November 26th, 2008

[info]horcrux in [info]paragraffiti

i never know what to type on this. i feel lonesome, i guess.

[info]hopeandglory in [info]paragraffiti


My little Dawnie Key tells me you died!

Thats just too adoreable, died to save her huh..

Hey...wanna do it again. Cause you know theres no way you can win against me right?.

[info]no_savior in [info]paragraffiti

["Filtered" to Faith]

[ooc: the post is set as a filter, but it appears as though the filter was not set properly - the post can be read by anyone, but can only be replied to by Faith and Peter. At the time this is posted, no one is aware of the Plan but Buffy, Faith, and Peter to allow for genuine reactions (they have to SELL it, people!)]

Damnit, Faith, we had an agreement! You're still on probation from that last stunt you pulled. You are not to go out unsupervised again! Where am I going to find you next time? Laying in a gutter? The city morgue?

[info]movestoofast in [info]paragraffiti

Is there anyone who actually likes it here, or is at least content to the fact that we are just trapped here like lab rats or something? I can't help but feel like this is all a sick game, like one of those gross Saw movies or something.

[info]fracturedtime in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to Peter Petrelli.

Are you a fucking moron, Petrelli?! Did having that letter opener shoved into the back of your head damage your brain? What the hell do you think you're doing kicking Faith out? Are you looking to piss off enough people that they gang up on you and chop your head off?

[FILTERS REMOVED after Peter's reply to let everyone (except minors) see]

[info]no_savior in [info]paragraffiti

multiple filters

Caleb )

Glory )

Hyperion )

[info]morallydamaged in [info]paragraffiti

What the hell is up with you tw-

On second thought, none of my business.

[Filtered away from anyone under twelve]

What's a better method of getting an annoying child to shut up? Duct tape or telling him Santa doesn't exist?

[info]nopoweroverme in [info]paragraffiti

filtered against minors;

Oh my God! Peter, what is wrong with you today?!

For that matter, what is wrong with the both of you?

[ooc: LULZ.]

[info]robinindahood in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to Clark (comic) you um..
this is so st

...have any free time? if not I totally get it I just was hoping to talk or get coffee or something. Or you know, whatevers good for you. that sounds so lame

[info]hapanqueen in [info]paragraffiti

And here I believed you had at least the decency to care about your own team Peter Petrelli.

You are being cruel. It's unnessacary and unfair and it will cease now.

[info]nopoweroverme in [info]paragraffiti

text to Cathy;

You. Me. Lingerie shopping? Plus, Pansy just sent me the near-final images of the bridal party clothing and I want you to have a peek before I finalize them.

[info]bountied in [info]paragraffiti

Nothing like being covered in blood and guts to make you wish for a vacation from what really should be a vacation. I'm stuck in Los Angeles, there is no way I should have this much to complain about.

[Filtered to Trance]
Be careful walking around in the front hallway. I think I lost control of the telekensis... stuff started exploding when I walked through the door and there was some glass mixed in there. I cleaned it up, but knowing me, there's probably still some left. I don't want you to hurt yourself.

Sorry I haven't been around the apartment much. I think I really do need a break.

[info]slayerbee in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to Peter & Faith.

Great job being convincing, you two. I thought for a minute it was real.

How did the reactions go? Are they buying into it? Any updates?

[info]ex_snowe324 in [info]paragraffiti

Ahhhh! I am so bored, I want to go home! I hate feeling so useless! Anyone need a well-trained swordsmen or two?

[info]her_my_oh_knee in [info]paragraffiti

So....Movie anyone?

I'd rather not go myself, it'll be weird enough.

[info]hapanqueen in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to f!Claire and Sarah

I do apologise. I just felt Caleb being the kind of man he is, his opinion of women and all that I should play up the Matriarchal Queen Mother a lot more. It may well endear Petrelli to him which is the purpose yes?

Taking lessons from memories of my Grandmother. In many many ways something I never wanted to do

[info]ex_demonbloo908 in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to AZAZEL.


You're not doing this. Not to these people.

[info]faithinthedark in [info]paragraffiti

[Filtered to Kyle]

I just wanted to reiterate what Peter said, all of this, it's just an act. We have this plan, to set Caleb and Glory against each other. But they need to buy the idea that Peter would be prepared to sell me out.

I don't mean any of the crap I'm saying to people on here and they don't mean what they're saying about me either.

Sorry you're having to see it all. Hopefully the plan can be over soon enough.

[info]originalpink in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered against males

Ugh. Men.

Sometimes I'm positive they aren't the same species. And don't leave any smart comments about the ones that aren't human. You know what I mean.

[info]ex_demonbloo908 in [info]paragraffiti

filtered against ginny!

If you had to choose between the people that you care about and some random person on the streets, then who would you choose?

EDIT: All right, I've reached a conclusion.

The random people are irrelevant. Better them than your family and friends.

[info]nomia in [info]paragraffiti

It's, what, about a week and a half before the next full moon?

Bloody hell. Maybe I shouldn't have done this.

[Filtered to Remus]
Love, we need to talk. We really need to talk, and you're not home and-- just come home, please.

[Filtered to the Weir, excluding Remus]
So we'll know in a week or so, whether or not I've found a cure for lycanthropy.

I really didn't believe it, but after a week or so of letting it set in... I don't know. Moody would tell me to do something about this feeling in the pit of my stomach.

[ooc: in response to this log]

January 2010



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