I'm getting Faith back. Tonight.

No, Sam. You're not coming. If I'm not alone, they'll kill her.

[Nathan, ABClaire, Sarah, Kennedy, and Fred]
Be ready, just after sunset. I'm going to meet them, and teleport Faith back as soon as I get close enough to touch her. I don't expect her to be in very good condition, so Claire, please have a syringe ready.

Fred, from what I heard, it seems like they managed to take her Slayer powers away. Can you see what we have to do to fix that?

Kennedy. You are not, I repeat, you are not to go after them. Or, for that matter, out patrolling on your own. I need you. You're the only Slayer I can count on right now.

[info]robinindahood in [info]paragraffiti

So many facts and numbers to memorize for this test. 4 out of 5 written tests down. I never realized it would take so long If Sky were here this would be alot easier. I could just make him take this test with me and we'd be golden.

[Those with computer skills]
Anyway someone can help me out with a fake I.D. of some kind? I know it's bad timing with everything going on..but I'm Gonna need files and a I.D. for a background check, except theirs one little problem. I don't exactly exist in this world.

Good luck and be careful with the Faith rescue. Bring her back safe..if you need anything you know how to reach me. But just incase. [cellphone number] [temporary address]

Need any help with patrols?

[info]final_sacrament in [info]paragraffiti

[Filtered against Baddies]

I... went into those pits.

I had to.

I'm... not feeling so hot now though.

[info]slayerbee in [info]paragraffiti

filtered to Spike;

I take it you're somehow involved in getting Faith back. More than I am, at least, so mind keeping me informed?

[info]caped_crusader in [info]paragraffiti

{Filtered Against Baddies}

If anyone happens to see a teenager running around in one of my spare suits, that would be someone who is now in trouble and can expect to be locked up in his room for the rest of his life.

And Batman Junior? If you’re reading this? Get the hell back where you’re supposed to be before I come looking for you.

[As Batman]

[info]no_savior in [info]paragraffiti

[after this, and end of/during this]

[Filtered: Anti-Baddies]
Faith is back at the Hyperion. Healed, and recovering. Thank you, everyone.

[AI and Allies]
One down, two to go.

Raidon and Kumi will not be happy that Toru is dead. Be careful.

Healed him. Made him human. Soulless bastard was alive. Then died.

Anyone going out to patrol or look for these vampires, stop by my office at the Hyperion to collect a blood vial. DO NOT go near them on your own. Also, they have used the Scythe to strip one Slayer of her powers. Be extremely careful.

[custom filter*]
[*includes all of AI, Spike, Buffy, Winchester house, Selene, Lindsey, Cathy, Claude, Heather, Jack Landors, Batmans/girls/Oracle, and Clark (younger)]

Faith was taken by one of the vamires. She's been tortured. She's healed. She's recovering. The one that hurt her is dead. And I am back at the Hyperion.

Time to see how the others will respond. So stay safe.

[ABClaire, Xander, Kennedy, Sam, Spike, Fred]
Keep an eye on Faith.

[Filtered to Raidon and Kumi]
A shame about Toru. His heart just wasn't up to it.
His head was a bit more proud. It's outside your door.

Touch one of mine again, and you will die.

Leave the Scythe. Leave Los Angeles.

Last warning.

It exploded?

[info]raheta in [info]paragraffiti

filtered to Sam;

Would you mind dropping me off at [address] tomorrow morning? And then afterward, I'd like to go see Faith, if that's okay.

Once she was sent back to the hotel, Peter stopped by a little later just to do a quick exam on me. He said everything was alright based on the pregnancies he's seen in this place particularly, and he gave me vitamins and dietary stuff. Just thought you should know.

January 2010



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