November 5th, 2008

[info]slayerbee in [info]paragraffiti

Bowels in, or bowels out?

God, I love that line.

EDIT: Bowels out.

[info]futureunwritten in [info]paragraffiti

I've been laying low for a while now... been afraid of all hell breaking lose again. Seems like it happens here every few weeks or something.

But now I feel the urge to go out, to do... something, anything. I guess after what happened I just need to feel... alive. Time to stop playing the fucking hermit and get out and do something.

[info]nopoweroverme in [info]paragraffiti

[filtered to the Hyperion + her students + friends]

I'm going to be scarce the next day, maybe two, as I have something I need to see to, starting now. Any work I was slated for, the older Claire will cover. As for the school, this isn't time off of classes, guys. The next two days' worth of work is already set up in the computers and your folders, so I expect it to get done.

[filter two; Peter, Toby, Heidi, Nathan, Charlie, Cathy, f!Claire, Lavender]
[ooc: These are the people Sarah has told thus far, on/off scene. If someone else should go here, poke me and we can work it out.]

Need to mind the chaos and I have to leave now. I have no idea how long this will take, Los Angeles time, but I hope I'm not gone long. If I'm gone more than two days a day, use the mirror so I know that much time has passed and can try to plan accordingly.

[info]indiana_android in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to Friends and allies

[ooc: If you think your character might be including in this, they probably are. Mack's a pretty friendly guy.]

What do you do when someone you really made a connection with maybe even loved just disappears? I know it happens a lot here, that's why I'm asking. I don't know what to do. She's really gone. And now her sister is running around killing people with stakes. Not vampires, people,and I don't know what to do about it. I don't know if I can do something about it. I want to, for her. She would want me to help.

I'm sorry to my team. I know I haven't been much of a leader lately. If I snapped at you, I'm sorry. With everything that's happened, I haven't really been myself. Maybe you should upgrade to a newer model.

[info]heretic_saint in [info]paragraffiti

Private )

A wise person once said, 'To err is human, to forgive divine.' I'd really like to meet this person. And hurt them a little.

[filtered away from Dahlia]

I also want to meet whoever stated that all children view their mothers as God, and I want to tell them that's a load of complete bullshit.


Find someplace to stay yet?

[info]her_my_oh_knee in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered Against Ron

I give up.

[info]lovesaspider in [info]paragraffiti

I know someone told me that pregnancies go by a little faster here, but I have to wonder if it's normal to feel like I'm as big as a house already. ...I'm exaggerating, but I'm still huge. I think, anyway. I don't know.

[info]waverlywizard in [info]paragraffiti

I'm bored. But around here, I guess that's a good thing.

harry potter.
So, um...did Lis ask you about me moving into the Weir? I think she wants me out kind of soon.

[info]justcramps in [info]paragraffiti

Are lookalikes normal here, too? I know some crazy shit goes on in this place, but there's someone who looks exactly like my sister, and it kind of freaks me out because it's definitely not her.

[info]ex_demonbloo908 in [info]paragraffiti

I want to hug everyone.

I love you.

[ooc: and this is what happens when sam winchester takes meds for his leg.]

[info]sayno_to_mutiny in [info]paragraffiti


Fake Chrissymas tree or real?

[info]morallydamaged in [info]paragraffiti

Two days and counting. Still unsmote.

[info]ex_onlygirl487 in [info]paragraffiti

As promised to Fred, Pumpkin Pastries are made, following Mum's recipe of course. I haven't forgotten anything Fred, promise. I'm leaving them in kitchen, anyone can help themselves, though if you want some, you should get there before Fred arrives.

[Lily (older)]
Think we should ask to see Heather now?

[Magical People of the Good Variety]
If anyone hasn't figured out to cast a Patronus, or how to cast something like one, I'd be glad to help you, just let me know.

[info]ex_demonbloo908 in [info]paragraffiti



[info]ex_demonbloo908 in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to Castiel & Ruby.

We have a problem.

[info]not_lovesick in [info]paragraffiti

An owl delivered a letter to me today. A bird. I’ve never been obsessively pecked by an owl before and I was hoping that it would never come to that. But I suppose I can’t have everything, now can I?

Do all of you… who have magic, use birds like that? People stared, you know. They stared and then they stared even more, and I'm fairly certain that one of them was on the verge of going catatonic.

[info]werockon in [info]paragraffiti

I have the greatest urge to blast Tom Petty, Free Falling, and sing along with it. It's so ridiculously satisfying.

[info]whiteeyes in [info]paragraffiti

That old man wasn't very nice to me.

So I fed his liver to my dog, Sammy.

I think she liked it. She's a good girl.

Mommy's upset. Poor thing, she doesn't seem to be having much fun.

[info]patientlykira in [info]paragraffiti

[Filtered to friends and allies who aren't Ruby and don't have the last name Winchester]
[ooc: Yes, you read that right. Surprisingly, Castiel is included, though she wouldn't call him a friend. Anya is also included, because believe it or not, Kira does consider her a friend. And Elaine, cause she's...God.]

I fucking hate this. I'm fucking sick and tired of being discounted just because I'm not from their world. No, I'm not a hunter, no I've never fought a demon from that world, unless you count the one that bastard excuse for a Winchester from Apocalypse Land sent after me, but damn, not like I haven't kicked the asses of some tough ass monsters. I have powers and I know my limits so I'm not gonna go off on some demon hunt suicide mission, but excuse me for knowing how dangerous the newest demonic arrivals are. Just because I've never met them doesn't mean my feelings don't fucking count!

Okay, done venting. Just needed to get it out, it's not important. Go back to whatever you were doing.

Edit: Castiel helped me understand. No need for anymore lectures. Like I said, just needed to get it out.

[info]wecanbeheroes in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered against Lilith.

That girl is crazy.

Molly, you shouldn't talk to her.

[info]notgeorge in [info]paragraffiti


Gin, you're bloody amazing. They taste just like I remember. Just like mum used to make.

[info]final_sacrament in [info]paragraffiti

I never knew Los Angeles had so many nice buildings. There's a lot of old ones downtown -- some are really run-down but that makes for good photography too.

And there's the Pacific Design Center... all that glass, it's fascinating.

I thought back East was the best for photography but I keep finding more places to take pictures of here. I even sold a few.

[info]talbotb in [info]paragraffiti

Given recent developments, it seems to me that certain people should have accepted certain deals when they were offered.

[info]reluctantavatar in [info]paragraffiti

filtered to hyperion

I'm bored of staying inside, I think I want to go take Appa out for a bit. Anyone want to come with?

[info]decembervision in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to Adult Friends

Why do people drink? It doesn't help.

I want to forget him, but people are already talking about Christmas. Shut up, people.

I have a new love that I love more than the old one and I just want to forget.

I hate this. I want some of Sam's happy pills.

[ooc: Yes, she's just a little drunk. It's very much unlike her, but I think she's got a good enough excuse right now. It took her so long to type this because she was trying to look halfway intelligent.]

[info]pestoboy in [info]paragraffiti

Does anybody need me to do their homework? Sort out their taxes? Anything that requires the use of more than one brain cell?

I feel so empty without my homework.

[info]raheta in [info]paragraffiti

filtered against baddies.

I'm not gonna say anything about the sudden lapse of bullshit around here.

I will say, however, that I think I passed the 'meet your boyfriend's dad' test with flying colors.

[info]thebigbad in [info]paragraffiti

Hell follows me everywhere.

I think I'm going mad.

[info]potter_harry_j in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to the Weir

I've been asked if another wizard can move here. I understand she is not from our time, or our world, but she has similar powers. I imagine it would be a bit like having a first year raised by Muggles and I know all about that. We've opened this place to Amelia Solo, and others have come to visit, but are we okay with another wizard living with us? She's a young teenager, and she would likely need a bit of guidance.

[info]gab_montez in [info]paragraffiti

Does anyone know of anywhere my boyfriend and I can stay? We don't have much money, only what we had on us when we got brought here. I'm willing to help out in exchange for a room.

[info]defenderrose in [info]paragraffiti

I'm bored.

Isn't there anything fun to do around here?

[info]mastersix in [info]paragraffiti

I take it back. Some Earth customs aren't so bad.

[info]her_my_oh_knee in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to Ron

If one of us don't say this soon we never will.

I'm sorry...

I lo...

[info]faithinthedark in [info]paragraffiti

[Filtered to Friends]

To anyone I haven't spoken to yet, yes I survived the encounter with Buffy. Didn't manage to stop her though. Beyond that I don't want to talk about it.

[Filtered to Kyle]

Told you I'd come back.

Guess we should talk now. I mean there's some stuff I need to tell you. I'm thinking I might tell you over these boards So I don't have to see your face when you freak out

[info]gab_montez in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to Lana Lang

I heard you're the person in charge of the Isis shelter? I was wondering if you have any spare rooms?

[info]his_sister in [info]paragraffiti

Some of those people with the magazines talking about that nasty, filthy stupid religion stuff showed up at the door. I didn't like them very much.

I don't think they'll be coming back.

Don't tell me you've forgotten about me just because you're older now.

Also, I've met someone over this message board. She seems different than the others.

I want to change rooms. I don't like mine because the trees outside scratch the window all night. Is that alright with you?

[info]st_monica in [info]paragraffiti

I miss Aaron, and Claire.

And Hiro, uh the younger one. Not that I don't like having you around Hiro. Okay, that was only slightly awkward.

So uh, how is everyone?

[Private to Peter, Nathan, and Heidi]

I know there is a lot of crazy stuff going on right now, but I was thinking, maybe we should throw a night for the kids? They deserve a distraction. Maybe a movie night or something?

And if you guys ever want help in teaching or anything, let me know. I helped my brother back home, and I was studying law and education when I was in college which didn't last long at all.

[info]beforeyoudie in [info]paragraffiti

it's cold here. but not as cold as the well.

[info]cutesythief in [info]paragraffiti

I need a place to stay! I just got kicked out of a hotel because I don't have any money to pay for my room. I do have money, though! ...Just not the kind they want, I guess? Heh.
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January 2010



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