December 14th, 2008

[info]moonlightpath in [info]paragraffiti

I won't lie... even if he's too little to understand what it all means, I can't wait for Christmas to come.

[Filtered to the Weir]
Any plans for a Christmas celebration of sorts?

[info]her_my_oh_knee in [info]paragraffiti


Filtered to Ginnny

Ginny Potter your potions work miracles. I never realised you could make them so well.

Filtered to Ron

Are you...mad with me?

[info]dontyoujustwish in [info]paragraffiti

Alessa? You are dead. No one hurts what is mine. I may be an ex demon, but don't think for a second that makes me any less creative when it comes to the vengeance.

[info]ragin_canuck in [info]paragraffiti

filtered to everyone but Creed and Selene

So, I have been thinkin' quite a bit lately. And I fucked up, like really fucked up. Bought us a house and all, but somehow that doesn't quite say the message I'm wantin' ta get across here. Question is, how do I go about proposin' to a vampire that's more than a few centuries old. Not that she looks a day over twenty-three. Yes, I'm a dirty old man, deal with it. Anyways, back on track.

She's a bit old fashioned, from a time where guys did these big grand gestures and shit. Can't very well just shove a ring in her hand and say hey, we're gettin' hitched, go get you a dress. I can't believe I'm gonna suggest this particular person but Spike, you maybe got some ideas here? Anyone else that has a suggestion, little help would be appreciated here. Oh, another thing.. who wants ta go ring shoppin' with me?

[info]raheta in [info]paragraffiti

This has to stop.

It's going to stop.

[info]ex_ascended201 in [info]paragraffiti

You must pay the price if you wish to secure the blessing.

Shut up, Andrew Jackson.

I have my sword. Why do I have my sword?

I hope it was worth it. I really, really hope it was worth it. And no, I'm not trying to be sarcastic or anything, I'm serious.

[info]mrsmollyweasley in [info]paragraffiti

Am I using this right? The lovely young lady next to me showed me how to use this and where to go. Apparently I'm not the first.

Arthur? Are you here? Wherever here is. I would like to know why I'm no longer in the Burrow.

[info]newnew_rani in [info]paragraffiti

Right so this Christmas thing are any of the non-Earthlings planning anything, or am I just getting sentimental and easily led in my old age?

[info]knivesandreo in [info]paragraffiti

filtered, castiel )

[info]write_nightmare in [info]paragraffiti

I'm not even going to ask about this virgin talk.


Hey kiddo, I think I might have found something.

[info]daddywinchester in [info]paragraffiti

filtered to Winchester & co household + close friends;

So, protections on this house gonna hold against our new holy pest?

I want everyone being extra careful. Anyone coming and going from the house, make sure you let someone know if you're leaving or dropping by.

I can't believe I'm asking this That Harry Potter magic, that keeps a place from being found by anyone who wasn't told where it was, there any truth to that?

[Dean & Sam]
Don't you try meeting this one alone, Dean. Castiel was one thing, but this - I don't know. His whole attitude rubs me wrong.

I'd prefer not to have to waste a bullet on an angel.
[ooc: assume that Sam knew they were getting the bullets from Bela and everything even though I don't think anyone posted about it specifically, as they have them now.]

I want you staying inside for now.

[info]thebigbad in [info]paragraffiti

Which of you out there thinks you can put up a good fight on the streets?

[info]shhhhh in [info]paragraffiti

[ooc: Blame Briege. She is an enabler. And this.]

It's going to be awfully hard to find a virgin in Los Angeles. Not to mention one who actually wants to be pregnant. Not that it matters what they want

Save me the trouble and list yourselves here.

[info]write_nightmare in [info]paragraffiti

[Filtered to the Winchester family, and Ruby]

I need a little help with something, and I was told that you'd be a good source.

I need information on the demon Flauros aka Hauros

[info]thebigbad in [info]paragraffiti

[ooc: Because of Hermione. xD]


[info]regenerating in [info]paragraffiti

filtered to Dad;


[info]morallydamaged in [info]paragraffiti

You know where a better place for the Convention of the Holy would be? Las Vegas, for that daily dose of irony.

[info]sardonic_moon in [info]paragraffiti

[Filtered against anyone who's out for Alessa's blood, and filtered against Dahlia]

The woman who keeps killing people, Alessa? It's all a part of a larger ritual. Her mother intends to sacrifice the good half of Alessa (because she's a virgin, or something like that, anyways it doesn't matter.) to some evil god. If this succeeds the evil side of Alessa will turn into a monster who will devour the entire city.

[ooc: It's Vincent, he had to make a bullshit post about this at some point.]

[info]daddywinchester in [info]paragraffiti

filtered to Ruby;

Mary said you shouldn't have to keeping eating in the bedroom, so you can go to other parts of the house, like the kitchen. As long as you don't go in a room with the red dots on the doorframe, you'll be able to get back out.

Don't make me regret this.

[info]betterthanmost in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to Weir residents

Has anyone seen my father? You know.. Draco Malfoy? I think he's missing. I knocked on his door and there's no answer. I checked at different times in the day.. and nothing. I don't understand. My father.. would someone have taken him? Like the Dark Lord? Or maybe he went the same way as Al. Back home. To our real home, to our time in the future. I also wonder if he retains his memories from here. But if anyone sees him, in case I'm wrong, please let me know.


Filtered to Tenel Ka

Is there any way you can get in contact with your daughter.. either version? I knew of Allana. I spoke with her. She told me that while she is here, Amelia is somewhere else. I guess, like.. another plane of reality. I understood that when Allana would go, Amelia would return. Neither can occupy the same space. However, I've sent an owl to Allana, in hopes that I could speak with her once more. I also tried to use that muggle phone.. thing. There's no answer and the owl comes back with the note unopened. Usually, this would mean that Amelia is back. But my efforts are in vain as she is not reachable either.

Please, I need to know.. have you seen her? Spoken with her? I'm hoping I didn't do anything to push her away. I hope I'm not responsible for this. I'm probably not.. but that still doesn't shake this feeling. I could be overreacting. But I love her. I need to know that she is safe. If she is with you, then I'm worrying for nothing. Though, my father is missing as well. I'd suspect foul play, assume it's Voldemort.. but it feels different. Villains usually gloat about such things if that's the case. I just need to know that everything is alright. I need to know that our child, mine and hers, gets to live in peace, safety, and love.

[info]simpletailor in [info]paragraffiti

It doesn't take a warp field engineer to see that most of you 21st century Earth dwellers are in desperate need of a new fashionable wardrobe trend.

Do the universe a favor. Don't dress in a dimly lit plasma conduit. It can only bring bad tidings.

[info]frostandsnow in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered from god and the angels

Who in LA's a virgin?.

Just for refrence.

[info]the_sadist in [info]paragraffiti

What on earth is all this discussion about sacrificing and virgins?

January 2010



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