January 28th, 2009

[info]angelradio in [info]paragraffiti

It really is something else, to see a woman with no leg one minute, have two working ones a short while later. I don't know what to think, it's definitely not something you see every day. Who I assume was maybe her sister, looked so happy I thought she was going to cry.

[info]thenothing in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered; Bruce

You were with her the other night, after the TV caught it all, right?

[info]decembervision in [info]paragraffiti

Lots of filtering

[Cathy Hyatt]
From what I've heard, you run the LA Welcoming Center. I wanted to get in touch with you because I've decided to shut down the Isis apartments. What happened with Isobel has made me reevaluate my life. I love to help people, but I haven't enjoyed running the place for a while now. It was left to me by Lex Luthor, along with the mansion and everything else that was his. Maybe that was his way of helping the city, but I don't think it's mine.

What I would ask of you would be to offer the current residents the same that you would offer a new arrival. I don't want to just dump them out on the street.

[Bart Allen & Kara Zor-El]
How do the two of you feel about horseback riding? I need to get out of this mansion.

[Jack Landors]
How are you doing?

[Lois Lane & Alyssa Enrilé]
Are you alright? I'm so sorry.

[info]brattyslayer in [info]paragraffiti

Filterd to Buffy, Faith and Peter

Ran across a vamp in the park, older, maybe a century plus which is why his being out and about to fight like a newbie suprised me. He knew I was a Slayer, even which one I was, called me The Brat, which...admittidly cool.

Anyway after a little not so gentle persuasion he told me 'they were coming and how he was looking forward to seeing me drained and getting a taste, and he' was bitching about Willow and what she did with the Scythe.

He said sorry for that bit eventually but point is, I'm guessing he means the vamp gang?

Whats the plan oh glorious Slay Leaders and Champion?

[info]scionofbalance in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered from the Slayers and Tenel Ka

I've heard there is a God around here.

Are you really sure this "God" is what it claims to be? The last "God" on my world turned out to be a parasite that was feeding on the souls of the people.

I have to admit, I am skeptical of this deity. Especially since His texts seem startlingly similar to the ones of the religion of that god. The names are different, but the themes are the same. It has me disturbed.

[info]demonvanguard in [info]paragraffiti

Never again.

Rumours of my demise have been greatly exaggerated. If Monday night's demonstration proved nothing and assuaged no doubts, then I suppose your stubbornness and pessimism have won out. Congratulations. For the rest of you... the Lazarus Pits remain open and you all remain welcome.

[info]jean_grey in [info]paragraffiti

[Filtered to Jacen]


I've found a location. Meet me at [address] around 6:00 PM, on Saturday the 28th. There will be a couple people present, but probably won't be in the room with us when we get to work. Their names are Selene and Logan.

Selene has also suggested an alternative for us to try, if I should run into any problems tracing the culprit behind Tenel Ka's altered mental state. I'll have her explain it to you when you get there.

- Jean

[ OOC: This was posted after her chat with Selene. ]

[info]faithinthedark in [info]paragraffiti

[Filtered to Batman, Batgirl and Supergirl]

Ok, so here's the deal. The three of you are people that I've either fought alongside, spoken to ro been recommended by someone I trust. There's a situation coming to LA and as much as my pride wants to insist I can handle it alone, there's too much at stake.

I'm a Slayer. I'm one of three living here in LA, out of a thousand or so working worldwide and 1800 altogether. There used to only be one until a witch I know did a spell to activate all the Potentials in the world to full Slayers.

And now there's a group of vampires who want to reverse the spell and strip us of our powers. They've already killed at least one Slayer. And they're coming here. To LA. And we need help.

They come here, they won't just limit their attentions to us Slayers. They'll kill everything and everyone they come across.

So I guess what I'm asking, both as a Slayer and as the Head of Offensive Teams at Angel Investigation is, will you let us train you in how to fight vampires of this level so you can help us?

[ooc: so far I'm running on the assumption that Faith doesn't know that Bruce=Batman and Cass=Batgirl, though she does know that Kara=Supergirl, unless you guys reckon she could/would know!]

[info]godschosen in [info]paragraffiti

Once upon a time, there was a hierarchy. Humans did the getting sick and the dying thing and Jesus did all the healing, and only if you really fucking deserved it. None of this 'shoot me for show so I can come back to life' shit.

I'd be shitting bricks if someone stole my act this badly.

[info]_cullen in [info]paragraffiti

filtered; lavender
How are you holding up?

flitered; bella
I must admit, now that this pit thing is looking more and more to be exactly what they are claimed to be I am tempted.

[info]hapanqueen in [info]paragraffiti

They won't let me leave. That's not exactly heroic now is it. Nor is a friend utterly betraying trust, but then I hear Faith was always good at that. I am more than a little suprised at Sarah of course.

Still I'll get out eventually. I'm sure he has a plan, he has to have a plan

[Filtered to Faith]

You are you know, a traitor...Do you treat all your friends this well? Or is that what you do, worm your way in to trust and then...

Oh but of couse it is isn't it. You do betrayal well.

[Filtered to Jacen]

I don't understand why I can't leave, why you and I can't just do what we should have done back home. I mean you ended up having to train up Tahiri...Tahiri of all people.

It should have been me shouldn't it. Once Ben walked away from the training, did you want it to be me?

[Filtered to Jack]

You need to get me free of here. You're resourceful I'm sure you can think of a way.

[info]slayerbee in [info]paragraffiti

I always have the most interesting conversations here. Some good, some bad. Some REALLY bad. But I'm never bored.

[info]_cullen in [info]paragraffiti

filtered; his family, lavender, king

ooc: sometime after this

We're all going to Disneyland tomorrow, the park is ours from 8pm on. They'll stay open as late as we want/need. Bella I was going to take your suggestion but there was still the pesky issue of the employees.
Lavender, invite a few friends if you'd like; King the same.

[info]ex_girlsuper149 in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered against Tony

OKAY. I realize that murder is supposed to be a big "NO" but wouldn't it be okay to just slip up...once? Just once? That's a good record, right? It would be for a good cause.

[info]brokenmirror in [info]paragraffiti

[Filtered to Peter, Nathan and Sarah]

I'm going to the Pit. It could be my chance to get rid of Jessica for good. Can one of you guys, I mean would it be ok if you looked after Micah while I'm gone? I don't want him with me in case of the side effects.

[info]ex_demonbloo908 in [info]paragraffiti

filtered against baddies;

Definitely feeling good today. Except for the big bruise on the side of my fa

[ooc: future-dated to tomorrow afternoon, as I'm sure he'll be sane by then.]

[info]galacticsaviour in [info]paragraffiti

[Filtered to the Hyperion except Tenel Ka]

I've found someone who thinks she can help Tenel Ka. I'm taking her there tonight. [ADDRESS]

[info]faithinthedark in [info]paragraffiti

[Filtered against the bad guys + TK]

I need to hit something. Anyone want to come with?

[info]i_am_a_machine in [info]paragraffiti

Fitered to John Connor

John. It would be unwise to immerse yourself in the chemical solutions that inhabit the Lazarus Pits. I calculate that there is a 99.879 perecnt probility that it would result in your premature termination. In the even that you are of the 0.121 percentage, there is still a 78 to 94 percent probability that it may affect you psychologically. Perhaps permanently.

[info]write_nightmare in [info]paragraffiti

Those pits that are becoming so popular are giving me some story ideas.

They don't make horror movies how they used to. Whatever happened to the idea of actually trying to scare people? Now it's nothing but shock value.



I had to do a lot of revisions, but I sold two of my stories last week. I just received the check from the company today.

[info]talbotb in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered from Talia

A new heiress in town with miracle healing pits on her back lawn? She must have something interesting stored up in that house of hers.

This could be the perfect thing to get me back into shape...

[info]justaprettygirl in [info]paragraffiti

filtered from lilith,

Soooooo! Does anyone have dibs for the analysis of the composition of these miracle pits? 'Cause my curiosity is killin' me!

January 2010



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