March 9th, 2008

[info]just_impulse in [info]paragraffiti

I’m so awesome that I just went and bought a kitten for $7,000 because I felt like it and I can do whatever I want. Now, my new cat, who is way cooler than any cat that any of you will ever get your hands on, is a cross between an African Serval and a house cat. This thing walks on a leash and she just jumped in a frickin fountain about ten minutes ago, where she then proceeded to go swimming… I mean, you don’t just see any normal cat throw itself in the water and then refuse to come back out.

I’m so not telling you know who I bought this. He’d probably start on a new speech and tell me not to waste the money he gives me on things I don’t need. But to defend myself, I totally needed to have the cat. It’s like when you’re a kid and go into the toy store, where you see those little trampoline things that you just have to make your parents buy for you. I always wanted one of those but my mom always refused to get one for me, because ‘we can’t be putting a trampoline in the kitchen, Bart.’

Well, now I have this huge cat and I no longer need the trampoline. $7,000 pets are so much funner than those anyway.

Now, on other notes…

You’re not off dying are you, Clark? I’d feel really bad if you were, because while you have no powers I’m off buying cats down in Mexico.

[info]elizabethan in [info]paragraffiti

I managed to find myself a room in this preposterous looking inn thing. The people here are worse than the pirates, they smell worse and they're even louder. It's horrible. However, there's this thing in my room that I am unsure of. It's a black square box with various little buttons on it. The man at the 'reception' told me it had something called cable but only in two extra channels.

[info]my_prayers in [info]paragraffiti

Try as I might, my prayers won't help to bring back the sun. Which is strange, since they still retain the power they had back in Cephiro if I use them on other things. Like dispatching these vampires and demons.

This eclipse must have been created by a very powerful person. Which makes me wonder, will the sun ever light the sky again?

[info]seemingly_aloof in [info]paragraffiti

Oh never ending dark. Just like the inside of my mind.

Does anyone know of a place to purchase daggers?

[info]shadow_lust in [info]paragraffiti

How many of you here have light sabers, besides Lord Vader? Because they are fantastic things! Can you change the colour?

[info]manipulated in [info]paragraffiti

Okay, so I can now say that I believe in vampires. The guy who owned the internet cafe I was crashing at got himself mauled to death by a vampire and some slimy demon thing. Ordinarily, I wouldn't ask anyone for a place to stay but really, when you witness that kind of thing happening you really don't want to stay in that one place. I ran like a little girl, too. You'll all be happy to know that. Does anyone have a couch I can surf? I'll get a job and pay you rent, if you'd prefer but I'm happy just sitting around doing nothing all day.

January 2010



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