Aug. 7th, 2009


Which of you little chickenshits wants to go and play paintball?

Jul. 20th, 2009


filtered against baddies;

Huh. According to my message board account, I've been here over a year. Weird how that's the longest I've stayed anywhere in years.

Yay, L.A., I guess?


[edited in after she mulls it over]


Filtered against baddies

Clark? I'm sorta feeling like you don't like me anymore and no longer want to be my friend. I mean... you promised Virgil and I pie a while ago and so far we haven't seen what you said you'd make for us and I don't know... I'm feeling neglected here.

Virgil? You feel the same way, don't you?

Jul. 2nd, 2009


I am going to be on TV. PWN that, Losechesters!

Jun. 20th, 2009


[Filtered against Bad Guys]

So, everything's back to normal by now right? No more weird versions running around?

I'm actually craving a normal patrol again.

Jun. 12th, 2009


The haunted houses around here suck.

AND my team is gone.

I guess this means I need to start recruiting. Who wants to be a GHOSTFACER? Face off the bad guys. Kick some major ass. Get some TV time. Line up, one at a time, children. Don't hurt yourselves trying to get the job before someone else does.

Jun. 4th, 2009


Its funny how quickly opinion can shift in a city like this isn't it. One little vampire bloodhound and I'm more the bad guy than ever

Anything you people want to say to me?


Its getting stupid, you know that don't you? What they're saying, what they probably think I'm doing to Sam.

I'd never hurt that boy, you know that, don't you?


Kill kill

They were trying to control me. They should know better. Nobody can control me. Darkside is everything.

[ooc: As Static]


You know, people keep saying that I'm not her, which is frankly both hurtful and insulting. I lived her life, just like she did. I used to watch the Princess Bride and want Westley to come and sweep me off my feet. I used to pick Mom up when she was passed out. I used to feed the stray cat that wandered around and I cried when Gable killed it. I begged Mom for a puppy, nothing special, just one of the abandoned ones, something to love. I made it on my own when I was 15.

I killed Alan Finch. I disposed of his body. I was in a coma, I went to prison.

Everything she did, I lived too. What, just because I got the fang end of the deal and she didn't, doesn't make me any less Faith Lehane.

May. 29th, 2009


Filtered from baddies.

So I got shot at again today. Not only is this city infested with creatures of the night with sharp pointy gnashing teeth, but it's also apparently got one of the worst crime rates in the history of ever. Almost every day since I've been active something has gone down and ends in gunfire. Funny thing is...I take out vampires on a nightly basis usually without much trouble, and I get shot in the shoulder by some street kid. What the hell?I must be off my game. If I'd moved he would have shot someone on the street behind me. He and his buddies were trying to rob a store down on 1st street. His little friends left him behind. He panicked and pulled a gun. I should have been able to disarm him..never had that problem bef It all just happened so fast.

Better I take it then someone else. Thing is the bullet should have done more than just pierce my skin. Doc said where it hit it should have shattered a bone, I guess my powers just kicked in and phased the bullet straight through. But...I'm not anxious to try that again. Hurts like a bitch. At least with the painkillers and a few days off maybe I'll finally get some sleep.


Wonder if being Amish is cool.

Why do you guys all have to start sucking again?


[Filtered against Bad Guys]

[ooc: yes, this filter now includes Ruby!]

Some days I just wanna quit.

May. 26th, 2009


Watch and learn, children. Watch. And. Learn.

Ghost Martial Arts. )

May. 20th, 2009


All right, which of you douchebags hacked our site and ripped it down? I am THISCLOSE to kicking some major ass. Majorly.

[ooc: No one really hacked the Ghostfacers site. It just doesn't exist here! FOR THE RECORD.]

May. 19th, 2009


Filtered Away from Bad-types

[ooc: Sometime after this exchange between Roy and Xander]

Oh God. Why did I do that Internet search? I mean, that crazyevil Superboy said we were comic book characters in his world, but he was crazy! And evil!.

I admit I am a little uncomfortable with the idea that my entire life story is on Wikipedia.

May. 18th, 2009


Bruce doesn't think Damien deserves a filter...

You know who you are and you know what I mean. I don’t know if you’re planning to retaliate, if you have your lawyers on the phone already, if you’re stupid enough to make a move, but I do know that you’ll be wasting your time if you don’t retreat and stay away. If you want revenge it won’t work. If you want him to pay for what he did to you and your car, you’ll be sorely disappointed. I don’t take very well to anybody purposely baiting at my league members and you yourself must have known that you were walking on thin ice by doing so.

Don’t play innocent with me because I know that you’re anything but. Back off and don’t try to get in contact with him. If you want to ignore this warning and carry things further, make everything worse, then you’ll be dealing with me and not him.

Believe me, I’m not someone you want angry with you.

And one last thing. Stay away from my kid.

(After this.)


This wasn't where I was hoping to be...And it seems, according to the woman who owns this shop and directed me to this place, that I'm not the only one.


All right, all right, all right. I knew this was bound to happen at some point or another.

I know. You're angry. And it's okay. I'd be pissed off too. But, c'mon, face up to it. You can't win. We're the winners. GHOSTFACERS. Remember the name. Remember. 'Cause we're coming, creatures of the night. Teleporting me to L.A.? It's totally not gonna stop me from kicking your ass. I'm more determined now.

Oh, and FYI? Don't zap me in when I have my laptop all geared up. It only gives me time to spread the news about your existence through my awesome videos of awesome. Now everyone is going to know how to destroy you and there's nothing that you can do to stop it. Way to suck, Casper.


January 2010




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