January 30th, 2008

[info]tiarafreak in [info]paragraffiti

I guess I better get this out of the way...

Greetings Los Angeles, I am Princess Ameli...

Hello, dear Americans...

Wazz up?!

Ugh...how in the world am I supposed to do this?

Hello! I am Amelia Mignonette Grimaldi Thermopolis Renaldo, Crown Princess of Genovia. Yes, a princess, one if you've lived in America long enough may have seen in magazines as few years ago, being called "America's Secret Princess," which...I guess I was. And if you don't know the story, it's a long one but I suppose I can share. I'd like it better if you all called me Mia and...I'm getting off topic aren't I?

I am here studying politics, international relations and diplomacy at university, in hopes of helping to better Genovia, when I become Queen in two years.

I also hope in using my role as a Princess to help out here in whatever way I can. Although we're a small country Genovia would be more then willing to send any aid needed. We would have sent some sooner, but unfortunately we had our own crisis to deal with at the time.

So...let me know? And I'll be more then happy to help. I also hope you will not just look at me as a royal but a fellow American, because I still am, and hopefully look on me as a friend as well.

And um...how bad are the paparazzi here?

Oh my God that was horrible!

[info]provoketheborg in [info]paragraffiti

Well, that almost classified as amusing. And I wasn't even the one responsible!

Perhaps there's some hope for you plebeians yet.

[info]aussieanalyst in [info]paragraffiti

I don't remember coming here.

What is going on?

[info]albhedthief in [info]paragraffiti

Oh wow! There are sooooooo many machina here!

And they all go vroooom! It's so great!

But owwie, some mean guys tried to bite me. It kind of hurt. One of them did bite me but I got him loose and used a bomb core and he went explodey! Into dust no less!

And oh poopie! I'm here by myself! No Baralai, Gippal, Nooj, Paine, or Yunie! Heck, I'd even settle for Auron or Tidus or someone!

This is dissasterrific!

[info]ex_hexbolts76 in [info]paragraffiti

Mmm...the chaos in the city is amazing.

And just think, silly little humans running and screaming from the oncoming tidal wave.

Oh how fun! Just listening to their screams is like music to my ears.

I want to play...

[info]ex_blind_ban334 in [info]paragraffiti

This braille stuff is really hard to learn. They all feel like dots to me! I feel really bad for all the blind people in this world.

And I didn't think it was possible for me to meet someone who amused me as much as Aang. But I did. Awkward teenage boys are just so much fun aren't they?

[info]ex_thepyro59 in [info]paragraffiti


This nutbar thing's getting out of control.

Fucking burned myself.

[info]noheroinhersky in [info]paragraffiti

Los Angeles. Maybe I will have better luck here.

[info]avasic in [info]paragraffiti

I think it's time to trade in the Jeep. There's nothing like breaking down god knows where in Oregon and waiting to hear the dueling banjos while the tow guy takes his friggin' time. And possibly the demon leaving a dent in the driver's side door and taking out a headlight might have something to do with it. That was one ugly mofo.

Damn did I miss LA.

January 2010



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