December 13th, 2008

[info]ex_sonofkryp215 in [info]paragraffiti

Christmas is coming up.

I'm a little upset that I won't be able to visit my family this year. Smallville isn't anyplace close to here.

[info]h2o_windninja in [info]paragraffiti

Is it strange that I suddenly find myself wishing Alpha were here? And that Kira was still alive...

[info]talbotb in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to Nathan Petrelli

[Backdated to Thursday Night]

We'll keep this very simple: My name is Bela Talbot, and I know where your brother is. I've seen him, actually; talked to him this morning and once the day before. I'll likely see him again tomorrow. He's being held at Wolfram and Hart. He gave me four names, yours, Sarah Petrelli, Cordelia Chase, and Faith Lehane. Apparently you're the bang up group who's going to get in here and help me get him out.

In the interest of disclosure, I'm a thief and I work for Wolfram and Hart. I assist Lilah Morgan, which was how I happened across Peter. I can get you in and I can out. I cannot and will not make any guarantees for what will happen in between those steps, especially if you decide not to listen to me.

I have absolutely no idea what your brother did to make Miss. Morgan so angry, but whatever it was, she's taken great offence. Healing power that he appears to have aside, I've no idea how much longer he's going to last in here, whether that be physically or mentally. I abhor torture, and as Peter is one of the few I've had to attend to that hasn't attempted to kill me yet, I'm feeling more willing to help him than I have others.

You've absolutely no reason to trust me, I know that. But if nothing else, trust the fact that even sending this message puts a price on my head. That's two now, and it's not a number I'm exactly jumping at joy with the thought of increasing.

Think about it. The window of opportunity is small, and we won't have much time.

[info]selfpropelled in [info]paragraffiti

filtered to the Hyperion;

We know where Peter is and there are plans underway to get him back. I know everyone would like a piece of Wolfram & Hart right now, but the group going in there needs to be small and if we need backup, we'll need the rest of you to be ready.

I need everything anyone found on shaman magic and any counters to sedatives as strong as what's likely being used on Peter.

[filtered to Sarah Petrelli, Faith Lehane, Cordelia Chase] )

[filtered to the Claires] )

[texts were also sent to point the last two filter groups toward this post. occurring at the same time as this]

[info]smitehappy in [info]paragraffiti

Look at all the little mud monkeys.

[info]regenerating in [info]paragraffiti

I hate this stupid city.

And I hate waiting.

[info]smitehappy in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to Dean.

Hello, Dean Winchester.

[info]ex_demonbloo908 in [info]paragraffiti


I know I was leaning toward it before, but that was a year ago and we were DESPERATE and TRAPPED, this isn't even close to
You're all over
I hate people.

[info]write_nightmare in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to those living in the Winchester household.

Hey, I'm making a quick run to the store. If anyone needs me to get anything, let me know, and I'll get it for you.

[info]sonofajackal in [info]paragraffiti

[Filtered from God, angels, other deities, and children]

You know how I've said this is a great place? How it's so much fun because of the opportunities that arise, and the potential? It actually is. I've gained control over a number of people, even got a few followers. My company is better than ever, yes. And I do have friends here. And I have had fun with them, and vice versa.

But see.. problem is.. my mansion? That huge structure near the mountains, where I can view the city? It's now empty. Has been for some time now. It used to have two other people besides myself. Alexander and Delia York. Siblings. My son and daughter. And now, they are just... gone. They weren't kidnapped. I'd know if they were. And besides, whoever tried would die painfully within the hour of said event.

They were mine. They came from me.. or, they will. I'd like to say that we were happy together. At least as happy as an Antichrist and his children could be, anyway. Is this how it works here? People show up, then get taken away? I know the answer to that.. it was a rhetorical question. It's just how it is in this Hell version of Los Angeles. City of Angels? Please.

Just to be clear, I had nothing to do with those bush and shrub fires. Not my style. My way would have been worse. But if you go downtown? The four block radius of shattered lamp-post bulbs, traffic lights, shop windows, and twisted road signs? That was me. Sorry about that. It wasn't intentional. I also didn't intend to have had tears in my eyes. Probably made me emo for a moment. Maybe I should ignore that incident. Perhaps this is a lesson; that we should treasure those we have, for as long as we have them.. because it may not last. Joe was cool, and one of my important projects.. too bad he and his brothers aren't still here.

I need something to take my mind off this for a while. Work won't do it. I'm thinking.. engaging in sinful activities. Like, with me and another body, for some good, wild fun. Male, female, so long as they're hot and can make me forget for a few hours. Doesn't have to be completely human. I'd take Sylvia and Logan, but I'd rather it be someone not under my control. Oh, and very important. If anyone named Kate Reynolds happens to show up here? I need to know of it immediately. Epsecially if she happens to be a reporter for the BBC. It's important.

[info]robinindahood in [info]paragraffiti

filtered against baddies.

I want her de
that demon bitch.

...Theres got to be something big bad an evil out there that needs killing or stopping. Even a sparring partner of the non killing sort.. Now would be good. Just..Anything. Distract me? or a drink, I'd take that too

[Filtered to God]
Uh..hey. awkward..

[info]ex_demonbloo908 in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to Mom & Dad.

Is this really what God is like? Talking about making sacrifices and forcing this angel who keeps threatening our lives onto us?

[info]_bruiser in [info]paragraffiti

Oh my gosh! What do you mean SUGAR BOMBS DON'T EXIST HERE?! This is horrible. This is worse than the time with Captain America and Wolverine.

[info]godschosen in [info]paragraffiti

We're on that precipice, the one where shit could go down at any second. It's not a good feeling.

What the hell, man? You walked out on Her. Just 'cause it's Christmas doesn't mean She's going to be feeling any more forgiving than usual.

If we have to smite one of our I'm going to be pissed.

January 2010



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