January 27th, 2009

[info]raheta in [info]paragraffiti

You know, the more I think about it, the more this whole pit thing reminds me of back home Silent Hill.

[info]ex_girlsuper149 in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered; Babs, Zee, Raya, Lana, Bart

I think I'm cranky.

Is it me, or people whine a lot around here? And then...spam the boards? With personal things about their lives for everyone to see, when it really isn't everyone who needs or wants to hear it?

It's not just me, right?

Am I just being a bit-...a bad word that Wonder Woman would glare at me for saying, here?

Also. So glad to see the Slayers aren't falling for this Pit business. At least that's...two people.

And actually, that wasn't my point. This is more for Babs, but I figured might as well add a group brain storm. This isn't going to stay peaceful for long, is it?

[info]ex_demonbloo908 in [info]paragraffiti

filtered to faith;

We're good friends, right?

[info]notjustageek in [info]paragraffiti

It must be that a requirement of being a reporter here is that you were the top of your creative writing class and they just sit around waiting for something like this to happen so they can toss out the puns they thought up when it wasn't an Apocalypse.

[Hyperion excluding Tenel Ka and Jacen (only because she's not sure if he's still a suspect or not)]

I have the completed list on locator spells. I'm not sure how they'll work with the Force involved because the authors of those books had no idea what that was but hey, you don't know until you try, right?

There is one that I did find that is pretty strong but it, um, involves digging up a dead serial killer and I don't think anyone wants to do that so I just kind of left it in the book and moved on.

[info]raheta in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to Sam.

Alessa did it.

[info]selina_kyle in [info]paragraffiti

I thought Gotham was crazy, but this place takes the cake.

[ OOC: Posted as Selina. ]

[info]brokenmirror in [info]paragraffiti

[Filtered against Micah because she so doesn't want to worry him]

So these Pit things.

What can they do about multiple personalities?

[info]dawn_breaks in [info]paragraffiti

So they're probably evil or whatever but I can't help but wonder what would happen if I took a dip in the pit, would I be real, would I just cease to exist because I'm not supposed to exist in the first place? Stupid pits.

Hey Xander, Big Momma's House 2? Tonight? Yes?

[info]knivesandreo in [info]paragraffiti

I got another speeding ticket today. I even tried crying and everything and he still dinged me for $150. My truck may have been crappy but at least I never got pulled over in it.

[info]accusedofevil in [info]paragraffiti

So these pits.... I'm surprised they haven't been overrun with hookers yet. Nothing like a free pass to clear up your STD du jour.

Why couldn't they have burried Lily in LA

[info]frostandsnow in [info]paragraffiti

Can no one else see this whole gift horse mouth thing is a really really obvious ploy? Its not just me I know its not but jeez LA I thought you were smarter than this.

Sure it looks good but the best deals always do. Even her name's demonic.

{Filtered to Castiel}

Sam's considering this pit thing, and I can't let him, you know I can't let him. Everyones trying to talk him out of it, I even asked Heather but thats obviously not working because she doesn't know how to disagree with him for more than five seconds. So it may come down to if he goes to do it. When, he goes to do it, me trying to stop him.

It means he'll probobly hate me forever but I can live with that if it means he's still...

You could talk to him? He might listen if you told him how insane this whole thing is.

[info]littlepimp in [info]paragraffiti

filtered to Sam;


[info]faithinthedark in [info]paragraffiti

[Filtered to the Mayor]

Hey boss. Want to meet up for a coffee. An adult coffee since we're both adults ice cream?

[info]ex_demonbloo908 in [info]paragraffiti

filtered to family/friends.

I know you've all told me, time and time again, that it was a bad idea. That I don't know if it could go wrong or not. That maybe, just maybe, it's all some big trap that'll come back to bite me in the ass a couple years from now. I know. I've done my research, I've watched people jump in and out constantly over the past few days, and I've done a lot of thinking. And after all of it, I've realized something.

I'm tired. Waking up every day, hating myself for what's inside of me. Do you all know what it's like, knowing that the same blood of the creature that killed your mother is running through your veins? I know that you all say that you don't care, but it doesn't matter to me and it never will. There's nothing that you can say that'll ever change the way I feel about all of this. I look in the mirror and I see a monster. All the time. Not because of what I've done, although even now I wonder if maybe that's far from questionable, but because of this. Because of this blood. I feel dirty and wrong and I've been begging for a way out. Because being this close to the monster that destroyed my family's life? I can't do it anymore. And, I think, sometimes that you all can't do it so well either.

So I'm going. And I'm going for everyone. For me, for you, for everyone in the world who might ever have to look at the man who carries the blood of the same fucking asshole who burned his mother and girlfriend alive in front of him. It's sick, it's wrong, and it's disgusting.

I want it gone. Those Lazarus Pits? They're the answer that I've been looking for. By the time you all read this, please don't come rushing off to the beach to stop me. It'll be too late. I wanted to tell you all myself, either way, before you saw me again. I get the feeling I won't be able to explain properly then.

I hope you'll understand.
- Sam

[ooc: Because he's smart like that, Sam whipped all of this up on his computer before, saved it in a mail file, and basically opened it up and posted it before he got in.]

[info]her_my_oh_knee in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to friends/Weir

I really need to learn to not talk back to someone who once tortured me.

Yeah, I'll be in my room.

[info]notstopfordeath in [info]paragraffiti

Back to my famous hypotheticals.

If one were to, injure their hand or something simple, and submerge themselves in the Pits every few years. Would it stave off death indefinitely?.

And its said it restores the dead to life? Is there any point at which something is too dead? Could you throw cavemen bones in and get yourself a caveman.We even have a perodactyl it could make friends with

[info]its_the_hate_ in [info]paragraffiti

You know something's wrong when you turn on the news; learn about these healing pits; and the only thing you can think of is 'Huh, well that's kind of odd.'

Something tells me that I'm going to have my hands full once again.

[info]sardonic_moon in [info]paragraffiti

Those pits are something else. I saw a man being possessed by a demon enter those pits. When he came out, he was completely healed. Then this other guy came out, introduce himself as Niel, and him and this guy became best friends.


[AN: Bullshit alert! Bullshit alert!]

[info]ex_sonofkryp215 in [info]paragraffiti

I'm doing an article on those Lazarus Pit's for the Press. Anyone want to share their opinions on them?

[info]thescout in [info]paragraffiti

Anybody wanna watch a movie?  I won't even throw shit at the screen, swear to God.

[info]jean_grey in [info]paragraffiti

[Filtered Against Baddies]

I'm in a need of a secure location. Something out of the way (but not completely rundown) would be preferable.

If anyone of you can help me, it'd be greatly appreciated.

[ OOC: Backdated to after a conversation she had with Jacen Solo on the message boards. ]

[info]heretic_saint in [info]paragraffiti

I never noticed how colorful this city actually is. It's actually really nice.

I hope everyone's doing well.




How come you don't talk to me anymore?

January 2010



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