September 3rd, 2008

[info]soul_of_roth333 in [info]paragraffiti

This place is so ripe for the Apocalypse.

[info]patientlykira in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to Sarah Williams

Is that hug still available?

[info]brokenmirror in [info]paragraffiti

[Filtered to Peter Petrelli and Future!Hiro]

God, I don't even know if you're back from wherever it was you went Peter.

And I can't believe I'm doing this because it's you two.... but...

I kinda, maybe don't have anyone else to talk to.

But what is it with you men? I offer someone a... private dance and.....

It's not like I wanted anything serious with him or anything, I'm not even saying I like him for that matter....

Is it me?

[info]ex_demonbloo908 in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to Kira.

How long do you think he'll last?

[info]raheta in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to Evil!Sam.

I shouldn't be doing this. I really shouldn't be doing this.

What are you doing?

[info]waverlywizard in [info]paragraffiti

I think I have a boyfriend. Does one date make you a couple?

I know a lot of people are going to disagree with me, and I kind of disagree with myself, but this place isn't too bad so far. ... I still wish my family was here, though. It's so weird being alone.

[info]crossyourpath in [info]paragraffiti

{Filtered to May Parker}

You're the only one I can ask this to really and I don't want to know my future, I very much don't. I find someone? Someone thats not him

I know you probobly hate me in your time, I probobly even deserve it, but just humour me.

Oh and congratulations on existing...or something. Has to be confusing.

[info]robinindahood in [info]paragraffiti

filtered to Peter Petrelli

Glad you're back. I'd ask how it was but...that's probably a dumb question considering it wasn't exactly a vacation get away. There's someone I'd like you to meet actually if you've got the time to pull away for a while. She's from my time, also SPD.

[info]nopoweroverme in [info]paragraffiti

custom filter;

[the first wave of females being spoiled - Buffy, Cordy, Charlie, Heidi]

So, ladies, Mr. Bossman has kicked us out of the hotel until dinnertime or our exhaustion, whichever comes first, AND has given us a credit card to max out. Isn't that sweet? I think so.

Who's in for real?

[info]decembervision in [info]paragraffiti

It seems I have suddenly become a very rich woman.

For those of you who are staying in the apartments Lex had set up as a shelter, I intend to keep it running while he's away if he even comes back. I may not do as well as Lex would have, but I will do my best to help all of you get settled into the city.

Given you are Clark's father, I hope you didn't have anything to do with this.

This mansion is lonely. Care to pay me a visit? I'll have cookies!

[info]number_four in [info]paragraffiti


I know you are not our Sam but you are a Sam and deep down you are the same man who has saved countless people including my own. I implore you to cease killing while we attempt to figure out how to transport you back your universe. I think I can help you if you allow me.

[info]sonofajackal in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to Wolfram & Hart

There is a bit of a problem. A small one, one of which can be handled.. but a problem nonetheless. I need to know what legal recourse is available when slander/libel has been committed.

Details? Nicholas Jonas, and others, believe that I have drugged his brother Joe. That I gave him something to make him well. Assuming it was a drug, it's out of his system by now, so it can't be proved. I think that this board post says enough.

I'm curious, is it legal for people to openly make false accusations to someone who is trying to do some goodwill in this city? I'd like to know my rights in this matter. Any advice would be appreciated. I also may have some additional information about this matter, if more details are needed.

[info]just_impulse in [info]paragraffiti

You know what? I really honestly hate this city. I miss the good old days when you could run stupid errands for criminals and then not have to worry about them bugging the hell out of you for the rest of eternity. I liked it when some evil idiot pretending to be God’s answer to the world’s suffering didn’t go around fucking with kids so that he can then act like he’s the victim. I feel really bad for you man, really, I do.

I thought my life was messed up before but I guess I didn’t know what I was talking about. So… since I’m stuck here, maybe for the rest of my life, I’m going to do what I want and if somebody doesn’t like it they can fuck off. Because frankly, I don’t care what they think.

So when I go to Hell, I’ll be sure to send postcards and if you’re lucky, a souvenir. Expect something.

[info]dontyoujustwish in [info]paragraffiti

So mainly I wanted to say thank you to Cordelia for telling it how it is about Vengeance Demons...

And so we are all clear...

Yes I am a Vengeance Demon. Yes, I grant wishes. I specialize in scorned women, but I wield the power of the Wish and am not limited in that regard.

I do not choose the Wish. I am merely the instrument through which the wish manifests itself. I do not care if the Wish brings chaos or fluffy puppies.

Yes I granted Kira's wish regarding Sam Winchester. Yes the two versions are switched. To the best of my knowledge the original one is still alive. If i had full use of of teleporting powers I would go and check, but I can't.

I cannot simply reverse a wish of this scale. That is not to say it is impossible to do full stop, but I alone do not have the power to do it. So stop asking me to.

[info]swisscheesed in [info]paragraffiti

So many Sams! This is ridiculous!
But I think I can cross this evil one off my list...
I hope.

[info]no_savior in [info]paragraffiti

filtered to Niki

Private )

[info]rageofages in [info]paragraffiti

I will tolerate no threat of witch burnings. Such divisiveness amongst one species has ever been amusing and bittersweet.

Should you attempt it, a fate worse than death awaits you. Believe me, I have a very ... creative ... mind.

The wars fought and won or lost for religion and the ideals held therein, do you truly fear this world and your fate so much that only the idea of a personal deity filled with love capering in heaven to look over you, assuages all the wrongs of the world that you yourselves could right?


[info]let_loose in [info]paragraffiti

One would think that humans would have enough compassion to take care of their children. Throwing a small child from a moving vehicle isn’t the smartest nor is it the boldest thing to do. I was almost reluctant to leave her in the care of this city’s law, for it doesn’t look as if they know much of anything that would be of true importance.

Have you settled? Nobody has bothered you, have they?

[Kal-El (younger)]
I wish to see you, soon. Are you fine?

[info]thexandman in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered against baddies AND ANYA OMG

1. Some crazy priest guy gouges my eye out in the future.
2. I wear a sexy eye patch.
3. My ex, also from the future, is a vengeance demon.
4. Why demons? What is my problem? Is there some kind of sign that I'm wearing that I can't see?
5. I'm scared so not liking my future anymore.

[info]ex_demonbloo908 in [info]paragraffiti

I have to ask.

Which would you prefer to see go first? And how?

[ooc: insert pictures of a) pregnant woman and b) a child bound into chairs.]

[info]robinindahood in [info]paragraffiti

filtered to Charlie

Meet me at the Hyperion [address] tonight. This is your second chance. Don't miss it.

[info]yourecold in [info]paragraffiti

Seriously, what is it about the amount of jerks in this city? Is it like a jerk holiday destination or something?

Sorry. That made me sound like a jerk.

[info]principalsnyder in [info]paragraffiti

There will be an immediate expulsion for all students involved in these shenanigans.

[info]sorryimatwat in [info]paragraffiti

What the hell?! Where the hell am I? Did the rift do this?
Jack? Gwen? Tosh? Teaboy?

[info]sardonic_moon in [info]paragraffiti

I've heard that there's a another priest here. This makes me very happy! I wonder if he would love to be my friend?

Maybe we can go to strip club!

[info]psychodeux in [info]paragraffiti

Tell me a secret and I promise I won't tell anyone. Think of it as strictly business.

[info]heretic_saint in [info]paragraffiti

[Filtered to Heather]

Hey, how are you holding up?


[Filtered to all of Sam's friends. (not the Anti-Sam ones)Filtered against Anti-Sam]

Has anyone figured out a way to repair this situation with Sam? Obviously the sooner something is done the better.

And let's hope that when the real Sam comes back, the Red Pyramid Thing doesn't go after him.

[info]findthelight in [info]paragraffiti

Tags: ,

[info]dawn_breaks in [info]paragraffiti

Anyone else ever see that XFiles episode with the genie chick and Mulder asked for wold peace and suddenly he was the only person left in the world?

I don't think we met, I'm Dawn. And I once made a stupid wish too.

Question, where is the other Sam?

[info]lovesaspider in [info]paragraffiti

filtered against baddies.

Is this new bad guy being taken care of? Please say yes.

[info]yourecold in [info]paragraffiti

filtered to Kevin.

I lost my temper with Damien.

[info]dontgiveuponme in [info]paragraffiti

Sometimes I really have to wonder if there's a point to any of this or if it's just all for the amusement of whoever is watching this chaos.

Whenever you have time, I'd like to talk to you. It's nothing urgent so in your own time. I know you have a lot to deal with.

January 2010



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