Previous 40

Apr. 29th, 2009


[filtered to Gabriel Gray]

The truth doesn't matter. You're family either way. Don't forget that.

Apr. 27th, 2009


Filtered to Angela Petrelli

Mother. Explain. Now.


I think I'm about to have an aneurysm. Either that, or I just dreamed a large section of the day or my hearing is failing. Or Angela's on drugs. Maybe the drugs are a better assumption.

Mar. 26th, 2009


It really doesn't make much difference
Everything I say makes no sense

I'm happy just as long as I can see that girl

....Bop a dad, a da, a da

[Undertones - See That Girl]

Mar. 10th, 2009


Went through demons, vampires, and it's a human minion that gives me the black eye. At least I can make it look good.

[Filtered to friends, away from Cathy]

I need help. More or less someone willing to take a few hours and give an honest opinion.

Feb. 21st, 2009



Alright, team. We have a... client? He needs to clear his home of some of those dracu-vamps. Currently we've got the blood to do it. Two, maybe three, come with me, and we'll clear the place out for him. Got it?

Hiro, with me. Kennedy. And Leah. Lets's go see how this'll work.

Faith, get a team on backup in case we need you.

Fred, See what you can make of this.

Feb. 20th, 2009


Filtered against villains

Something strange happened to me a few days ago.

I was in my place of residence when I realized the traps I had planted to identify trespassing supernatural creatures had been disturbed. I teleported outside and realized that several vampires were intruding on my territory. I suppose I should have retreated, but I was not going to yield my territory to some upstart vampires who behave more like savages than civilized beings. So I decided to fight them, keeping an open route for retreat if necessary.

It started at 25 vampires, and eventually grew to around 40. I mention the numbers because that was the largest group of vampires working together I've seen here thus far, and perhaps that will help identify them. They were experienced as well, at least a century each. Probably more than that. I used my strongest spells and let's just say that at the end of it all, there was almost nothing left of them even before they turned to dust.

But then, something strange occurred. The dust they were now began to reform in their image, and before long, all of the vampires I had killed were standing before me whole again. I killed many of them again and the same thing happened once more. I was forced to retreat before they overwhelmed me with their numbers.

I haven't been on the boards much in the past two weeks. I've been busy evolving forging a new Reaver, since a weapon that can drain an enemy's blood would be of great use against some of the vampires and demons here. For those at the Hyperion, I assume you have looked into methods to destroy these creatures and possibly put some into effect by now?

I hate to admit it, but...I need help if am to recover what is mine. The building I don't care for, but the weapon inside, I'd rather have back. I don't want to start over again with the magics, and I'd rather not give the vampires a weapon that could potentially kill anybody who's human here, advanced healing rate or not.

And for anyone who says this is old news about these vampires, remember I have been isolated from the community at large for several weeks.

Feb. 17th, 2009


[Filtered to Peter Petrelli]

Hey, can I talk to you quickly about a couple of things?


Of course, I was right. I didn't want to know.

And now that I've gone and thoroughly fucked over my life and cut out any and all options Back to your regularly bloody scheduled program.

What else am I supposed to do?

Feb. 15th, 2009


[Filtered to Peter Petrelli]

So. There's a chance we can get Faith's powers back? Because we need to do that, kinda now. What did flamey girl tell you?

Come on Champion boy, let me get with the spell casting. Otherwise we are cruising for a massive meltdown.

Feb. 12th, 2009


Kübler-Ross Model

Here's something to think on.

Originally developed to follow the emotional stages of patients diagnosed with terminal illness, the Kübler-Ross Model has been shown to be applicable to most forms of personal loss. Though I seriously doubt Elisabeth Kübler-Ross ever considered the removal of one from their own reality to being deposited in another, I think it's more than reasonable to consider this progression for our own circumstances.

Keep in mind that these steps do not necessarily come in the order noted above, nor are all steps experienced by all patients, though a person will always experience at least two.

The stages are:

1. Denial: Example - "I feel fine."; "This can't be happening, not to me!"
2. Anger: Example - "Why me? It's not fair!" "How can this happen, I hate this world!"
3. Bargaining: Example - "Just let me live to see my children graduate."; "I'll do anything, can't you stretch it out? A few more years." I will give my life savings if..."'
4. Depression: Example - "I'm so sad, why bother with anything?"; "I'm going to die . . . What's the point?"
5. Acceptance: Example - "It's going to be okay."; "I can't fight it, I may as well prepare for it."

So. Where are you?

Feb. 9th, 2009


[after this, and end of/during this]

[Filtered: Anti-Baddies]
Faith is back at the Hyperion. Healed, and recovering. Thank you, everyone.

[AI and Allies]
One down, two to go.

Raidon and Kumi will not be happy that Toru is dead. Be careful.

Healed him. Made him human. Soulless bastard was alive. Then died.

Anyone going out to patrol or look for these vampires, stop by my office at the Hyperion to collect a blood vial. DO NOT go near them on your own. Also, they have used the Scythe to strip one Slayer of her powers. Be extremely careful.

[custom filter*]
[*includes all of AI, Spike, Buffy, Winchester house, Selene, Lindsey, Cathy, Claude, Heather, Jack Landors, Batmans/girls/Oracle, and Clark (younger)]

Faith was taken by one of the vamires. She's been tortured. She's healed. She's recovering. The one that hurt her is dead. And I am back at the Hyperion.

Time to see how the others will respond. So stay safe.

[ABClaire, Xander, Kennedy, Sam, Spike, Fred]
Keep an eye on Faith.

[Filtered to Raidon and Kumi]
A shame about Toru. His heart just wasn't up to it.
His head was a bit more proud. It's outside your door.

Touch one of mine again, and you will die.

Leave the Scythe. Leave Los Angeles.

Last warning.

It exploded?



I'm getting Faith back. Tonight.

No, Sam. You're not coming. If I'm not alone, they'll kill her.

[Nathan, ABClaire, Sarah, Kennedy, and Fred]
Be ready, just after sunset. I'm going to meet them, and teleport Faith back as soon as I get close enough to touch her. I don't expect her to be in very good condition, so Claire, please have a syringe ready.

Fred, from what I heard, it seems like they managed to take her Slayer powers away. Can you see what we have to do to fix that?

Kennedy. You are not, I repeat, you are not to go after them. Or, for that matter, out patrolling on your own. I need you. You're the only Slayer I can count on right now.

Feb. 8th, 2009


Sent privately to EACH Kumi, Raidon, and Toru

I'm making this offer to you alone. I want Faith back. And I want her back alive.

Give her to me, and once she's safe, you get me. Not just me, but you get my medallion.

In exchange, you leave Los Angeles. Immediately.

[ooc: of course the medallion is worthless, but the dracu-vamps don't know that. And Peter's not always honorable in these dealings. He has no proof that they have her, but its the best guess of any right now.]

Feb. 5th, 2009



Claire Bennet and Mary Winchester are safe and sound, at the Winchester home. No details yet, save they are both in good health, with no physical markings.

Thank you, to everyone that was searching for them. Thank you very much.

Feb. 4th, 2009


filtered against baddies;

I'm gonna get out of here. For good. I'll keep my eyes and ears open at the same time, though.

[OOC: Yes, the Buffster is leaving the Hyperion once again, and is not planning on coming back. D:]


[Fred Burkle]
See if you can find anything out about these new assholes 'guests' to Los Angeles, okay? Abilities, weaknesses, anything you can find.

Keep me updated on what's going on with your groups and patrols. If those bastards sho--

WHERE THE HELL IS CLAIRE? I swear to Elaine, if anyone's hur

Does anyone know where Claire is? I heard felt sensed her. Fear, pain-- she was cut off. Dean, talk to me.

Something happened to Claire. The older one. Does anyone know where she was today?

EDIT TO ADD: [Anti-baddies]

Looking for Claire Bennet and Mary Winchester. ANYONE with information, don't hold back.

Feb. 2nd, 2009


For those of you who don't know me, I'm Cathy Hyatt, and I'm in charge of the new Welcome Center here in the city. For those of you who don't know where you are or why you're here, please pay close attention.

The Welcome Center is, primarily, a place for newcomers to go upon arrival in the city. For the new residents of L.A., it is a safe environment to find answers to the many, many inevitable questions ("Why am I here?" "Why is it 2006?" "Was that a vampire?", to name a few). Also, I (and any help that I have) would be more than happy to put you into contact with other people whom might be able to be of service to you. The Center is, I stress, neutral ground. Regardless of which 'side' you choose, I promise that you'll find a roof over your head until permanent arrangements can be made, and more than likely, a hot meal or two as well.

However, access to the Welcome Center is not restricted to those who have only just arrived. But, let me make it very clear that I will not offer aid when it comes to the conflict in this city. I, and the Welcome Center, are here for the people in this city. Should any of you find yourself in a rough spot, please don't hesitate to give me a call.

The Welcome Center is located at {{address}}, and the phone number for the Center's landline is {{number}}. I can be reached at

Oh! And if anyone is interested in helping out at the Center, please let me know. I can use as many hands around here as I can get.

{Filtered to Isis Residents}

I've been in contact with Lana Lang regarding the shut down of the Isis Apartments, and I have promised her to help those of you who need it in locating new places of residence. And, of course, anyone who needs a place to stay in the meantime is more than welcome at the Center. Please don't hesitate to comment here or contact me regarding this-- I really do want to help. If are planning to come stay at the Welcome Center, all I ask is that you let me know ahead of time so that I can get things ready.

For what it's worth, I'm sorry to hear that all of you are being displaced, but I'm going to do what I can to make the transition as easy as possible.

Feb. 1st, 2009


Private )

I've apparently done something to my hand, which is odd-- it's usually a lot harder to damage than this. Still, I suppose I'll have to take a look at it.

I know that the younger me kept a toolbelt at the Hyperion. I don't suppose anyone's seen it?

Jan. 31st, 2009


Filtered to Peter, Nathan, & Sarah Petrelli.

Two weeks. I've got a plan, but there's only so much that two hands and time stopping can do. Sooooo. Just how well can you lot keep a secret?

Jan. 30th, 2009


[posted as Raidon]

I see our lady has already made our presence known. Allow me to introduce ourselves. I am Raidon, and our lady is the Lady Kumiko. Our brother is Toru.

I will make this offer only once. Give us the Slayers and the source of the Champion's power and we will be on our way. You have until sunrise.

If we are refused I make this invitation to all those who call themselves evil. If you think yourselves worthy of fighting at our side, come and meet us. And we will burn this city to the ground.

Jan. 25th, 2009


custom filter.

[ooc: Filter includes Peter, Nathan, Sarah and Heidi Petrelli, Edward and Bella Cullen, and Hunter Niall EDIT: FILTER NOW INCLUDES SAM. CAUSE I FORGOT AND LAVS WOULD SO WANT HIS INPUT TOO *FACEPALM*]

This Lazarus Pool thing? Do you think...'s to good to be true isn't it? I'd be an idiot to even think about trying it right? Of course...of course I would...nothing in the world is THAT good...



Jan. 23rd, 2009


Oh my GOD I swear, I am having the day from hell.

First, as I was leaving my apartment complex, I slipped on... something, I don't even know what it was, and almost fell flat on my face. If there hadn't been a wall there to grab at and brace myself on, I'd have hit the pavement. Hard. Then, I get to the Press, try to open a document I saved yesterday, and something was wrong with it. Corrupted file or something. Yeah, there goes a story. Greeeat. When I came out of the editor's office after telling him the news, some... clumsy intern ran into me and spilled hot coffee all over my blouse. Nice. Really nice. So I had to go back to my apartment and change clothes. And during lunch, I found a random blonde hair in my salad, probably courtesy of the chef. Thanks, blondie, ya ruined my meal. Oh, and to top things off, on the way home, I broke a heel. Fell right on my ass, and some stupid teenagers were watching and laughing.

Have I mentioned how much I HATE this place?


I'm SO SICK of the constant hypocrisy and elitism in this city, but mostly the elitism. So most of us aren't from this world. Some of us have been here for over half a year, some a year or more, working just as hard as the rest of you to fight what's wrong in this city! The PTB obviously thought we were needed, they chose us, even if we didn't have all the knowledge. We're out there, saving lives and risking our own, just like you! If we weren't, more people would be dead, no matter how much you keep saying you know.

You want all this respect because you know so much, but where's the respect for the people who deserve it too because they fight just as hard, work just as hard to learn all they can?

Even you people who supposedly know everything and want to shove it down our throats all the time, you didn't always know it all, so why don't you deal or take your stupid 'I'm better than you' crap and shove it.

Jan. 21st, 2009


filtered to Peter, Nathan, & Sarah Petrelli.

I have something that I want to talk to you guys about. Would it be all right if we met in the kitchens for awhile? It's not really something I want to say over the boards.

And Peter, since I already promised, it's not talk of leaving. Cross my heart.


.. All right, now. All this dimension-hopping is getting a bit tiresome. Going from a jungle planet to Los Angeles in the middle of winter is not a pleasant experience. Wasn't it summer just a few weeks ago?

Jan. 19th, 2009


Filtered to Peter Petrelli.

Conscious and able to talk?


I've decided I hate three hour night classes. Why did I want to go to UCLA again? Should have just held off for Yale.

My father's gone. Vanished, back home, I hope. Ben, my brother was living with him. Can he get a room here?

Jan. 16th, 2009


Этот механически город умирает в инкрементах аминь. Я в функции самомоднейшее я. Я слышу все. Вся из жизни одна неизъяснимая загадка.

Я убивал богов. Я лежал вниз с демонами и получал вверх с придумками убийства и сумасшествия. Непочатый край к ему. Никогда не было начала. "Папа i убить." Отсутствие меньше дьявол для того. Не сколько угодно меньше чернокожий человек который сорвал мое сердце врозь.

Я иногда забываю что я проклят и грешники.


Vampires and demons? Really?

Is this a new development?

Jan. 8th, 2009


[Filtered to the JLA,, Hyperion, Isis, and Welcome Center]

[Sent as Oracle.
Attch: Huge ass file on the Joker. Like the wiki, but with more.]

This is ten years worth of information on the man who calls himself The Joker. About ten minutes ago there was an explosion that ranged from [address] to [address]. About two city blocks, gone. Injury reports are still coming in, but already I'm already hearing twenty and many more injured. The Joker isn't a demon, he's not a vampire, he's not anyone with any power aside from a near genius intellect in chemistry, weaponry, and blowing things to hell. That said, underestimate him at your peril. I'm well aware that he looks like a clown, but the man is a menace and he's like a cockroach. I can't count the number of times I've seen him 'die', only to reappear again. Jail cells won't hold him, aside from that, he's not easily caught and the one person who I know can isn't here.

I already warned Gabriel, but don't taunt him. Don't challenge him. Don't try and push him over an edge. He'll accept your challenge and you will have alerted him to your existence, which isn't something you really want to do, believe me. If you're out and you see him, don't approach him unless-- well, just don't. Not directly, at any rate, and if you do please, please, please make sure you have some sort of plan. He will not. I would tell the entire city of Los Angeles, but when you tell the general public something like that, that just tends to make them more curious. I'm just assuming that the few of you are sensible enough to at least consider this advice. The Joker and I have a history, and I know exactly what he's capable of this. This isn't just from nowhere.

Like I said, the Joker won't have a plan. He doesn't do plans. He does chaos. That's essentially all he wants. I can't tell you what he'll do next, but I can tell you that I'm currently watching all hospitals, hospices, business centers, homeless shelters... basically anywhere where there are innocent and helpless people. Residents of the Isis, and those of you who work at the Welcome Center? You could be targets. Again, I can't say anything for sure, but he likes chaos and he likes confused innocents. He might rob a bank and then burn the money. He'll take hostages and then kill them after his demands are met. Just because.

Just be careful. And if any of you can spare some superpowers for down town, I'm sure the EMTs and fire departments would appreciate it.

Jan. 7th, 2009


filtered to Peter & Sarah;

So I learned to cook in the last two days - like, really cook and bake - and I was wondering if maybe you'd like to come over for dinner tomorrow? Or sometime?

I miss you.

Jan. 5th, 2009


Hm. So much trouble.


Filtered to the Petrellis & the Bennets sans future!Claire.

I'm sorry.

Dec. 31st, 2008


Well, that was... interesting, to say the least.

It was a blessing to forget some things, even if just for a little while. Other things... I would have hoped I would never forget.

Did you get a chance to think on my suggestion?

Dec. 30th, 2008



It was different from the candy I had to throw away. But it's still yummy!

Naaaaaaathaaaaaaan! I did the trick you taught me! It's easy to find candy when it comes right to me!

[No, the candy bars did not affect physical age. But since he thinks he's eight years old, one of his abilities kicked in and altered his appearance to his eight-year-old self. And after I found these icons, I had to get more use out of them.]

Dec. 28th, 2008


Angela, tell Hiro he shouldn't lie, my mum's not dead. I want my mum now!

And Peter Petrelli's a stupid head.

And so is Sammy.

Dec. 24th, 2008


Merry Almost-Christmas! I hope that it's a wonderful one for you all.

{Filtered to Sarah and Peter}

I kinda need a little help with some, um, gifting antics. How do you feel about dogs? Or, more accurately, puppies?

Dec. 23rd, 2008


[filtered to God]

I'm going to go with the assumption that you know who I am. Since you're supposed to be God.

...then again. Considering recent events, you may not have been paying attention.

My name is Peter. Nine months ago, I was pulled out of my own timeline, and brought here. Not by you, but by the Powers That Be. Before I was here very long, I was put in charge of the fight against evil, named the new Champion by the Powers. My responsibility is to defend and protect the people of this city.

This is where you come in. Frogs. Flies. Plagues of the biblical variety. Unfortunately, there's no Moses here to tell us what to expect. No safety for the innocents of this world. Your plagues are hurting us all, but your focus is on whom? An angel and a demon? Punishing them for something that it seems not even you could control?

There are nearly ten million people in this city. Ten million suffering your wrath. So here I am, to speak for them. Asking you to stop.

I'll wait for your response.

Dec. 21st, 2008


Filter to Faith

I need to ask a favor.

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January 2010




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