February 29th, 2008

[info]amirrordarkly in [info]paragraffiti

For one...

She stands in the divide stark and clear,
mirror of two worlds ever conflicted, ever divided,
beauty always at her heart, best of both, deadly, true
she is and will be watched, reviled, derided.

but to my eyes she will always shine,
in the light of that morning's revelations,
a goddess of shimmering light and smoke,
she gives my joy hope beyond all expectations.

and if I am true as she has been,
I pray she'll always remember
that I dream only of her
And that awakening in one brilliant November...

[info]albhedthief in [info]paragraffiti


I found my cousin, or rather she found me. So that's all good!

Adam! Where are you? How are you? Please tell me that you're okay? All this stuff..and I worry!

Umm..lets see..oh! Anyone have any spare machina parts they don't mind me using? I want to add some upgrades to Mack so he's a bit better, though he's wonderful at the moment! He just needs a few upgrades and stuff! And then we'll really be ready for anything this place decides to throw at us.

YEAH! Man, I wish I still had the airship.

[info]avasic in [info]paragraffiti

Can't sleep. Clowns'll eat me.

[info]manipulated in [info]paragraffiti

What happened to the accents around here? Chris? Where the bloody hell are you and what did you give me last night?

[info]thexandman in [info]paragraffiti

Am I the only one confused about Spike suddenly going all Angel? I saw him earlier and he didn't even try to bite me! And there was no talk of killing Buffy! None. This is very weird.

[info]honestlyronald in [info]paragraffiti

This Danny bloke on Full House is such a wanker.

January 2010



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