October 13th, 2008

[info]justcramps in [info]paragraffiti

This place is fucking ridiculous. An Apocalypse? Really? Jesus. And on top of that, I am not a werewolf.

[info]originalpink in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to Kira

I couldn't help it, I caved and started researching different teams on the internet. Mostly SPD, since the Power Rangers seem to really change in that time.

...is it true? About the A Squad?

[info]mortalmaster in [info]paragraffiti

Three bloody years and I still remember this American hellhole. Was Cronqvist mad? I never died. At the very least, this time I wasn't doing anything of importance when I was abducted from my home. I don't suppose Seras has been brought here with me. That is asking too much.

Good evening, Los Angeles, tell me who is still standing so I can give my proper greetings?

[info]hapanqueen in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to Jacen

How are you feeling? Is there anything you need?

I assume you've already spoken to Jaina since her return?

[info]ex_demonbloo908 in [info]paragraffiti

I'm exhausted. And I feel like I've been hungover for a week. I guess that's what happens when you get drunk twice in three days. Or was it four? I'm not even gonna try to figure that one out.

I think I need a new phone. My screen is cracked. I might've...gotten thrown into a wall the other night. Which explains the screen cracking.

Filtered to Faith )

Filtered to Kira )

Filtered to Jo )

Filtered to Dean )

Filtered to Peter Petrelli & the Hyperion )

Filtered to Dad. )

[info]decembervision in [info]paragraffiti

He's back!

[Oliver Queen]
Clark said to talk to you if it was urgent. I thi owe him an apology.

[info]lovesaspider in [info]paragraffiti

Leave it to me to start having cravings again as soon as the Apocalypse is over.

[info]beforeyoudie in [info]paragraffiti

where are all of the tapes? the only thing i'm finding is dvd's.

[info]indiana_android in [info]paragraffiti

Hello, LA! Hope you're having as great a day as I am! I have a HEARTBEAT!

[info]justaprettygirl in [info]paragraffiti

I remember the beach and the woman in red. It was a bad idea to sneak alone.

I think I lost my head.

[info]patientlykira in [info]paragraffiti

I have a Spice Girls song stuck in my head. It's not a bad song, but it's starting to annoy me, especially since I'm trying to write my own music right now.

[info]lavandula in [info]paragraffiti

So, apparently I'm alive again...how interesting.

Did I miss anything good? You know asides from what was most likely an epic performance on the good-guys part when it comes to saving the world.

[Filtered to Good!HP people]

I saw him.

I saw Dumbledore!

[info]hisdaughter in [info]paragraffiti

I still feel nothing about this Apocalypse thing...should I have? I know I should have? I think...part of me misses the panic...

So. Is this place back to normal now? Or as normal as it can be?

January 2010



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