September 23rd, 2008

[info]nomia in [info]paragraffiti

I'm doing well, thank you to everyone who's asked. I actually don't feel too badly, considering, though I'm going to go back and sleep after this. I just wanted to say hello and issue warning to those man-children who might be thinking about taking my less and a week old son up on a broom or out pranking. I'll hunt you down, boys. I will.

That said, Cian and I are doing fine and I'll just be getting back to him now. Some of you are going to have to come see him soon!

Sirius )

Lily and James )

Bellatrix )

Peter Evans )

Fenrir )

[info]holy_conjurer in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered from Lilith Sahl

That lady I mets very nice but I gotta go find the subwae now! then i can go back to Ashfeeld and see my mother! I hav a mom too! shell be so happy to see me don't yu theenk?

i cant wait to see her!

[info]trismegistus1 in [info]paragraffiti

Hey, sup guys?

[info]thexandman in [info]paragraffiti

Toto, I don't think we're in Kansas anymore.

[info]scissorwoman in [info]paragraffiti

Hello, Los Angeles!!

[info]dontgiveuponme in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered Against Baddies

Um. Not that I'm complaining or anything, but Xander just disappeared. Blipped right out of the lobby. Is blipped even the right word? I don't think that was supposed to happen. Was it?

[info]raheta in [info]paragraffiti

He's mine. Be jealous.

[info]heretic_saint in [info]paragraffiti

I found a photo of the town I used to live in, over here.

I've been staring at that image all day. even though I know the truth.

[Filtered to Heather, Peter Petrelli, and Sam Winchester] Any luck finding the others?
I managed to find one other person.

[info]intheclock in [info]paragraffiti

I have a craving for good shrimp like you wouldn't believe. Entirely unfortunate when one is supposed to be working. The Chinese place down the street from the public library is entirely inadequate and I think a front for the meth lab in the back.

Not that saying this has ever done anyone any good, but there are times when I miss Gotham.

[ooc: this is written and posted as Barbara Gordon. No Oracle symbols or talk popping up anywhere. Just your average citizen. I keep forgetting to specify this >.>]

[info]ex_girlsuper149 in [info]paragraffiti

I think I've finally got the hand of things. Sort of.

...and even as Krypton's red sun dims in the evening skies, know... and remember... that it is by the strength of our faith and our love that your path stays as bright as the eyes of Lady Kandor herself. So say we all.

I don't know why, but I've been missing home a lot.

Diana? I need to talk to you, when you have a moment.

[info]notatypicallife in [info]paragraffiti

I had too much coffee, too late today, and now I can't even think about sleeping. Which is really, just...bad, because I have to be up at dark o'clock, and I have the sneaking suspicion that when my alarm goes off in about seven hours, I'm just going to get up and overdose on caffeine all over again to hold me over until I can come home and not go to sleep.

If anyone knows any miracle cure for this sort of thing, I'm all ears.

[info]lovesaspider in [info]paragraffiti

Tell me about your dream wedding.

One little detail or everything from start to finish. I don't care, I'm just curious since I'm planning my own. I guess I've got marriage fever.

[info]buy_a_vowel in [info]paragraffiti

Does this man have a reason for being here? Or does his only reason to exist involve commands that nobody in their right mind would ever agree to follow?

You are not secretly like him, are you, Clark? You would not be foolish enough to believe yourself better than us, if only because your civilization was more advanced, and your abilities easily able to be compared to those of a god when observed by a human being?

For your own safely, Kal-El, I would hope not. I would not appreciate you growing abundantly cocky in front of the rest of us. It would be a pity if I had to hurt you, again.

January 2010



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