Sep. 12th, 2008


It's come to my attention that King and Whistler have roommates. Yes, that's right, I know about the two of you. However, I'm interested not in the male. He's of little consequence. I've come to realize that possibly, this doctor living at their fire house would make a much better vampire than Whistler. She interests me.

Oh and King. I've come to realize, Danica didn't quite understand the potential in you. Then again why would she, doesn't exactly use her head for much more than somewhere to place those ridiculous hairstyles of hers. That's neither here nor there. However, I see the potential in you, to be great, powerful, lead armies. I might even let you keep Whistler as a pet. We'll be in touch.

Ah and Selene, don't think I've forgotten about you my sweet. Your dog amuses me. Does he really believe he can stop me? He's merely a mongrel that needs to be put to sleep. I'll be seeing you soon. The taste of you is rather.. addicting.

Sep. 6th, 2008


Alright, so I need to meet someone who knows shit about this Drake guy. Whether it be over booze or coffee.

Sep. 5th, 2008


[ooc: Takes place after this thread. Strikethroughs are deleted and unsent]

iiiiiiinnnn helllllllpp dammmit.. typee ryte.. fuk

ok.. pencil steddy better...

inpain. brokke. help. cant typ long. mediccc. DANICA !%%%%!!!!

Sep. 1st, 2008


Ryan? Why haven't you returned? I expected you back last night.

I don't like having to look for you.


I wish I had a pony made out of money, and every time it crapped, money came out.

Aug. 4th, 2008


Okay I know I had someplace else to be tonight.

Something brought me here.

But here's where I'm not such a bad guy. Someone tell me whats going on quick enough and I won't make this fuckin town bleed.

Aug. 1st, 2008


It has come to my attention that there are apparently some peaceable vampires holing up in some church to avoid persecution from their food. I wish you well with that, although the sheer boredom is enough deterrent for me.

If you happen to be a bloodsucker with some personality, and perhaps an attention span longer than a gnat, feel free to contact me. I have some plans.

And to my beloved Hannibal and his pet baby Whistler, I know you're just dying to come cuddle up. But, oh, what is that I hear? No heavy brooding, no barely articulate snarling? Blade must not be here! Darn, and I was waiting for my second date.

(private to Drake)

My lord, I saw someone on these boards claiming to be you...have you come?


January 2010




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