August 23rd, 2008

[info]boy_scout in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to Lex

Hey, that offer you made about meeting to play some pool... is it still open?

[info]villainofstory in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to Nott.

This isn't over.

[info]nopoweroverme in [info]paragraffiti

custom filter;

[includes all her female friends - Heidi, f!Claire, Charlie, Cathy, Trance, Buffy, Dawn, Elaine, Lavender, and ANYONE I FORGOT, just poke me!]

Today while out shopping I was offered a job in a movie. Respectable looking, as far as suited men go. When I asked about this project, as I have to say, being offered a job randomly in a store didn't exactly bode well for legitimacy (I won't say people haven't become famous that way, as they have, but it's rare), he explained it was a sequel to an 80s movie called Labyrinth.

At that point, he at least had my attention. He goes on, with more flattery than could have been genuine, to ask me if I knew I looked just like the character would as an adult. To my credit, I didn't laugh right then, just asked him a few details about the plot. The plot of this movie left a lot to be desired and it was then I realized he had just offered me a job in an adult film.

The title? Going Down in the Underground. Oh, yes. I am not making this up, I swear. So, things I have learned today:

1. There is a market for adult films about a 80s movie with a teenage girl in it.
2. I'm now vaguely wary of a portion of the male population in this reality, see above for the reason.
3. It is possible to feel like you've broken a rib just from laughing.
4. I couldn't have kept this to myself if I'd tried.
5. What mental scarring feels like.

[info]batman2point0 in [info]paragraffiti

filtered to Nathan Petrelli

Meet me on the roof. If you're ready for your first flying lesson? I'll be there shortly..Max probably locked me out of controls if she feels the suit in it, so it'll be all you. I'll just be there for ground control.

[info]regenerating in [info]paragraffiti

filtered to Dean;

Was it worth it to you, everything you went through to save Sam?

[info]yourecold in [info]paragraffiti

This is getting old really fast. I want to go home.

[info]cadet_cassie in [info]paragraffiti

Jareth says I can come back whenever I like, and I'm feeling loads better now, so I thought maybe I would soon.

Have I missed anything?

Has Chris come back yet?

Filtered to Sarah )

[info]judgment_arcana in [info]paragraffiti

Mental broadcast

The churches here are familiar.




Mostly all three of them.

[info]knivesandreo in [info]paragraffiti

You would think I could learn to take my own advice.

If anyone needs me I'll be drinking, heavily, and gouging my eyes out with a spoon.

[info]heretic_saint in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to the Fourth Doctor

I was wondering if I could talk to you, about something.

January 2010



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