August 24th, 2008

[info]findthelight in [info]paragraffiti


[info]raheta in [info]paragraffiti

I have three things to say:

One: The internet is a sick, sick place.
Two: I'm changing my name to Rocky.
Three: I just discovered the greatness that is the Spice Girls.

[info]chuchie in [info]paragraffiti

I really wish I could open up a dance studio here or something.

[info]slayerbee in [info]paragraffiti


[info]its_buttery in [info]paragraffiti

Has anyone figured out how to get home yet?... I've really been slacking in my research. But my head just hurts too much, everything is fuzzy. I don't know what's wrong with me, the colors don't match up anymore. My dreams don't make sense..but maybe that's just because I'm not awake to know that I'm dreaming to tell myself to wake up.

[info]rabiesforthewin in [info]paragraffiti

I went fishin' the other day. Caught myself a fox bite, a rattle snake bite, and a few rodent bites.

I have to say this place is pretty damn big. It's like a huge something-hundred square mile prison. I mean, I haven't been able to find a way out, but then again it's like this damn place never ends.

I went to this burger joint, but noticed their beef was a week past it's expiration date. I wonder if I should ate some of it. Just to see what E-Coli feels like.

[info]ragin_canuck in [info]paragraffiti


[info]born_a_disease in [info]paragraffiti

This day is currently competing for the title of the greatest day of my life. I get the shit beat of me for trying to help someone, close my eyes for a second and wake up in an alley with some senior citizen asking me why I’m dying in his spot. I somehow can’t make myself believe in God anymore after this, not that he’d like me if he existed anyway.

So, let’s get right down to the question of the day: Is there an explanation for me being here, or is this one of those no explanation occurrences? Or maybe I just got my head smashed into the floor so hard that I lost consciousness and am now dreaming, which would make more sense than anything else I can think of right now.

[info]super_hiro in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to Monica + Future!Claire [backdate to yesterday]

Hurricane forms tomorrow!

[info]ex_spideysen651 in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to friends and Eddie

We need to do something about Gwen.

[info]regenerating in [info]paragraffiti

custom filter;

[includes Peter, Nathan, Sarah, Heidi; backdated to whenever they decide to leave]

I'm going out of town with Monica and Hiro. We won't be gone long and I'll have my phone.

[info]fracturedtime in [info]paragraffiti

Has anyone seen Claire? The older one, that is. I do think I owe her an apology for how I behaved the other day. It was downright thoughtless of me to say the things that I said. I don't know what could have possibly possessed me to be so rude.

Peter. Have I told you how much I love you today?

Nathan. You're a good man. I'm sorry if I did or said anything to you when you first showed up that made you uncomfortable.

Not-Yet Gabriel. I'm sorry that you creep me out. But that is my problem, not yours. Maybe I'll be able to get over it eventually. It's just hard to remember that even he was human once, that even he wanted to be forgiven for a time. I shouldn't persecute you for things that you haven't done.

Charlie. I love you. I always have, and I always will. I will understand if you'd rather be with the me that isn't scarred with more baggage than anyone should have to deal with. I just want you happy.

While I'm at it, does anyone need anything done? I'm feeling really good right now.

[info]walks_again in [info]paragraffiti

[Filtered to Peter and Nathan]

Am I the only one thinking your mother is responsible for this?

It's nice to see Hiro in a good mood, but not if it's been forced.

[info]pyleansurvivor in [info]paragraffiti

Has anyone figured out getting the TVs to work again?

I just found out there's a second Shrek movie and I really want to watch it. I know. That's a horrible reason...

[info]yahwehwannabe in [info]paragraffiti

Hyperion filter;

Mm, I think we should take advantage of this moment of peace to get to know each others better. Specially since we are lacking television as alternative means of entertainment. Well, all right, there is still this Magneto to fight against but my idea stands.

Is Dennis still adjusting Cordelia? Heeh. The hotel is a way bigger than your flat, so it must be new experience to him.

[info]honestlyronald in [info]paragraffiti

Potter Puppet Pals?

I didn't know you could link these through words! Brilliant!

January 2010



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