September 24th, 2008

[info]zord_savvy in [info]paragraffiti

You would think that if I could program a zord, create delta base crawler, and process several contained criminals in one week that I could make a decent cup of coffee..sadly all my attempts are lacking. The machine is really out to get keeps making scary noises I don't think are normal, even for a coffee machine from ancient technology. This is getting a little frustrating, but I suppose it is nearly time for me to get out of the lab anyways. Is anyone up for some caffeine and company? Z? Kira?..anyone really, I just need someone to talk too other than computers and machines before I lose my mind.

[info]patientlykira in [info]paragraffiti

Normally I wouldn't post something like this, but...well, you'll see.

Click for large image. )

[info]psycho_ryan in [info]paragraffiti

I walked into K-Mart today. They had a deal on sports caps. Buy two, get one free. It's cool. Of course, I never really wore any, as I wasn't in to it, and never really needed to wear a hat before, so it's gonna take a bit of a while to actually be comfortable.. so.. err, right. Nevermind.

Just thought I'd mention the sale to other people. Since I am such a nice guy and all. This is my good deed for the day. I don't like wearing caps. But I have to. Especially since my haircut looks terrible. And no, I will not take off my hat if I see anyone in person, no matter how much money is offered. Not even for a million dollars. Umm.. don't ask.

[info]ex_chimichan376 in [info]paragraffiti

Anybody need a sidekick? I'm bored and ran out of kibble...

[info]callmefred in [info]paragraffiti

Well now, that was rather an experience. Dear Leela she did what she thought was right but even so it pains me that I am here and not there. Still I must adjust to it and work out my next course of action

Yes, how to explain. Some of you knew Fred, And I was Fred. Or she was me, I am a Time Lady and Fred was a human, I was...made human, so I would survive the end of a horrible war.  And survive it I did.

My name is Romanadvoratrelunder, Romana will suffice, and I, by all rights should have died along with my world.

As it is, they sent me away and made me human, hoping it would give me a chance. It has.

But my restoration, it does mean that....Fred is, unfortunately...gone.

Peter Petrelli thank you for your aid to her. It was a difficult time but you put her on a path.

Martha Jones...what can I say beyond, outstanding. Whatever regeneration you traveled with, I am sure you made him exceptionally proud. You have helped me so very much Miss Jones.I am grateful, as was Fred Smith at the end.

{Filtered to the Master and the Rani}

As the Lady President of the Council of Time Lords I must insist you both explain your actions to me?

Master, will need to tell me why you ran. And Harold Saxon the British Prime Minister...What have you been up to since I had you restored. ?

And Rani...Why did you never return, while the Time Lords suffered and died, why did you never bother to fight?

{Filtered to Fourth Doctor}

I cannot believe you didn't recognize the name Fred!  It really could have been the only name a human me would have right? And Fred Smith, no less,Thought you were smarter than that! Its so good to see you again and I am so sorry I had to leave. But as I said to you then I had to be my own Romana.

I have missed you.

[info]hislight in [info]paragraffiti

My name is Jennifer Thornton and I am a licensed psychologist with a Ph.D in clinical psychology from UCLA. I will be offering one hour therapy sessions Monday through Thursday between the hours of 1pm and 4pm.

Anything that takes place in the session is confidential unless it involves elder or child abuse, or the intent to commit a violent crime against another person.

[info]super_hiro in [info]paragraffiti

Ando! Ando! It is time to save the world from villains again!

[info]honestlyronald in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered against baddies.

I reckon sulking isn't going to do me any good.

I need to find a way to make myself a bit more useful around here.

Oh! Right. And I've got this chess set that I've been working on. It works properly like a wizards chess set now, so the pieces move on their own and everything. If anyone wants to go a round with me, let me know and we'll have at it, yeah?

[info]scissorwoman in [info]paragraffiti

Vampires don't bleed. That's very disappointing.

January 2010



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