October 21st, 2008

[info]reluctantavatar in [info]paragraffiti

filtered to Hyperion

Uh..Katara...Claire? Momo might have gotten a liiitle to excited about all the fruit in the kitchen. I'm sorry! I seriously can't find anymore! Momo your in such big trouble no

[/ Hyperion filter]

I'm gonna go out and see if I can do something about this fog.

[info]blackberrypatch in [info]paragraffiti

Starlight, starbright; children searching in the night.

[info]slayerbee in [info]paragraffiti

filtered to caleb.

Before things get too out of hand with this fog and stuff What did you want from Anya?

[info]justjessica in [info]paragraffiti

I died, I remember that much. How could I forget that But then things get hazy, this is..I died. There was fire and..yeah, so excuse me for being confused right now and more than a little disturbed.

Sam? Anyone? I just need someone to tell me I'm not crazy.

[info]frostandsnow in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to Sam Winchester

Thats not who I think it is, is it? Cause that won't help a damn thing at all

You sure its her? I could check for you?

[info]faithinthedark in [info]paragraffiti

[Filtered to Sam Winchester]


I saw the boards. Her and all.

You ok?

[info]_sabretooth_ in [info]paragraffiti

{Filtered to Logan}

Drinks on me. {address} Got something for ya.

To make things easier.

[info]likemapquest in [info]paragraffiti

...I think I'm lost.

[info]lovemesomepie in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to Sam

So I saw who's here now. How can I help? Do you want to go get drunk? Want to talk? I'm here for you, Sammy, you know that.

[info]raheta in [info]paragraffiti

Don't worry.
Stay inside.

[info]his_sister in [info]paragraffiti

I don't know why everyone is complaining about this fog. I think it's neat looking. I especially like the screams.

{filtered to Alex}
I want a dog. I miss Ryder, and Hunter is yours. It isn't fair, that I don't have my own dog too. Will you get me one?

[info]_swordofthejedi in [info]paragraffiti

filtered to all good!Jedi and Jaina's friends; excluding Jag

So. Apparently, I have a son. An almost adult son, who looks, acts, and sounds just like his father. Whom I'm going to kill just as soon as we get home for damning the galaxy with two of him.

Amelia, you had better start explaining why I wasn't told about this to begin with.

As for everyone else... what in the kriff do I do now?!

[info]her_brother in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to Damien Thorn

Delia's here. She's younger than I remember, only nine in fact, but nevertheless, she's at the hotel with me. She doesn't know who you are, but I think you should come and see her anyway. I'll tell her soon, once she's settled in.

[info]shotgun_mason in [info]paragraffiti

no no no


Where are you?
This fog
I know this fog.

[info]robinindahood in [info]paragraffiti

filtered to Buffy and Faith

What's going on out there with this weird fog?

...Sorry..about, you know before.

[info]zord_savvy in [info]paragraffiti

filtered to rangers

Nobody goes out alone. Check in with me on the hour. Things are getting ugly out there. A few disturbances already reported on the monitors. Stick to your patrol groups. I'll be analyzing your units -but no pressure it isn't really a test. It's just to see where your skills are, everyone is at a different level. Has different strengths.

EDIT: Casey will be staying in to help me until he finds the balance with his tiger spirit.

[Peter Petrelli and Lana]
We're here if you need us. So don't exhaust yourself with extra patrols. My rangers will be out until the fog clears-one group at a time. Isis will always have one group of at least three just to be safe.

I've hacked your security. If something moves, I'll know. Then the rangers will move out, reassure everyone you'll be fine because nothing will get in without me knowing. If you need me directly ask Z, the delta morphers are the most direct way to contact me.

[info]decembervision in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to Isis Residents

From this point on, Isis is on lockdown. No one is to go outside without direct permission from me, and unless you can tack Ranger onto the end of your name, I doubt I'll give it. This means no more pictures, Henry. I just have a bad feeling this is going to get worse and I don't want any of you hurt. I'll be staying at Isis too, until all this is over which will hopefully be soon. Be safe.

Things aren't looking so good. Do you want to come stay with me at Isis for a while? I don't think you should be alone.

[Rangers at Isis]
Rangers, do you think you could take shifts watching the entrance?

[info]generals_son in [info]paragraffiti

Does anyone know where Clark’s at? I’m worried about him. He never stays away this long, and he hasn’t even called.

[Filtered to Lois Lane]
Are you okay? Can I come stay with you? Clark’s not at the hotel anymore and I don’t want to stay here without him.

[info]regenerating in [info]paragraffiti

Oh my gosh.

My grandmother got me a dog!

[ooc: ICly, replies will be delayed, as she posted, then ran to find Angela.]

[info]notafreak in [info]paragraffiti

Okay, so this city isn't too far from Costa Verde. And I might have wondered what L.A. was like, but come on! I didn't want to come here! And why the Hell are there foul-mouthed freaks kids running around acting tough? It's not normal.

I need to get back home. Right now! But I'm not sure where to go. Don't have much money left. Please, someone tell me this isn't the Twilight Zone. Tell me this isn't really messed up! I need to get out of here soon. Really. I don't want to go outside and run into Ryan again.

[info]thexandman in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered against baddies.

What in the frilly heck is going on?!

[info]heretic_saint in [info]paragraffiti

[Mental link to Heather]

anyone giving problems?

[Mental link to Harry]

[Hums the tune to Amazing Grace.]

[Mental link to Peter]

Make it go away, please. Won't leave me alone. won't leave me alone.

[info]sardonic_moon in [info]paragraffiti

I hate this.

On the bright side I found a perfectly harmless monster and I've been examining it for quite some time. It's rather quite fascinating!

[info]yourecold in [info]paragraffiti

I've been working on a set list for the Halloween party, and I don't know if it's any good or not but it isn't confirmed so.. yeah. Comments, thoughts, suggestions, improvements? I want it to be completely.. perfect. I don't want there to be anything wrong with it.

Here it is.. )

[info]shotgun_mason in [info]paragraffiti

It's everywhere.

Represents the deity known as 'The Halo of the Sun.'
I heraldry symbolizes a religion group.
The two outer circles are charity and resurrection,
the three inner circles are present past and future.
Usually drawn in red. Occasionally drawn in black or
other colors, but blue reverses the meaning into a curse
on God and is therefore forbidden.

[info]its_the_hate in [info]paragraffiti

I miss Gwen, the one who was here before. I hate this city. It could have at least waited for the baby. It could have at least left me the baby. I wanted her and I wanted him too. I wanted the baby.

And some idiot threw fire at me the other day. We’re going to kill him. If you're lucky, we'll leave him at your window, Spider. We haven't left you a proper present in some time. We still hate you.

[info]iwantmore in [info]paragraffiti



[info]selfpropelled in [info]paragraffiti

filtered against baddies;

Anyone noticing the weird stuff outside suddenly happening inside too?

[filtered to the Hyperion]
No one move the towels shoved against the door to the third floor.

Anyone's rooms looking a little run down?

I have a favor to ask.

[info]rabiesforthewin in [info]paragraffiti

This fog's pretty goddamn unnerving. Anyone know what's causing it?

Well on the bright side I found this weird looking creature, and had it bite me. Think it was poisonous, because I feel pretty stoned now.

[info]hisdaughter in [info]paragraffiti

This...this, evil again. Why do I feel so drawn to it? Why aren't I afraid?

[info]raheta in [info]paragraffiti

Welcome to Silent Hill.

The sign's missing. I said it instead.

[info]morallydamaged in [info]paragraffiti

This is fucking ridiculous. Most of my staff just disappeared, leaving with me a handful who if asked to fight probably wouldn't even throw a shoe without giving me a five minute lecture on how designer heels are not weapons!

It's easier to look at than Hell. Though not by much.

[info]sardonic_moon in [info]paragraffiti

Guess who he is.

Well, well, what do we have here? Valtiel? Where are you?

Now this is such a wonderful site to behold! All of you people milling about completely unaware that you lack salvation. It's alright, because I'm here to offer it to you.

All I require is a small sacrifice.

[info]werockon in [info]paragraffiti

There's a thing outside my window! A still moving dead thing. It smeared blood on the glass Oh God Make it go aw

It's got a knife. Can it get in? I think it's trying to get in. I wish I had something heavier than a guitar in here that I can actually pick up

[info]heretic_saint in [info]paragraffiti

[There is now a sound of an air raid siren that everyone can hear. While it's going off the entire area changes. Reference video here )]

"He will deliver his soul from going into the pit, and his life shall see the light."

[info]heretic_saint in [info]paragraffiti

I'll be so very happy when this night is over. And I'm at a cafe so I could avoid the rush of trick or treaters.

November can't come soon enough.

[info]judgment_arcana in [info]paragraffiti

Home. Holy Mother must be here now.

Very strange. Very much like home.

[info]his_sister in [info]paragraffiti

Does this happen a lot, around here? I guess it doesn't with the way people are acting, huh?

Oh, there's a monster outside my window. He's just... staring at me. I haven't seen anything like him before. I almost want to keep him.

[info]rageofages in [info]paragraffiti

What is this strange fog?

Mm. Is it an attempt to confuse the senses? Some creatures need not eyes to see, nor nose to smell.

Integral, if you leave the castle, I will attend you.

[info]hislight in [info]paragraffiti

This used to be in my nightmares...

Didn't Stephen King write this movie? The Mist?

As long as nothing comes out of it. Especially eyes. I think the pscyh services clinic will be closed for a few days.

[info]robinindahood in [info]paragraffiti

filtered to all rangers

Guys we need to forget about patrols and focus on getting Isis closed up. I've started pushing things infront of doors and shooting the ones that get past-but they're not going to die that way. I've been told this is all part of a ritual to get a Pyra-freak off our backs. It'll be lasting for a day or so if everything goes okay. Trust me when I say we should save strength and nobody should be going outside. We need to focus on keeping everybody inside safe.

[info]slayerbee in [info]paragraffiti

Don't go outside. I don't care who you are, what's out there, DON'T DO IT. If you keep yourself barracaded, I really don't think they can pull any mystic mumbo-jumbo to get in. Just lock the doors and windows and make sure something heavy is blocking the way.

January 2010



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