September 26th, 2008

[info]patientlykira in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to Heather Mason

Think I could stay with you a while?

[info]no_savior in [info]paragraffiti

[custom filters]

Angela Petrelli )

Niki Sanders )

Willow Rosenberg )

Claire Littleton )

[info]godschosen in [info]paragraffiti

[Filtered to Cordelia Chase]

It's a mandate from God and the process has more than already started. If you manage to end this I might have to do more than show you the easy way to kill a demon. However, you'll forgive my lack of faith in your abilities to stop an apocalypse in the Biblical sense, but something tells me that I'm on my way home.

[info]patientlykira in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to Bart Allen

Hey Bart, guess who's single? Well, not really sure if this counts as single, but I'm not living with him anymore. Doubt he'll want to see me anymore the way he's been acting, so...I guess I'm single?

So, wanna make out? Not that I'd actually do it. I'd get maybe 3 inches from your face then chicken out cause it would feel wrong, which is pretty bad considering you're the hottest white guy I know.

This sucks. He cheated on me, but here I am, still wishing he'd come after me. Am I the lamest person ever or what?

[ooc: I seriously apologize for Kira spamming your pages. She's just had a lot to do/say in the past 24 or so hours. Oh, and I haven't decided if she's had a drink just before this or if she's just that depressed that she's rambling on about making out with Bart.]

[info]fearless_cub in [info]paragraffiti

...None of my calls go through, is that normal? I can't stay here. What if Daishi attacks. Oh and Kira? weird did you possibly mean vampires, and demons? Yeah. I ran into those. its like all my worst nightmares in one spot. Great.

[info]red_crown_man in [info]paragraffiti

Looking for work...

I just got here; the name's Kyle Hyde. Since I appear to be stuck, and my old job ended a couple of decades ago, I guess I'm looking for work.

I've been a traveling salesman, and I've done... informal investigation work. I could probably hack being a security guard, too, if anyone's interested.

I didn't exactly land here with a resume, though, so you're going to have to take my word for it that I'm reliable.

[info]heretic_saint in [info]paragraffiti

I had a dream the other night. Normally I wouldn't be so bold to share my dreams, but I find this one worth sharing.

In one of the deserts there was a huge tower, and in that tower there were people inside of it. At the foot of the tower was a horned beast. A goat man of sorts if you will. On the left and right side of this strange beast were a man and woman. Both bound to this beast, but with their chains so loose they could easily step out of them.

I didn't have time to watch this though, as I quickly saw a figure rise to the top of the tower, and proclaim rulership over all it surveyed. No sooner did it say that, that a bolt of lightning came down and destroyed the tower.

That's how it ended. Talk to me. I know this dream means something. Everyone please talk to me. I need to figure this out too.

[info]raheta in [info]paragraffiti

Talk to me. Anyone and everyone. Doesn't matter what you say just as long as it helps me figure out who's who in this ritual.

January 2010



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