November 4th, 2008

[info]daddywinchester in [info]paragraffiti

filtered to Dean & Sam Winchester;

34 118*

[address of an abandoned house]

[*coordinates of Los Angeles]

[info]decembervision in [info]paragraffiti

While Lois has her coffee cravings, my mind has decided my life needs a soundtrack. I think I'm going to have to write down all the lyrics before it'll finally let me go to sleep.

I left you a little something.

[info]not_lovesick in [info]paragraffiti

I fell from my horse and I woke up to find myself in this place, and nothing here is how it should be and when I was out on the streets, there was this constant, strange feeling, as if all of the happiness had been drained away. It only ceased once I was pulled in through a door by a man who told me that this is America and that the year is 2005, 79 years into a future that I should not be witnessing.

This man near me was kind enough to show me how to use this thing and I must admit, it is quite unsettling. Not in a bad way, but in an unfamiliar way.

Can I not return home? Something must have pulled me here, correct? What was it? Does it have a name? If it was her I swear I’ll

[info]one_ranger_army in [info]paragraffiti

So where do you people like to go to relax? Seems like I have a night all to myself.

[ooc: Backdated to after this and this, because I am slow tonight.]

[info]gab_montez in [info]paragraffiti

Okay, why am I in LA? I don't remember coming here.

Hello? Troy, please say you're here.

[info]holy_conjurer in [info]paragraffiti

A little girl gave me a little teddy bear today. She was with her family, and she looked so happy.

I think Mother will bless her.


You're a hilarious woman.

[info]zord_savvy in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to Rangers

I...can't believe I did something so foolish

I'm sorry. I'm back. There are sweets on the counter..did I miss anything? You're all alright? please be alright..

[info]ex_demonbloo908 in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to friends!

My Dad is here!

[info]robinindahood in [info]paragraffiti

Ugh. Ran into Buffy...feels like a truck hit me and theirs a brick in my stomach. These damn scars itch and I can't find any bourbon. I just don't know how much longer I can do this. I want to go home..

[ooc before this and after This]

[info]heretic_saint in [info]paragraffiti


Hey, how's it going?

I met with Dahlia this evening, because I wanted to know more about my biological father.

You know what she said?

He came from the flames to deliver me. Then she told me that I didn't need to know anymore, and that she was enough for me.

But, I noticed something.

I think she fears me.

[Public filter]

I love this place!

[info]ex_demonbloo908 in [info]paragraffiti

This isn't over, Bela.

[info]robinindahood in [info]paragraffiti

I miss home, and my team..Bridge, Syd, even Sky and D.C.. Z if you ever tell him I'll deny it. I can almost see him glaring at me for even writing him into this. We don't get along but that doesn't mean I don't care. I wish they were here. It would make all this so much easier.

Find a place?



I love you.
lyrics )

[info]forihavesinned in [info]paragraffiti

I never did get to thank you, Anyanka.

[info]ex_spideysen651 in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered against baddies.

There's a massive gang fight going on downtown. Could use some backup.

[info]ex_onlygirl487 in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered against baddies

...I wish I hadn't turned on that blasted television.

It never shows anything good )

I bloody well hate this city.

[info]robinindahood in [info]paragraffiti

private to Anya

Can we talk?

[info]pestoboy in [info]paragraffiti

I want to go to school.

[info]yourecold in [info]paragraffiti

Would it be inappropriate for me to want to learn how to drive, right now?

[info]defenderrose in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered To Jessica Moore

I talked to the Doctor, and if you still need a room you're more than welcome here as long as you need.

Look for the blue box on [address]. Or if you'd rather I could meet you somewhere?

[OOC: Backdated to Hallowe'en since Jessica's player was away all this weekend.]

[info]frostandsnow in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to Faith

Bela Talbot.

She has a gun Sam needs and I'd like to make her give it to me. Unfortunatly she knows a little too much about the weaknesses of demons.

You want to come with me. According to Sam its unlikely I can even enter her house. So we fight her, we make her bring us there and you go in and destroy the salt lines and any devils traps she has up.

We get the colt and Sam and Dean use it.

You in, Slayer?

January 2010



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