February 4th, 2008

[info]albhedthief in [info]paragraffiti

Tu oui caa dryd pek drehk eh dra settma uv tufh dufh?! Fryd ec ed, y keyhd veaht?! Ur ruf E fecr Oihea fana rana fedr dra yauhc! Pid drao'na kuha, tysh ed!

(OOC: English Translation: Do you see that big thing in the middle of down town?! What is it, a giant fiend?! Oh how I wish Yunie were here with the aeons! But they're gone, damn it!)

[info]ellectricity in [info]paragraffiti

I'm finding this city to be very interesting. So many people who can do so many things. Dad would want them. And there is a darkness in the city that most of the normal people do not seem to notice, how very interesting.

At least I'm not helpless.

[info]lebia in [info]paragraffiti

I don’t understand this. This… place can’t be Los Angeles. I can’t really remember Los Angeles back in 2005, but it didn’t look like this. Admittedly, I was only four years old at the time, so my memory could be wrong. What is going on? How did I get here?

The technology is so… different. I don’t like it. I can hardly interface with it. I miss Donald, Huey, Dewey, and Louie.

[info]ex_thepyro59 in [info]paragraffiti

What the bloody fuckin' hell.

Where'd the fuckin' sun go?

[info]lebia in [info]paragraffiti

I know I'm new here, but does the sun normally do that here? If it starts raining acid rain and Lucifer Hawk come out, I'm going to think I'm back in Tokyo.

[info]lavandula in [info]paragraffiti

Merlins Beard!

Do not let this be Death Eaters!

Do not let this be Death Eaters!

Awwh...bloody hell!

[info]walkswithheroes in [info]paragraffiti


I'm back!

Why am I at Wolfram and Hart again? Was I abducted?

[info]tinyblondeone in [info]paragraffiti

Everyone else... saw that, right?

I can't be going crazy...


[info]savedtheworld in [info]paragraffiti

This...can't be good.

[info]ellectricity in [info]paragraffiti

Aw crap, even I'm not powerful enough to do this.

[info]savvyjournalist in [info]paragraffiti

Another dark Thursday err Monday?

[info]thecatsmeow in [info]paragraffiti


[info]buzzwirereports in [info]paragraffiti

Okay...I can't be the only one who saw that. What the hell is going on here?


[info]noheroinhersky in [info]paragraffiti

This city is pretty fucking fucked...huh?

[info]aussieanalyst in [info]paragraffiti

Whoa...what was that? Is everyone okay?

[info]albhedthief in [info]paragraffiti

Fryd eh dra hysa uv Yevon ec drec?! Hekrd..Huf E naymmo fecr Yunie fyc rana fedr dra aeons, un yd maycd Lulu. Yd maycd ed'c hud drihtanehk..

I dislike this. I very strongly dislike this...


Oui yna ymm nekrd? Bmayca cyo oui yna. E ys funneat...drec lyh'd pa kuut.


(English translation for the Albed stuff: What in the name of Yevon is this?! Night..Now I really wish Yunie was here with the aeons, or at least Lulu. At least it's not thundering.)

(End Part Translation:


You are all right? Please say you are. I am worried...this can't be good.


[info]crystallized in [info]paragraffiti

What the hell?

Now the work load's going to add up..shit I'm never going to sleep..

This can't be good.

[info]ex_hexbolts76 in [info]paragraffiti

Not good.

Energy shifts again...

Little players in a bigger whole. Too much chaos now.

[info]smokingcaryn in [info]paragraffiti

Shit..what the hell happened?

Great, too much added onto the workload as is..lovely..

[info]ex_isabellas967 in [info]paragraffiti

I think..I'm officially scared now..

[info]firecrackers in [info]paragraffiti

Where the hell did the sun go?


[info]thescout in [info]paragraffiti

Well, how the fuck about that.  World's biggest fucking blackout drill.  Guess I'm putting in some goddamn overtime.

Look on the bright side, everybody's gonna save a fortune on sunblock.

(Haha, I fucking said "bright side," I'm a moron.)

No for serious though, I got a Maglite, I fought in the dark before, and it ain't like the goddamn thing can be gone so we just gotta make sure everybody stays calm and shit.

[info]ex_girlsuper149 in [info]paragraffiti

Oh...oh not good.

Since when can you turn off the sun?

Not good. Kind of need the Yellow Sun.

I'd like to get around to finding out what happened really fast, if that's okay with everyone else.

[info]malicec in [info]paragraffiti

As bad as I know this is, I have to say...

Being able to go outside in the day time without stopping traffic is kind of nice.

January 2010



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