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Feb. 9th, 2009


I've had my complete fill of vampires who fit the bill of the kind I use to read about online. Why must they all be insane, or want to 'rule.' They're all nuts. Jake would be in heaven here.

Heads on sticks. Original.

I can't find her. She's gone. Nessie. She'd just gone to get us another book, and she never came back. She went to her room, and then she just vanished.

Feb. 3rd, 2009



Vampire bite. Simple first aid job or bigger problem? Google gave answers both ways.

How was I supposed to know she had a pair of fangs on her?

Jan. 28th, 2009


filtered; his family, lavender, king

ooc: sometime after this

We're all going to Disneyland tomorrow, the park is ours from 8pm on. They'll stay open as late as we want/need. Bella I was going to take your suggestion but there was still the pesky issue of the employees.
Lavender, invite a few friends if you'd like; King the same.


filtered; lavender
How are you holding up?

flitered; bella
I must admit, now that this pit thing is looking more and more to be exactly what they are claimed to be I am tempted.

Jan. 23rd, 2009


And here I thought things couldn't get any worse. First he tries to kill me, then I get transported here. Magick wasn't supposed to screw up my life this badly.

Um...does anyone here know a Hunter Niall? Or has anyone heard of a town called Widow's Vale?

Jan. 19th, 2009


Who's up for a little word association?

Starting with...Elvis.

Jan. 8th, 2009


Did anybody save all those people from the explosion? I saw it on the news and I think it’s sad that someone would hurt them like that. They didn’t do anything wrong. I feel bad for them. I want them to be safe. It's not fair.

Jan. 4th, 2009


Filter; Cullens

I think we should consider moving, if that's alright with all of you. The apartment is only so big, with so many rooms. I'd like a yard, or a back yard, for Nessie. There's only so much room for her to play here and only so much room for her toys.

Not to mention, we only get so many parking places for cars.

And then the neighbors wouldn't be quite as close.


Hannibal King. I believe I have something that.. belongs to you. Are you interested in getting it back?


At least one problem's gonna be gone soon. I hope.

[Filtered to Scoobies.]

[OOC: I'm late with this, I know. And I'm sorry! Heather's been taking over like whoa. xD]

Dec. 28th, 2008


I was arguing and trading nasty insults talking with one of my former employees when he starts calling me meany head and stupid, then kicks me in the shin and runs away. And there's other people acting like him? What the fuck is going on in this city now?

Dec. 17th, 2008


King )

Alice )

Edward )

Nessie )

Dec. 12th, 2008


I was at the park with my best friend and I ran to jump on one of the bars and then everything was all wrong and different. I can’t find Jacob and a monster with an ugly face tried to bite my neck. I kicked him and he cried and a man took me to the library with him. I need to go home. My aunt Rosalie and everybody else will break Jake’s neck if he tells them that he lost me.

I don’t know what I should do. I would go with the man who showed me the computer like he asked me to but I’m not supposed to go anywhere alone with strangers. My uncle Emmett says there is always the chance that they’re pedophiles and then he’d have to rip their heads off. I don’t know what that one word means but it doesn’t sound nice. He’s smart and knows what he’s talking about so I’m not going to follow him.

But I can’t live in the library. The Liberian will kick me out when it closes.

Dec. 11th, 2008


Edward, but Jasper and Alice can read and reply if they wish

Um, don't be mad. But my friends having trouble with a vampire from his world. And he's asked for my help.

...and I want to help him.

Dec. 9th, 2008


I can't sleep. I've been trying since I got back home and I just...

I can't stop thinking about what happened. What could have happened.

Dec. 4th, 2008


I never thought that screams could be so annoying. It’s actually starting to get on my nerves. I’ve been sitting here hoping that she won’t choose to let go and take the easy way out. You never can tell what they’re really thinking when they’re looking you in the eye. In the end, I’ll have to put my faith in her and hope that she keeps her eyes open.

(ooc: Yes, this is James being mean and throwing out hints for anyone who might be looking for you know who.)

Dec. 1st, 2008


Filtered against baddies

This has got to be some kind of sick joke.

Nov. 27th, 2008


Hello again Los Angeles!


Filtered against the Weir, and baddies.

Of course, the only way to be cured from being a werewolf is by a bad guy.

Should have known.

Obviously I must have committed some awful sin in a past life or something, and I'm being punished for it now! WHOEVER HATES ME UP THERE, CAN YOU STOP IT NOW? PLEASE? You're not winning any points, God, or whoever you are. Serious losing points right here!

There is a cure? How can they expect me to walk away from that if it's offered? How...

[ooc: Yes, Lavender is in a VERY bad mood. Thank you for noticing :D Filtered against the Weir because she doesn't want to make Tonks feel bad or anything XD She may be pissed and idiotic, but she is still sensitive :D]

Nov. 26th, 2008


What the hell is up with you tw-

On second thought, none of my business.

[Filtered away from anyone under twelve]

What's a better method of getting an annoying child to shut up? Duct tape or telling him Santa doesn't exist?

Nov. 25th, 2008


Uh-oh. Someone is in trouble.


I don't get it.

Huh?! )

Nov. 19th, 2008


[Filtered against baddies]

I think I need a vacation, or a very, very, long nap.

And a new wardrobe. This werewolf thing isn't the best for ones cloths.

[Private to Hunter]

Can I ask you something?

Nov. 16th, 2008


I always think its funny when I catch myself thinking this. But I really miss the constant cloud and rain. And Alice, I really miss Alice

I think you should teach me to play the piano.

Nov. 7th, 2008


I see that we are now joined by demonic host, hell spilling loose its’ brood. If there are demons out there currently the Nightcrawler says ‘Hello.’ Oh and vampires this includes you as well. Any like to talk?

Nov. 2nd, 2008


Why have I been invited to join a band? Did I…sing or something? Oh god…

Oct. 27th, 2008


Some man I do not know tried to prank me and I accidently cut off three of his fingers.


[ooc: You guys will find that X is only really gonna talk on the boards, it's gonna be one hell of a task to get her to talk to you face to face. Anyone up for the challenge?]


I have to admit, the news cast is so much more interesting here in Los Angeles. If this continues, I'll won't have to worry about possibly getting bored for a while.

You sparkle the most

What is your name?
What is your quest?
What is the average airspeed velocity of a unladen swallow? And a fully laden one, holding a mango.

This is your fault, King.

Oct. 20th, 2008


No more love. See? What did I tell you?

Oct. 15th, 2008


Hey, Scarface. I saw your mum last night. Didn't know she worked the corners.

Oct. 12th, 2008


Another apocalypse out the window.

Really, people are just going to start ignoring them if we keep getting all this talk and no show.

It'll be "oh, look, the world is about to end, mummy" and all "shush, johnny, it's just another tuesday -- sure, some of us'll die but in the morning everything will be as right as rain because the villains in this city are incredibly stupid."

It's Sunnydale all over again. But with buildings and traffic and bitches with scars on their faces who think that they're superior to the world because they were chosen to save the world. Whoopity doo. I already saw that one, thanks. It's called Harry Potter. Way to be a rip off, Peter.


So there is a God afterall…hmm think I lost a bet somewhere

Oct. 11th, 2008


I guess it's hard not to believe now.

Is everyone back to normal? King? You aren't going to punch me again are you?

Oct. 8th, 2008


[filtered AGAINST Horsepersons and AntiChrists]

For those of you who don't know me, my name is Peter Petrelli. I'm the leader of Angel Investigations. We have been doing everything in our power to find out the cause, the reasons, and most importantly, the way to stop this Apocalypse from going any further. I know there have been losses. But we finally have the information to prevent any more.

Information )

We can stop this. WE CAN. If we work together to bring down the rest of these bastards, it will stop. Let's let our friends know that their deaths had meaning.


I should that one song says it best ‘It’s the end of the world but I feel fine’ though I must say I feel like slaying something just in irritation. Here me without my sword perhaps I should acquire another. Cleave some skulls and watch the blood spray, it has been awhile since I have bathe in blood.

Oh before I go, I met the horseperson War, she a female ironically. I think she is terribly annoyed with me, how amusing? Imagine little me annoying a biblical figure. Go me yay.

Oct. 4th, 2008


Lots of blood in the air lately.


I'm sorry, Lavender. It's my fault.

Oct. 2nd, 2008


[Against baddies]

...gryffindors never say die!

[ooc: Accept she IS dying *cries*]

Sep. 29th, 2008


This is worse than High School, when the flu went through Forks and everyone was locked in their bathroom for twenty-four hours. I'll never miss drinking water.

Are these people serious, Edward? The Apocalypse? ...can we survive that?

Hannibal King
Hey, I know I haven't really spoken to you much since you saved me from my own two feet, but are you OK? This place is...insane.

Sep. 21st, 2008


[Filtered to Hyperion, good HP folk, the Cullens and Hunter Niall]

Ugh...I hate my life.

So, who wants to get drunk?

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