September 4th, 2008

[info]brokenmirror in [info]paragraffiti

[Filtered to Sarah]

So apparently you're with my ex

So apparently you don't want to kill me

So... yeah....

So... um.... Hi.

I mean I spoke to Peter today and....

I thought I'd better.... or I should....

Hi. I'm Niki. But I think you already knew that.

[info]raheta in [info]paragraffiti

I think I'm sick. Or getting sick. Or maybe that's just my brain melting out my ears. Or my heart exploding or something. Here's hoping. But I think it's just the alcohol. And Sam.

[info]zoneroflight in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to Kal-El (younger)

Kal-El, I am staying with your father, if he has not already told you. I hear you are staying somewhere called the Hyperion Hotel. I would like to visit and see it. I miss you.

[ooc: It took her forever to write this, lol.]

[info]boy_scout in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to Hyperion

I have something to ask, for Cordelia and Peter. An old family friend is in town. Her name is Raya. She's from, you know.. back home. From my real home. She worked with my father. She had died before, but now she's alive here. Would it be alright if she came here to see me? Would she need to sign in?

[info]patientlykira in [info]paragraffiti

Custom Filter

[Filtered to: Dean Winchester, Jo Harvelle, Jack Landors, Heather Mason]
Guys, there might just be a way to fix our Sam problem. As I've already told Heather since she asked before I was able to post this, Buffy's sister Dawn thinks she may be able to help. She didn't explain to me how and she's not sure yet if she can, but it's something and I thought you should know. I'll update you when I have more information.

[Jack only]
Hate to bring her up again, but I think you should know Chuck Charlie has the Anti-Sam trying to break me down. If you want to make excuses for her believe she had a justifiable reason for it, go right ahead, but I'm telling you right now that I will never ever trust her.

[info]millipede_death in [info]paragraffiti

Don’t you just hate it when somebody lies to your face? I find it annoying to know that he told me that I would be going one place, but only ended up in another building, filthier than the one I had died in.

Do the dead return often here? I am now curious.

This isn’t Hell.

[info]mugglelover in [info]paragraffiti


Has anyone seen him? He can't be gone.

[info]soul_of_roth333 in [info]paragraffiti

You people are so quick to be terrified easily. It's really necro, but also too trendy.

[info]snarkylibrarian in [info]paragraffiti

.. I thought Sunnydale was the big leap into the hellmouth of unknown and supernatural, I did not think there was this much activity in L.A.. I believe I just saw a man in a large red and blue tight suit..flying outside the window. I've heard no word from Faith and it has been some time. I the only one here? This can't be good. Faith is quiet? I'm sure that wasn't how the portal spell was supposed to work. I suppose it went rather well considering past attempts. But I just hope it wasn't too far off. Bloody hell.

[info]ex_demonbloo908 in [info]paragraffiti

Hey, Dean.

What's blonde, limp, and red all over?

Or, to be more specific, who?

[info]geek_temple in [info]paragraffiti

This place is amazing, I've been sort of...lurking, in a completely none creepy away obviously and the number of people that are named after fictional people is just mind blowing. Unless of course they're only fictional where I'm from, because the last I checked we didn't have vampires or demons, just dinosaurs and big scary evolved creatures from the future that seem rather intent in eating people, so it's not exactly surprising we're exinct. I mean seriously we need to start evolving really quickly, some of the things I've seen...well you don't need to know about that really and it won't be for millions of years anyway so everyone's fine for now, it just never hurts to get a head start you know?

Um...I'm not entirely sure I was meant to say any of that, but it's not like this is my reality (either of them actually) so I don't think Lester can get too angry at me.

Anyway I'm Connor, back home I used to fight the aforementioned dinosaurs and other creatures while also trying to keep it hush hush, because people get a bit freaked out when they find out about dinosaurs roaming around London for some reason. I'm also a Palaeontologist, which is why they well not so much hired me but why I'm part of the team.

Oh and if anyone sees a really pretty blonde woman in a leather jacket and big boots wondering around looking lost can you tell her I'm here. I know they chances of her showing up are a million to one, but I can hope right?

I don't normally ramble this much by the way, really!

[info]slayerbee in [info]paragraffiti

Some vacation. Looks like it's back to the old grind a lot sooner than I thought. And probably gonna do some dimension-hopping at the same time.

Dawn has an idea to take care of this whole evil Sam thing. It's gonna involve traveling to the dimension he's originally from to bring the right one back, and I'm going. Coming with?

[info]thatstight in [info]paragraffiti

I wasn't aware people were supposed to turn to dust when you took off their head. Please explain.

[info]rabiesforthewin in [info]paragraffiti

This place? So I go to the airport and try to get a flight out of here, and you know what happens? They say there's no flights out of LA. Now this crazy shit, cuz I saw someone boarding a flight.

I hop on a bus, pay fare to get to the next town over, and it just takes me to the edge of this place.

Guess I'm really stuck here, huh?

[info]heretic_saint in [info]paragraffiti

[Filtered from the bad guys]

Bloodletting was often practiced by people of ancient religions. They believed that by letting their own blood to a particular god of choice, they could enter the Otherworld.

I wonder if such a technique would work here.

[info]blackblooded in [info]paragraffiti

He'd have told me.

He'd have warned me.

This city will pay in cries of pain.

[info]brokenmirror in [info]paragraffiti

[Filtered to Mal]

I just wanted to say I'm sorry if I got the wrong idea before. Don't want things to be weird between us. You made it pretty clear where we stand so yeah.... We good?

[info]final_sacrament in [info]paragraffiti

I don't know what's happening.

One minute I thought the nightmare was finally over and the next I'm looking at a bunch of skyscrapers and a street sign that says "Wilshire." Isn't that in Los Angeles?

When it was all happening I guess I did black out, sort of, but I know I didn't black out and take a plane across the country.

I'm sure this has something to do with... him. Though why he'd want me to leave Ashfield I can't say.

I wonder if Eileen is all right.

[info]yourecold in [info]paragraffiti

I think Joe's bug is catching up to me. Ugh.

Speaking of, has anyone heard from him? Seen him?

[info]arthurmumby in [info]paragraffiti

filtered to Elisabeth.

I am sorry I am contacting you over here, but you know how much I dislike any other form of.. modern communication.

Are you all right? I am worried am concerned for you.

[info]forihavesinned in [info]paragraffiti

She said that she was clean of sin, but the lord knew. He saw her deception, for she stank of dirt and sex and money. Of manipulation.

And she wasn't the only one.

[info]honestlyronald in [info]paragraffiti

I've been here for ages and I still wake up every day thinking that I'm home.

[info]ex_sonofkryp215 in [info]paragraffiti

I've often wondered how different my life would be if I were human someone else.

[info]rev_66 in [info]paragraffiti

[Filtered to Horsemen]

All those people sprouting Apocalypse references in this forum are going to jinx us. With the majority of the Hellkin busy elsewhere are there any interesting pawns we could employ, lord? Preferably slim ones.

January 2010



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