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Apr. 27th, 2009


I did it. One week with no coffee. Even with a crisis in the middle of it, I did not give in and have caffeine.

Tenel Ka, you owe me.

Now someone get me a Starbucks!

Apr. 19th, 2009


filtered against baddies;

I've been here an entire year as of today.

Funny how so much of my life has changed. For the better, even, though most don't believe that's possible when they first arrive here.


Screw this. I want this over with.

Hey Fire bitch. You want me, come get me.

Or are you too scared to face me without your vampire buddies?


Filtered to the Hyperion

Jacen is not to be allowed coffee.

For a week. Should any of you see him attempting to find some or if he tries to enlist your aid I would ask that you tell me immediately.

Yes I am that cruel.

Apr. 18th, 2009


[Filtered to Tenel Ka]

Maybe it's wrong, but being sarcastic at Sam and his demon is really far too much fun.

She is trouble though.

Apr. 17th, 2009


How can I help her? Give her advice when I am the LAST person to talk to about trust, and visible signs of a fall to darkness.

I can't watch this happen all over again to someone else. I just can't.

...Does anyone ever miss something specific about home, A person, a place,  I miss my cousins, the gardens of my palace.

And of course Allana. Every moment of every day. But she is safe there, safer than she would be here.

Its not important, I have just found myself remembering home a lot lately.


How are you settling in?


[Custom filters]

[Filtered to f!Claire]

I don't even know what to think.

The demon. I was there when Sam killed him.

[Filtered to Tenel Ka]

There is so much madness going on today, I swear to god.

Buffy's back. Jack's bringing her to the Hyperion.

Can you and Jacen be there? Jack mentioned some kinda amnesia- she didn't know him. Depending on when she's from, when she sees me her first reaction might be to attack me. I know you two can hold her back without hurting her.

Apr. 9th, 2009


Filtered to Jacen

I know you'll have seen by now.

I'm going to talk to him, explain things as best I can. Try and ease him into the idea of your presence. Its going to be hard on you Jacen and should be. But we can get through, all of us. We have to. So for now, keep your presence hidden and we can, decide what to do once he knows.

Sarah is trying to placate Mirta Gev, even for a day or so. Hopefully Ben will meet me and I can tell him you're here. Tell him its you and not just... who he remembers.

I love you.

Apr. 8th, 2009


filtered to Dean / filtered to Tenel Ka;

[with texts messages to alert them that there are posts. Condensing into one to save f-list space!]

filtered to Dean;
I have something I wanted to ask you about.

filtered to Tenel Ka;
I just saw the boards and the newest arrival. Are you all right?

Apr. 9th, 2009


Can ... someone explain to me what's going on here? I'm supposed to be on Coruscant, but this -- well, it's definitely a whole different planet. One without any records of public spaceports. At least, I can't find any on this Holonet, but it's so crude I'm not sure I'm even using it right.

I did sense one or two other Jedi out there, though. I think. If any are reading this -- hi? This is Ben Skywalker. I think I might be lost.

Apr. 8th, 2009


filtered to A.I.;

We've steadily lost a person a day recently, so it's time for a head count, first and foremost.

the list )

[ Faith / Fred / Peter / Sarah ]
Are we gonna need to start recruiting to cover losses to the patrol ranks? We can spread around the investigative load to everyone, but patrols are what people have come to expect we're doing, especially the bad guys.

[ooc: Noah, Charlie, Angela have been mentioned as vanishing. Was there anyone who'd been dropped/activity checked that had already been mentioned/assumed as disappeared, or do they all need noted as vanishing now?]

Apr. 5th, 2009


Filtered to Tenel Ka

How long was he in the dark side for? You know who I'm talking about.

And it isn't Anakin.

Mar. 31st, 2009


Filtered from villains

What the hell is this?

I saw this a couple hours earlier on a wall outside. Clearly it was outdated, but nevertheless, I was stunned. I did some some cursory research and the posted showed up once again, along with some basic info, which I'm looking at right now. The results are...disturbing.

How can this world possibly anything about our galaxy? Enough to make not one, but several films about it. So one of our own Jedi actually brings us down? And where am I in all of this? All that training and working myself to death to become a respectable Jedi Knight, and I end up in a second rate holovid game where he kills me after a few minutes of dueling? As if I really would have sliced into that pillar like that, which he could conveniently use to crush me. *eye roll*

How is this even remotely possible? I'm trying to understand, but it's not coming easily.

[Filtered to Jacen, Tenel Ka, Alema]

Tell me it isn't true. Tell me this is just exaggeration on the part of this world's fictional interpretation of us. I know the detail is impressive, but this can't be true. Tell me Anakin Skywalker didn't slaughter us like animals, using our own troops against us. The thought of that is...I'm trying not to tremble right now, but suddenly I don't feel very well.

Mar. 30th, 2009


So, that was interesting and new. Still, let's never do that again yeah?!


Well, that was a nice distraction. I know I always enjoy randomly breaking out into song and dancing with a microphone I found somewhere. :P

You're all lucky you weren't near me during all this. I have a terrible singing voice. The worst. >_> Transparisteel has been known to shatter when my voice rears its head. Although I wonder what Master Windu would have done; what he would have sung about. And Master Yoda? That would have been the most mind blowing thing I have ever seen!

Now I'll have that image in my head for the rest of the day. >_>

I can't believe I said all those doubts. What the hell is wrong with me?

Mar. 28th, 2009


[Filtered to Tenel Ka]

Coming out if my cage )

Mar. 26th, 2009


Is it a sin to seek the truth, the truth beneath the rose?
Pray with me so I will find the gate to Heaven's door
I believed it would justify the means
It had a hold over me

The field of my dreams
Deceived all I have seen
Forgive me for what I have been
Forgive me my sins

[Filtered to Serra]
I'm hoping, I'm praying
I won't get lost between two hearts
Follow a sin
The truth lies in between

[Filtered to Jacen]

How can blood be your salvation
And justify the pain
That we have caused throughout the times

Will I learn what's truly sacred
Will I redeem my soul
Will truth set me free

Blinded to see
The cruelty of the beast
Here is the darkest side of me

[ooc: Within Temptation - Truth Beneath the Rose]

Mar. 18th, 2009


Okay, so this world isn't that bad. You people have excellent taste in brews.

I...I actually had fun. I was surprised. Now it's back to serious business, I guess. Still, it was nice to forget about my troubles for a while and have fun. I didn't even have to get completely smashed. A few drinks and being around people celebrating was enough to make things seem better.

[Jacen Solo and Tenel Ka]

You didn't tell me Master Kenobi was here, once. What's the deal with you and Mirta Gev?

Mar. 13th, 2009


Where the hell am I?

One minute I was in the Temple, on my way to meet with Master Gallia, and then I was here. I'm not familiar with this location, and I've seen info on a lot of places. My comlink's not working either. I'm sensing two Force sensitive presences here, but one of them seems strange. Like I can't get a grasp on it for very long.

Is there a communications array nearby I can use to contact the Council on Coruscant? And if you don't know what I'm talking about, then I think I'm in trouble.

I think my attire may be attracting some undue attention. Some idiots people keep staring at my lightsabers, like they've never seen one before. Then again, considering how primitive this planet looks, I wouldn't be surprised if they haven't. I thought everyone in the galaxy had standard speeders by now.

First the Separatists come up with a weapon to disable our ships, and now this. I guess I should be grateful no one else got pulled here, in case this is all some trap on that rust bucket Grievous' part, or the Sith's.

Mar. 11th, 2009


I had that nightmare again. The one where I'm naked in front of my english class. Did you guys know that that actually happened once before? It was just the underwear, sure, but that's practically naked in my book.

Plan contact Dracula is in motion! I've gotta get someone some cash and a quart of blood and we're good!

And me. I am good. Like a tasty donut.




With sprinkles.

...anyone want donuts?

Mar. 7th, 2009


Filtered to Jacen and Tenel Ka

I felt the meld, the Force meld from Myrkr. Whatever has happened since, that experiance and closeness has not left me. You were both in danger.

Are you both alright? You can call on me if least for now

Mar. 6th, 2009


Backdated to the morning of the 6th

Filtered to angels and Winchesters & co )

Filtered to good guys )

Claires )

OOC: Anyone wanting in who hasn't said anything before should respond to this post. Jessi will have John reply to each of them ICly and he'll place them in the groups that were OOCly made up based on their abilities. Thanks!

Mar. 5th, 2009


[Filtered against the Baddies]

Things have been kinda tense lately so I propose a small, one minute or so distraction.

Quick! Tell me a funny or happy moment you've had, since you got here or before. And there is no sad or mad allowed, people! Don't make me get angry geek on your rear ends.


[ooc: Following This

Miss Hyatt,

I thought I should contact you so together we might discuss loudly and publicly just how wonderful our respective partners are!

I know they see themselves as mean sometimes, but looking underneath we know better. Not to try and ruin any reputations but we know they are sweet and kind and dare I say adoreable.

We should tell the world!!

Mar. 4th, 2009


I want to know more about the "powers" that have brought us here. What is their purpose behind all of this? How arrogant of them to think that we do not have other important matters we were dealing with before being brought here!


Custom Filter*;

[*Filter includes: Hyperion Hotel, Winchester Household, Justice League, Filtered against Angels that might fall in those categories]

They're going to kill me for this. Oh wait. What else is new?

I know many of you are not exactly fond of God, not Elaine, the other one, but there is news that should be considered alarming.

She's missing. Gone. None of Her Angels can find Her. The last time this happened, it nearly ended very badly, based on what I'm hearing. It's quite possible that someone has managed to capture and confine God. Again.

And for those of you who think it might no be a bad thing, stop that mind track right now.

Mar. 3rd, 2009


You know, if I was still batting for Team Evil, I could have a frikkin' field day with you people.


You know, sometimes I look at the people and I think, why do we even bother? Sometimes it feels that no matter how much some of us do, it's never enough and people are always whining that we should do more. Not just put ourselves at risk to protect them, but cuddle them afterward. So it makes me start to think, do people ever stop to think are they worth being saved? Why do we keep doing it?

And then I remember. Because some people invent things like tequila. And tequila makes it all worth while.


[Filtered from Jacen]

I found myself thinking of home today. Not just Hapes...but the Galactic Alliance, the Confederation, the Imperial Remnant... Things were still so...tense. I'm happy here. The only thing that would make me more so is having Allana with us, but I wonder sometimes about the others.

[Filtered to Friends, still not Jacen lol]

He made things safer. I know he did, cost him himself to do it...

But Jaina, Ben, Captain Solo and Leia, Grandmaster Skywalker.....Even the karking droids...I just... for a time after I could barely talk to them, not because I blame them, I don't, not...not entirely...Jaina could have ... I know what had to be done. I once told Ben to be redeemed someone had to want it, and Caedus he didn't.

And then I came here, and he's here and he does want that and he's doing so well... I wonder was I wrong at home, should I have tried, should Jaina have tried harder...could he have listened to us, maybe to Ben?

I'm being silly. I know I'm being silly.

[ooc: muse got all angsty randomly :p I decided not to fight it lol]

Feb. 27th, 2009


Love is: having your son spit up all over your favourite Led Zeppelin tee, but failing to actually get upset about it because when you come back from putting the shirt in the laundry he's fallen asleep on the bed and happens to look more adorable than he ever has before, so you end up napping with him and when you wake up, you've completely forgotten about the entire thing.

Sometimes this place isn't so bad.

Feb. 26th, 2009


[ooc: as night wing]

This city seems almost as bad off as Gotham. Never a dull night around here is there? god I miss technology

[Filtered to the Joker]
I've been doing my homework on you. Wanna know what I learned?


[ooc: sometime after this ]


[Filtered to friends]

Kyle's gone. I guess home maybe.

I know there are a hell of a lot of problems around, all bigger than this, so I'm just going to take a really selfish moment for a bit. I'll snap out of it in a couple of hours, promise, then it'll be right back to business as usual.

Feb. 25th, 2009


Filtered from baddies.

Okay. I spent all night altering these damn blasters, how Kat does this on a daily basis is beyond me. But I think I got them just right and they can still be reloaded if they run out of rocksalt. I don't think the tenant is to happy with me though. I might have "kinda" shot a hole through the door, but I already said I'd fix it. Jeeze. It was an automatic reaction to being pried apart, I couldn't stop it. Just an accident.

Haven't been able to sleep lately. Beyond tired but there are just so many things in my head I can't even begin separating them.

Feb. 20th, 2009


Filtered against villains

Something strange happened to me a few days ago.

I was in my place of residence when I realized the traps I had planted to identify trespassing supernatural creatures had been disturbed. I teleported outside and realized that several vampires were intruding on my territory. I suppose I should have retreated, but I was not going to yield my territory to some upstart vampires who behave more like savages than civilized beings. So I decided to fight them, keeping an open route for retreat if necessary.

It started at 25 vampires, and eventually grew to around 40. I mention the numbers because that was the largest group of vampires working together I've seen here thus far, and perhaps that will help identify them. They were experienced as well, at least a century each. Probably more than that. I used my strongest spells and let's just say that at the end of it all, there was almost nothing left of them even before they turned to dust.

But then, something strange occurred. The dust they were now began to reform in their image, and before long, all of the vampires I had killed were standing before me whole again. I killed many of them again and the same thing happened once more. I was forced to retreat before they overwhelmed me with their numbers.

I haven't been on the boards much in the past two weeks. I've been busy evolving forging a new Reaver, since a weapon that can drain an enemy's blood would be of great use against some of the vampires and demons here. For those at the Hyperion, I assume you have looked into methods to destroy these creatures and possibly put some into effect by now?

I hate to admit it, but...I need help if am to recover what is mine. The building I don't care for, but the weapon inside, I'd rather have back. I don't want to start over again with the magics, and I'd rather not give the vampires a weapon that could potentially kill anybody who's human here, advanced healing rate or not.

And for anyone who says this is old news about these vampires, remember I have been isolated from the community at large for several weeks.

Feb. 19th, 2009


[Filtered to friends]





(added for Claire!)

Glitter Words
[ - *Glitter Words*]

Feb. 18th, 2009


Filtered to Females and away from Bad Guys.

Jacen's invited me to dinner? Its odd perhaps but in spite of everything between us we've never just had a night out like this. A date.

Nothing so normal I suppose.

What do I do? How does this work?


[Filtered to Tenel Ka]

I'm partnering you with the new girl, Leah, for patrol tonight. She's still very much an unknown quality, can you do your Jedi thing and get me a better sense of what kinda chick she is?

Feb. 14th, 2009


As awful as this City can be, as much death and evil as we must endure today has brought home to me the good things it contains.

Good friends, for some, a newfound love, for others a love renewed previously thought impossible, and amongst those here to aid in the fight, to help, a camradarie rarely seen.

When times are hard as they are now. I plan to keep that in mind.

Enjoy the day. I have.

Feb. 11th, 2009


[Filtered to friends]

So. Still alive. Go me.

Feb. 6th, 2009


Filtered to the Hyperion

There are threats to the city, New ones since...

I'm afraid I haven't been...

What needs to be done? Are there extra patrols or anything ongoing?

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January 2010




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