May 21st, 2008

[info]dawn_breaks in [info]paragraffiti

filtered from the bad type people

Anyone have information on travelling between dimensions, specifically looking for people while doing so?

Private Xander, Buffy

I think I might have an idea. The execution part is still a little fuzzy though. But if I can find Mom, I should be able to find Willow, our Willow.

[info]shadow_lust in [info]paragraffiti

(( Because technically she would know by now... ))

Ryan, so help me, Arthur had better be alive and well when I find you, because I will, and you can certain you're better off if I never see you again.

[info]ex_chimichan376 in [info]paragraffiti

(for bad guy eyes only)

Anybody feel up for a cliche kidnapping of a small child? I'll bring cookies!

[info]flightfromdeath in [info]paragraffiti

The socialites were having a heated gathering last night at the Hotel Roosevelt and unfortunately it didn’t end well. I’m afraid one thing led to another and ultimately, the party died down and ceased to exist after an hour of festivities. It was quite terrible. I can’t even bring myself to imagine how they will ever manage to get the blood stains out of the carpet… It will take time, I believe.

Potter, you can think of this as a present from me to you. Fifty five gifts in all. They’re cold and as stiff as a door, but it’s the thought that counts. You should consider stopping by and having a look around. I’m sure it will bring back fond memories.

I feel rejuvenated. I think I'll have a good day.

[info]jesushcoxmd in [info]paragraffiti

There are days where I know, just know, that the human race eliminating itself by a half or more would be the best thing ever because humanity as a whole pretty well sucks. But then I drown myself in scotch, wake up, and realize that's crazy talk. As much as I might hate the world, there are still occasionally some things that make it worth making an effort to save lives. Not many, but there are a few.

God help me, though, this is getting a little old, kids. We get it. You're badass. You want us all to know so we give your tantrums some attention. And I'm just enough of a masochist to give that to you for a moment, because you have finally roused me from extreme apathy and made me care. This is by no means a small feat but you did it! Take a bow.

Did you take it? Yes, take it, we're all waiting. Okay, taken now? Good!

Now shut the hell up. If I'm going to be stuck here in Wonderland on drugs, I'm going to have it involve less of these gosh darn freaky pleas for attention.

[info]ex_spideysen651 in [info]paragraffiti

There's an awful lot of crime here.

January 2010



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