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Oct. 11th, 2009


filtered against baddies;

It's a year exactly since Elaine brought them all back
It's probably not any kind of celebratory thing for most people, but it's proof miracles can happen

It's still weird to be able to talk about time spent in L.A. in years. Even weirder to see how much has changed over all that time.

[ second filter - family/friends/friendly acquaintances; ]
Remember that time I used a :( at Nathan and he bought Rio, our spotted not-pony horse, for the whole family and, by extension, pretty much anyone at the Hyperion?

Still funny a year later.

[ copy of the exchange ]

Oct. 8th, 2009


Filtered to Ruby.

What makes you think
I don't even care
You can go to hell is what you can do, where do you get off
I already know why you did it, it's cause you're a crazy bitch who
Do you think that I'm really interested in hearing you spit out more lies?
Why am I even

This changes nothing.


[ooc: The day after this.]

Oct. 7th, 2009





[ first filter - filtered against baddies; ]
So how is ev
Halloween is coming up, anyone want to help dec
Nice weather today
It's normal, Bennet, not rocket sci

Anymore more future people popped up lately, or were the arrivals just confined to those few days?
[ second filter - filtered to A.I. + allies; ]
So where are we on the Twilight future futures that are coming soon? I want to stop all the terrible ones, but I'm willing to do whatever needs done now to get ahead of the ones coming soon, no matter what it is.
[ filtered to Ailyn; ]
I was wondering if you'd maybe help me with something, if it isn't too weird.
[ filtered to Lavender; ]
Things have been so busy here, but I'm sorry I didn't do this sooner. Anyhow, I wanted to thank you for sending the Firewhiskey. I really appreciate it.

Oct. 5th, 2009


Filtered from Bad Guys and Kids under sixteen

As much as all this has brought a lot of us a great deal of joy, there are warnings to be planned for too. So as such I want to clarify.

We have a future overrun by vampires lead by a powerful master Vampire Leader
One where an entity known as Twilight has killed many of us and those who are not dead are hiding, in this future a second hellmouth has opened?
One, Allana's where the Cylons and the Yuuzhan Vong have joined together under the leadership of Cavil and Nom Anor to wage war on the city.
One where children were being taken by...was it Wolfram and Hart?, I believe it was Ben Winchester discussing this. This was specificly to interfere in timelines? Prevent a good future?
One involving a Demon I believe that Faith's child discussed?

Are these all of the things we need to plan for. Am I missing anything?.

It needs to be noted for the future I believe.

Oct. 2nd, 2009


Filtered to Faith & Michael.

Okay. We're all here, together, so we might as well take the time to sit down and start covering the ground rules.

House, thirty minutes?


So I was looking back over this thing...

Why did no one tell me about the "Wee Little Puppet Man"?! You're supposed to share these things!

Oct. 1st, 2009


[ filtered against baddies after the fact; ]

Why is the bad man here?
Aunt Claire and Mommy said awful things
I don't want Ben to be my daddy

I don't like lying and Michael was right.


Sep. 30th, 2009


filtered to Winchester & co + their friends/allies;

[ooc: Initially posted the same time as this is occurring, so before/during these]

We have another 'needs a plan to be fixed' future. It's one event to a small group of people over the futures with multiple events on a large scale. Are we going to need a coding system for levels of bad?

The 2013 timeline Michael's from, the demon Meg shows up. He's from after she kidnaps Faith, nearly kills Sam and burns down his house.

[ second filter - Ruby; ]
The demon Meg. Did she know about all the stuff that was being planned?

Sep. 29th, 2009


filtered to Sam & Faith;

Seems congratulations of a sort are in order.

You both doing alright?


Filtered to Sam Winchester and Faith Lehane

I won't come near him. Not ever. You don't need to worry, I'll stay away.

Sep. 28th, 2009


filtered against baddies (later on);

I'm bored and this place smells weird and there was a bug on the window as big as my hand and this isn't any fun anymore.

I wanna go home, right now!


filtered against baddies;

Is someone making some very organized chart of all the possible timelines we've found out about, what's gone on in them and when?

Mainly, I'm now lost in future overload and I'm seeing a lot more I don't like than things I do like and actual facts would be so much better than vague hearsay.

Tell me. I keep seeing you talk about being dead and I need to know what you know and why you didn't get back up after.

Please say I'm not the only one looking at all this death talk and thinking they sent us back in these timelines.

Sep. 26th, 2009


I miss him,
Actually I miss all of them
But its my fault so I should just suck it up and deal with it except that I don't want to deal with it, I was perfectly happy being selfish
He's doing better
Easier if I stay away...
Why couldn't he just leave me alone when...

French fries come in this weird spicy twisty fry thing now and honestly I don't think I even want them. Kinda gone off the taste of the regular ones too.

What else is good?

I'm sorry. Honestly and...ugh forget it, go with the irrelevent post. Thats easier.


I'm trying. I am, but its never gonna be okay is it?

How'd Dean take it? Did he? Do you still even want this? I'd understand, can't say I'd be happy but I'd get it. Just don't drag it out and tell me now.

Sep. 25th, 2009


I don't need it. I don't need it. I don't need it. I don't need

Haven't seen this movie in years. Tom and Huck. Used to watch it a lot when I was a kid.

I wished I was Huckleberry Finn for a while. Till I realized that I was actually Tom Sawyer and Huck was Dean. Even though lately I feel more like Huck again, since during times like these I feel like I don't have

It's a good movie. The books were nice too.

How you feeling? Anything I can get you?

Sep. 24th, 2009


[ooc: Shortly after recovering from this.]

All right, which one of you was it? Didn't we learn from the fangirl wedding incident?!

Sep. 23rd, 2009


[Filtered to Cathy McDonald]

Hi. You don't know me, but I'm new and was told by a few people to contact you, Mitchell and Faith. I would have done so earlier, but I needed some time to sort some stuff out after arriving.

But I'm going to try and be more of a people person now...maybe then I can forget what...happened... I think I got most of that covered now. So...hi?

[Filtered to Fred Burkle]

Hi. You don't know me, but I was told by Faith to contact you. My name is Trish Wellington and I'm new here.

I used to work at a museum and I've studied in Paris and London, and dealt with art and several different artifacts. Faith suggested I might be able to help with research? If there is anything I can do please let me know, I'd love to be able to help in any way I can.

[Filtered to the Winchesters]

I don't know which one of you I talked to, but I know one of you said you wanted me to drink some Holy Water to prove who I am.

I've thought about it, and I'll do it. I'll drink the Holy Water to prove I really am Trish Wellington and not Ruby, or Emily or whoever you think I am.

And if you do poison me well...I guess I might thank you?

And then, I think you owe me some answers.

Sep. 21st, 2009


Merlin, why not. I need a break from working on the shop.

Meme? Really, what sort of word is that? )


So I can never resist these things.


Sep. 22nd, 2009


Hey, who doesn't love a meme? )

Sep. 20th, 2009


Filtered to Ruby.

What are you playing at?


Madra just chewed up my favorite pair of boots. And the annoying thing? I can't even be mad at him! He just looks too damn cute!

You think maybe puppies have some sort of mind control power, to make us forgive them anything by the power of their eyes?

Sep. 19th, 2009


[Filtered to Sam Winchester]

[ooc: post this]

I really want to go and hit things.

I really need to see you.

I have no idea what I want to do.

What you up to?

Sep. 18th, 2009


filtered against baddies;

Having a famous family is funny, especially when all these people think we're not real. You guys gotta check these out, they're epic. Crazy, but epic.

Top Thirty Dean Winchester Facts.
Thirty more Dean Winchester facts.
Top 20 John Winchester Facts.
Top 10 Sam Winchester Facts.

Bet I could find some about some of the rest of you!

Sep. 17th, 2009


filtered to family/friends/friendly acquaintances;

It's fun to introduce little brothers to the really good cartoons - the 'classics' I guess you could call them. Lady and the Tramp was one of my favorite Disney cartoon movies when I was little, but I haven't watched it in forever, so that's the one I picked for our Sunday afternoon cartoon.

After seeing the whole thing again as an adult, which was fun because things can seem so different to you as an adult than they do as a kid, I'm pretty sure of one thing.

My fiancé is Tramp.

Sep. 16th, 2009



What's the deal with the new bed?

Sep. 15th, 2009


Finally got the stitches out. Thank god. The itching was driving me insane. Feels good being able to move again and not worry that I'm going to tear my side open again. Now the only problem is, I've still got a week off work and I'm not sure what to do with it. Sitting around at home will be more annoying than the stitches.

I think I'm ready to be back out there again, but.. Not anxious to go it alone.

[Filtered to Sam]
Lavender offered me a job at her Magic shop.

Sep. 14th, 2009


Filtered to Faith.

I need your help. It's important.

See, I've been shopping around it turns out, I'm terrible at it. I'm about two seconds away from buying myself a bunk bed that I can't even fit in.

But, uh, points for the Ninja Turtles comforter that comes with it upon purchase?

Sep. 11th, 2009


Filtered away from Faith and Angel.

I'm nothing like Angel.

For the record.


All right. This is weird even by LA standards. )

Sep. 9th, 2009


filtered to A.I + allies + clients;

[backdated to the evening of Friday the 8th]

The purchase of a larger off-site office for Petrelli Law has finally gone through, which means that after the move-in is completed this weekend, I'll be working my normal business hours there instead of splitting my time between the old office and my Hyperion office. This should make me available on a more consistent basis, rather than losing work hours in travel between the two offices.

I'll still be at the hotel during "off-work" hours, naturally, but anyone who needs to reach me during the official hours will need to get in touch with me there. All phone numbers will stay the same, so there shouldn't be any problem contacting me or my assistant, but let me know if there are issues.

[Claire (ABC)]
It's within walking distance of your sister's house, as well as a few of the smaller and larger houses for sale that I've been looking at, but I'd still like to get you your own vehicle so you aren't relying on public transportation or sharing with your sister. After the office is back in order, what do you say about making a day of car shopping?

Sep. 8th, 2009


[Filtered against JL and Batfamily]

I haven't heard of any demons or vampires being massacred lately. Unless the Scourge are trying secrecy as a tactic. Then again, with numbers like that, they never needed to. I'm just glad to have survived.

But I have a question. Nothing to do with demons, vampires, or anything about the good/evil stuff. It's purely technical. I got a computer a while back. Speaking of, there's a few good places to get one.. Walmart, Best Buy, the mall, or Wired Up. That last sounds more like a coffee place, though. But anyway. My question. For those with smarts about computers, does a warranty protect against acts of God? Ha ha, I know.

But seriously. Some outside force shorted it out, maybe lightning went through the lines, I don't know. But the thing is toast. So, two things: does a warranty cover that, and is there some type of component I should purchase that protects against outside electrical interference? Who knows, maybe I need to look into magical protection too. Maybe surge protection, or UPS systems, or whatever is required. I realize Sam would know tons about this techno stuff, but maybe it's best to be public in case others know too


[Filtered to Mirta]
I was just curious, been a bit out of it for awhile, but if your contacts could place that sanctuary on my home in the same manner that exists at you club.. let me know. This very recent Scourge business has convinced me to invest in some protection. Also, does that also prevent outer interference to a computer via power lines. Like, if an electrical charge comes to it in the lines, it'd just bounce off or something. Just wondering.


[Filtered to Eve]
Do you remember that demon bar that burned to the ground? I assume by now that the rubble has been cleared and the zone area cleaned up. I need to know if anyone else has bought that space. If not, then I'd like to purchase it if I may,and possibly have something built on it. I was thinking a gym or shelter. Could probably give me some good PR for a change. I have also been thinking about political aspirations. Also, I'm talking to someone about this, though extra help is welcome... what do you know about magics or mojo for anti-violence protections over a home? I'm looking into any service in regards to that that I can find.

Sep. 7th, 2009


Filtered from Bad Guys

The Wedding is going to be today. Small ceremony, just the bridal party, but then you're all welcome to join us to celebrate. I've booked a hall at [Address], Nothing fancy, I've had enough of that.

...Its been too long coming.

Sep. 3rd, 2009


Filtered to Winchester family and friends

John and I just wanted to let you all know that the newest member of our family will be a baby girl.

Sep. 4th, 2009


[Filtered against Bad guys]

Why does this all have to be so damn confusing? I'm dealing, I am. Therapy. Fuck. This is so not going to go well.

Is it too much to ask for something to not be confusing?

I know some people are conflicted over Angel being here. I'm one of them Can we just all be putting away of the stakes though? Please?

Sep. 3rd, 2009


filtered to sbc!claire.


Sep. 2nd, 2009


So did anyone else "die" before they ended up here?

[ooc: SPN'rs feel free to say RUBY. Trish will in turn say WTF :P IDK I'm running on three hours sleep here :P]

Sep. 3rd, 2009


The next stupid vampire person douchebag that calls my uncle crazy is getting a punch in the face or worse.


So you've gone through four Buffy's, Faith's dating a crazy guy, Spike's with Harmony again and Lindsey's married?

This version is definitely screwy.

For those not in the know, I'm Angel and I gather my last version here didn't go out on the best of terms so let me clarify, Not evil. Anymore.

And not dead. Besides, y'know. The being dead.


We need to talk I think. And soon.

Aug. 30th, 2009


filtered against baddies;

[ooc: posted morning after the infiltrating group went in]

You can only check and recheck fight supplies so many times before it's pretty much obsessive.

I can't sleep.
This waiting is insane

Let them be okay. Please, God, let Dean be okay. If something happens and I'm not there

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