February 3rd, 2008

[info]germansoldier in [info]paragraffiti

I'm awake... and sort of alive.

My head hurts so much... and I woke up with a sock in my mouth, though I can't be sure to whom it belongs to because I tucked it in my pocket when I had to go vomit. At least nothing is written on my forehead (I saw that on television, that this happens sometimes when you pass out drunk around your friends).

Trev/Ratbarf/ZJ - I will be over after I'm finished with the vomiting. With my hair (did I really type that last night? Oh god, I don't remember typing half these things).

Michael - if you remember last night, I am SO SORRY for teasing you about being kinda gay about things. I think the world of you, I would never want to say anything mean to you sober. My mouth just kind of did not connect with my brain due to large amounts of alcohol.

Allison - I think the sock is yours. Unless Michael wears girl socks, or unless there are sock monsters along with all the rest of the monsters in this crazy town Hi. I hope you're having a good day and all that. Sorry I passed out. I think we were having some kind of meaningful moment right before my head hit the keyboard. I promise our date will be better!

LOVE YOU GUYS. Now I know why in English this is called the 'hang over'. Gonna go stick my head over the bowl AGAIN

[info]mostlyhuman in [info]paragraffiti

001 // Money

I need money. The Magic Box isn't going to re-open itself, you know. Angel. Cordelia. Whatever good-deeds you do that bring you money, I need money. I am more than willing to exchange goods or services for it.

Los Angeles is kinda gay, like the Willow kinda gay, not as an expression. Although maybe it is that too, I haven't seen much outside the hotel.

[info]ex_batsignal672 in [info]paragraffiti

While my company already has blue prints for the reconstruction of Los Angeles ready (samples of said blue prints are available on Wayne Enterprise's website for the public to view), I'd like to take the public's opinion into consideration before I give the go-ahead for construction to begin. So, I ask this, citizens of LA: what parts of the city would you like to see rebuilt and why?

[info]firebender in [info]paragraffiti

Shit. This is just like the eclipse back home.

i can't believe i'm about to ask her this, especially over this thing, but i don't know how to get in contact with her otherwise

...Azula, can you bend at all?

January 2010



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