May. 17th, 2008


Did you miss me, Luke? My, my, what a busy little canary you've been.

Apr. 24th, 2008


This just isn't happening. There is not a movie about part of my life!

Apr. 22nd, 2008


can't believe I have to ask about this

I'm in need of some assistance. I need to repair a very rare, very precise piece of equipment. I would do it myself, but this planet does not offer sufficient materials as I am accustomed to, and I can't get the alloy composition I require to set properly in this atmosphere.

Apr. 21st, 2008


Bloody hell! About time!

I don't believe it. The sun just finally rose, and I think the rain may even be stopping...

Apr. 7th, 2008


Well, that was a complete waste of my time.

In regards to the two who instigated that little storm? I applaud you. The chaos was rather interesting to watch as it unfolded, not to mention amusing.

Apr. 3rd, 2008


Guess what? I’ve gotten my hands on a few very interesting books, and a snapping young gentlemen who just loves to tell me all about a topic that I find quite insightful. But, if any of you are wondering, the young man’s name is Logan, and when Logan isn’t screaming his lungs to shreds, he loves answering my questions and gawking as if he’s seen a ghost. Or a supposed fictional character is his favorite book series.

Wow… if I’m not completely insane already, I think that could change easily.

And if Logan doesn’t shut his mouth, I think that I might just have to put an end to him and find another personal helper…

Are any of you ‘Harry Potter’ fans up for that? Any of you feel like paying my basement a visit?

It will be fun... A once in a lifetime opportunity.

Mar. 30th, 2008


Not that it isn't really great that people are finding others that they thought were lost forever and all...

but...I miss him.

How can all of these other people come back and Wesley is still dead and gone?

Mar. 18th, 2008


... what in the name of crushing black holes is Star Wars?

Better yet, how does anyone from this planet know a thing about my family's history?

Mar. 13th, 2008


Tut, tut

You lot sure do whine about this prolonged eclipse often.

Mar. 9th, 2008


How many of you here have light sabers, besides Lord Vader? Because they are fantastic things! Can you change the colour?

Mar. 8th, 2008


I wonder how long you thought you could hide this from me before I took notice.


All work and no play make Dawn go something, something...

Never thought I'd say this, but I actually miss Buffy. A lot.

Also, found a book that is stumping me. I think it's some form of arabic but I'm really not having any luck, so if anyone, and I'm pretty sure this is a long shot here, is really good with ancient forms of arabic I'd love you forever. Come on, someone here has to be as geeky, if not more, as me.


I know this might just be a bit of a long shot, but does anybody know of any good, reliable magick shops around the area? Preferably one where the people know what they're talking about, what they're selling and.. it'd be a huge bonus if they were witches. Actual witches. Not a bunch of new-age men with a dozen marijuana plants growing in a tiny greenhouse out the back of their shop. Not that the marijuana would still be alive, but whatever.


Mar. 6th, 2008


You supposed heroes. Do stop speaking tough and complaining on the boards and actually do something. Your complaining is so are the lot of you. Do not make me unleash my powers on you, for there is no chance you will win. And I unlike you, walk my talk!

But then what fun would that be?

The's feeling...different now.

How interesting strange.

[ooc: Those who can read minds feel free to understand this...Bastila's dark side is slipping through :D]

Mar. 5th, 2008


This is really starting to freak me out!


I find it terribly amusing that the good samaritans of this city feel the need to advise the general public about the dangers those of us who are considered to be...unconventional. The fact of the matter is, while it would be in the public's best interest to stay indoors, they will not listen. Closed areas become claustrophobic and confining after time and humans are not meant to be contained. They will venture out and if the unconventional decide to play with them during their foolish escapades, so be it. I believe your Darwin called this "survival of the fittest."


This is like the beginning of a really bad horror flick, one that has the deadly potential to be completely cheesy in the way that would normally force me to turn the channel back to Food Network. You know, some people may ask me: “Lois, whatever are you doing watching a Thirty Minute Meals marathon?” Well, here’s the thing folks: There aren’t any bad ‘need to be thrown from a cliff’ actors prancing around a kitchen while Rachel shows us all how to make a garden salad with raspberry vinaigrette. I mean, yeah, I can’t cook worth crap, but still. I can sit there and watch other people make (rumored) delicious meals in under thirty minutes because that's just how it…

Wow, now I’m really starting to get off topic, so excuse me while I throw myself back onto the original rant.

So, I was having a nice walk outside the Daily Planet when some jackass just comes up from behind me and… well, that’s the thing… I don’t really know what he did. I mean, I saw him for like, a second or two, and the next thing I know I’m waking up in some trashy apartment in LA, with Mr. Tall Dark and Psycho nowhere to be seen. I mean honestly, what kind of scoundrel kidnaps a lady and then fails to show up when she opens her eyes? That’s so not very Prince Charming like, and whoever you are, there will be no second date. So forget about calling me. It’s off.

At least he was considerate enough to leave my laptop here.

Mar. 4th, 2008


... this isn't Mandalore. This isn't even close.

Anybody want to tell me just where it is I ended up?

Mar. 3rd, 2008


If anyone from the Witches Council knows anything about this. Why I'm here.. Let me know, please? I need to get back to Widow's Vale where I was. Cal He needs to be stopped. Morgan She's in danger.

Feb. 28th, 2008


If there is a sorcerer, or a warlock or a demon that tore me from my rightful place, only to shove me into this hellhole, then rest assure, I will hunt you down and have the last laugh. This is not humorous by any means. This is not a game. I have a child with me, and she is frightened and weeping and that is not acceptable. This is absurd. This place is… a wreck.

And this thing that sits in front of me is very unusual indeed. A very odd woman at this establishment told me that I can speak with people over this screen, and she told me that perhaps somebody here can be of help. I do think I am using it right… It is not like anything that I have ever seen before.

But, if somebody can give me answers, I will tell you now that I am the slayer, and that I will not put up with this. Somebody must know what is happening.

Feb. 22nd, 2008



Feb. 18th, 2008


So, on a scale of 1 to 10 I feel like shit right now. 

Hey, you wanna know something random that I used to totally take for granted?  Besides the sun, I mean, everybody's probably all fuckin' whining about that.  And besides, like, the Thursday night ESPN schedule, and monthly air raid drills, and my inevitable career in the majors. 

Nah, I'm talkin' Dunkin' Donuts.  Their things with the cream filling in 'em?  Fucking delish.  Used to be a treat once in a while t'go have a cream donut and an iced coffee.

Just checked their website and there ain't one in the entire state of California that I can find.  Goddamn. 

Feb. 14th, 2008


Next couple I see sucking face - I'll turn into toads. It's called a room for a reason, now go get one!

I hate Valentine's Day.


I'm not getting the point in diet soda. Why even bother drinking any if it doesn't even taste good? I like flavor. Diet drinks? None whatsoever. It's a mockery of what sugary goodness like cola should be. And do you know what else I don't get? Those people that you go out to eat with that order the biggest most fattening meal ever, and then they say, "Oh, and I'd also like a diet coke with that". Why? Why would you do that? If you're gonna pig out on food, then what's the big with not drinking real soda? Sheesh. Some people.

Feb. 13th, 2008


Hey, Dad, I'm gonna go spend the night with Scout and hang out with him a while, okay? I know you're kind of busy, and it's been a while since I've seen him and Mantis.

Is Mom gonna be okay without me around? Maybe I should get her to come, too. .. Nah, she and Dad were together way before I got here.

I want the sun to come back.

Feb. 11th, 2008


Oh, you brilliant, brilliant humans!
Although the words 'rift in the fabric of the universe' is rather worrying, I still applaud the effort!


Having fun yet?

Feb. 10th, 2008


I can't help but think that perhaps I should be fixing this. Maybe if I died.. would that fix the problem? Will the moon be better again and leave the sun alone?

Feb. 9th, 2008


No sun, no warmth, no safety. I like the dark. It’s refreshing.

They are so frightened of it though… They run around in circles and panic. It’s so easy to pick them off that way.

She was very pretty but now her entrails are all over the road. I wonder if anybody cleaned her up? I didn’t have time to do it. I don’t pick up the pieces, I only break them.

I have wine. I’m going to get more soon. I have the cats too. Tigers and lions and leopards… I bet the zoo wants them back. They’re not getting them.


How pathetic. There's nothing wrong with a little darkness.

January 2010




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