May 19th, 2008

[info]wturner in [info]paragraffiti

These...these vampires, as I've heard them be called, if one were to...kill one? Is the death of one punishable by the law?

Even if it was the fault entirely of the creature.

A curiosity to be satisfied.

[info]ex_girlsuper149 in [info]paragraffiti

This 2005 thing is getting annoying. I really have a craving to hear some One Republic, and they aren't famous here yet. They're around, but there's no Stop and Stare whenever I turn the radio on. It's tragic, really. They're excellent live.

On the plus side, I walked by some guy playing guitar on the street after lunch. He was rocking out to Bon Jovi. I had to appreciate that.

[Private to Chloe]
How have you been? I haven't hear much from you lately. Still stuck in bed?

[Private to Elaine]
How'd the experiment with the fuzzy guys go?

[info]oh_darkest in [info]paragraffiti

So, then, Lord Vader-- did you enjoy the little drama I set in motion for you? Oh, but don't relax just yet: there's so much more to come.

Come along, Canary. We have an appointment to keep.

[info]lostaussie in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to "good" people

Do any of you know anything about Oceanic Flight 815? The plane that disappeared back in September, and was found later with everyone dead inside it?

I was on that plane, but it didn't disappear! It came here! And I'm alive! I still have my ticket!

I've been searching for it on Google, and Wikipedia, but I don't really trust either. Especially when wikipedia keeps calling some Australia actors Brits!

[Continued to those at the Hyperion]

Would any of you mind looking after Aaron for a few hours? So I can freak out about Flight 815 a little more without having to worry about him?

He's the best nine month old baby around, I promise.

And if you want a baby sitting fee or anything, since I don't have that much money at the moment I could make you fish and chips. I'm really good at it.

[info]thescout in [info]paragraffiti

So I think the Spy musta got eaten by a vampire or some shit. I'll be fucked if I'm gonna go off lookin' for his French ass, though. I done enough babysittin' in the past week.

Speaking of, Cordy, you think we got a box we can keep a Pyro in around the hotel, since she obviously can't be trusted to look after herself?

And I got itchy battin' hands (which you'd think woulda got cured by gettin' on the Tar Pits, but fuck, that's different), so if anybody wants to get up a fraggin' party that's cool.

[info]psycho_mantis in [info]paragraffiti

stRo N ger

noT just th e B O y

[info]lostaussie in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to those in charge of the Hyperion/AI

Alright, I know I posted about Flight 815 earlier today, but I really do think I'm going crazy, or that this is some awful joke or nightmare.

It says there is a group called the Oceanic Six. A group of six survivors.

One of them is Aaron! I know my baby when I see it and it's him! Only his name is Aaron Austen. And the person I met who told me about 815, he isn't part of this group.

But I saw recent pictures! Of this Kate woman holding Aaron. My Aaron! But he is with me...

...are there two of us? How can I be here if the plane was supposed to crash? Because it didn't crash. At least my plane didn't. I came here. I have the tickets and paper work to prove it!

I'm willing to believe some of you have super powers, that there are vampires and demons, and all these other things going on we can't control, but this - this is a little much.

I'm so confused and scared!


[info]ex_wondy889 in [info]paragraffiti

Filtered to Justice League

Clark, Bart, Oliver, Maxine...Kara and I will be training tomorrow at noon in a clearing by Lake Hollywood Resevoir. You should come. It's closed to the public, since it's government land, so be careful entering.

[info]satanicheart in [info]paragraffiti

Mmmmm~~ I wonder how many vampires are watching this board right now.

January 2010



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